basedsaltmerchant 0 points ago +1 / -1

I think you mistook Naomi Klein with Naomi Wolf, they hate her guts

basedsaltmerchant 4 points ago +5 / -1

What is your source for millions of lives destroyed ??? The MSM I guess, you should know by now that we are watching a movie, a lot of what you seem to believe is just a show organized by the Q team to confuse the DS, patriots are in control, have faith in our lord Christ, he would never let this dirty satanic cabal destroy our wonderful country

basedsaltmerchant 2 points ago +3 / -1

I think they got scared, they realized that it could be a great opportunity for white hats to get rid of a big part of the satanic cabal, they are running for their lives not just canceling a birthday it’s quite obvious

by gamepwn
deleted 0 points ago +1 / -1
basedsaltmerchant 3 points ago +4 / -1

You are falling in their trap, the plan is real and we actually already won, do you think that the greatest team of spies and our genius Trump would let the country go to shit? You are believing the MSM, the country is doing fine and patriots never lost control, this a smoke screen and you have to keep fighting with us , we are a key part of the plan and maybe the greatest heroes of our lifetime

basedsaltmerchant 4 points ago +6 / -2

And I’m sure the thousands of proofs released by mike and co are not convincing enough for you too, if you were as smart as us you would realize that you’ve been lied to. And one day you’ll have to thank us for opening your eyes, we were the first to decipher the secret codes that super spy Q team sent us, it's funny to think that we are thought as crazy when it’s the rest of the world who is. Do you really believe that Biden got millions of votes? My bet would be had maybe 25 millions votes maximum, Trump won

basedsaltmerchant 14 points ago +15 / -1

It’s funny to see them panicking, knowing that the good guys have it all is such a wonderful feeling, my family will lose their minds when they realize that I’m not crazy but actually a freedom fighter who never got tricked by the DS, I know I shouldn’t but I will absolutely brag until the end of my life

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basedsaltmerchant 1 point ago +2 / -1

The doomers are taking over, Trump is a genius get over it and hold the line

basedsaltmerchant 1 point ago +2 / -1

Patriots are in control, he is acting like he’s not president but it’s only for optics

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