bekkiluvsit 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, that's the one! Thank you very much. I LOVE THIS PLACE AND ALL YOU PEDES!

bekkiluvsit 7 points ago +7 / -0

Vax Free, like Sugar Free, Glutan Free, Tax Free -- Vax Free is a positive statement, not like UNvaxxinated, UNemployed, Unlikable. WE ARE VAX FREE

bekkiluvsit 2 points ago +2 / -0

Our thoughts and prayers are with you in this most difficult time. Your boy is an angel, and he'll be watching over you. God will punish those responsible on His time table, not ours.

bekkiluvsit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Continued success and best of luck to you. We share in the greatest love in the universe, the Love of our God and his Son, Jesus Christ!

bekkiluvsit 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lawfag here, this was very unusual, at least for my home jurisdiction. I don't know about Wisconsin, but jurors are NOT allowed to conduct their own research on the LAW. The jury is to determine which facts are true based on the evidence presented at the trial. Any questions the jury has about the law (which is what jury instructions are) MUST be asked to the judge. Most times a jury foreperson would write down a question, give it to the Marshal or Sheriff in charge of the jury, who gives it to the judge. The judge calls the attorneys involved into chambers, tells them there is a question(s), then calls all parties into the courtroom, calls in the jury, then answers the questions in the courtroom and on the record. Short answer: jury decides facts, the judge determines the appropriate law for the case. This may be reversible error on the part of this judge, but I hope it does not go that far.

bekkiluvsit 2 points ago +2 / -0

I third this. Get a copy of the complaint from the local court house, it's public record. Just tell us where.

bekkiluvsit 2 points ago +2 / -0

Plane wreckage almost totally obliterated. Reminds me of a car crash in Georgia.

bekkiluvsit 14 points ago +14 / -0

Dr. Shiva has enough to overturn the election right there alone!

bekkiluvsit 1 point ago +1 / -0

I had read one post who said the woman died, but I was unable to confirm with any other source. Did anyone read that somewhere? Fuck the pigs who are gonna' "kill you" to keep you safe.

bekkiluvsit 11 points ago +11 / -0

Attorney Lin Wood tried to help, he even called the Hospital asking them to release her at the request of Veronica's person with health power of attorney.

Absolutely criminal that the hospital refused to give her ivermectin.

bekkiluvsit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Looks fake to me... did a quick photoshop comparison

the Donald vs fake Don

bekkiluvsit 2 points ago +2 / -0

Drop off your mail in ballot in person on Election day, 9/14. Also, if you're in a county who punched holes in the envelopes so that someone could see if you voted yes or no to recall, make sure you fold the ballot so that information does not show through the envelopes.

bekkiluvsit 2 points ago +2 / -0

Absolute proof of CDC lying, destroying evidence, pre-Coof documetary proving CDC/Big Pharma/FDA corruption. Vaxxed the movie, parts 1 and 2 are DEVASTATING!


bekkiluvsit 3 points ago +3 / -0

Awesome video, short, to the point. Already downloaded it for when YooToob bans it. Great share, and I recommend everyone download and share in multiple platforms.

bekkiluvsit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here is my RESPONSE to the WEASEL's REPLY:

Mr. Boyers,

Thank you for your reply. However, the “potentially compromised” argument fails and is the cheap buzzwords of the left’s media bites. If this were a valid reason, every political body or agency could avoid audit scrutiny by claiming potential compromise. This is a court approved audit, and if Maricopa was truly concerned of potential compromise they could bring the matter before the court and ask for an in camera proceeding or other court approved process that would eliminate any potential compromise.

I hope you will continue to support police and fire because if you fail in your senatorial duties in regards to this audit your support will be that of a private citizen and not in any elected official capacity.

Regards, xxxxxxxxxxxxx Glendale, Arizona

bekkiluvsit 1 point ago +1 / -0


As I'm sure you are aware, the legislature is out of session and isn't voting on anything until we go back in January or we get a Special Session.

I will continue to support police and fire whether or not they continue to support me.

Further, I've had briefings by public safety to let me know why it could potentially be dangerous to allow the routers to get out and potentially compromised. For more info, see this - https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/elections/2021/05/11/experts-say-giving-maricopa-county-routers-arizona-senates-election-auditors-bad-precedent/4995728001/ Election security experts say giving Maricopa County routers to Arizona Senate's election auditors would be concerning www.azcentral.com

bekkiluvsit 2 points ago +2 / -0


Dear Senator Boyer,

A true forensic audit cannot be completed without the subpoenaed records, routers, and passwords that is being withheld by rouge supervisors of Maricopa County. The full forensic audit includes analysis of data passed over Maricopa’s routers, among other critical information.

Please vote to force the compliance of the subpoena to include these critical records, data, machines, and information. The people of your district demand following the law, and the subpoenas have already been upheld by the court. Now do your job to see that they are followed by Maricopa County.

Our families are heavily involved in police, fire and Arizona State Troopers organizations. If you do not stand for the integrity of our elections and the people’s vote, then we will withdraw our support for you for any future election in District 20 or any other election. Arizona law enforcement has long traditions and equally long and excellent memories.

Regards, XXXXXXXXXXXX Glendale, Arizona

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