It’s means this was yet another theory laced nothingburger that didn’t result in jack shit happening.
We have way too many guns now.
Even people saying they got vaccinated are saying fuck this.
This might be it folks, the precipice we were all waiting for.
Lol this is nothing more than attempt number 100000 in trying to rile up a majority of Americans/Trump supporters into a civil war, but if they actually go through with it I don’t see this ending well for the deep state as doomish as I’ve been recently feeling.
Saved, gonna send this to my bitch ass employer when they come at us with that “masks have been proven to sLoW tHe SpReAd” bullshit.
Why the fuck are they transporting animals in shipping containers? Is that a thing?
I hope to god they try to take our guns, if you want to unite the country, this is how you do it. I double fucking dare Biden to do it.
YoUrE wAtChiNg A mOviE
All I see are people double masking and completely ignoring our Governor’s order that lifted mask mandates.
And then what?
Sorry but I don’t buy this movie shit anymore, next thing you know the goalpost is going to get moved to “but Biden has to serve 4 years, iT hAs To Be tHiS wAy”
Getting so sick of this bullshit.
But what relevance does it have to Jim Crowe? Lol. I’ve never been more confused watching a press conference.
I’m just trying to figure out who the fuck Jim Eagle is.
Maybe but it seems people aren’t even buying these sloppy FFs anymore.
We’ll see, I’m about at my last rope of giving a fuck anymore, haven’t watched X22 in like 3 weeks because all I’m seeing is “just waits” and “soon” yet jack shit concrete is happening while all of our rights have pretty much been destroyed. I’m about fed up with all this hopium bullshit.
Now the goalpost has been moved to August?
The Supreme Court are the ones to rely on to fix this? 9-0? What the fuck is Mike smoking? What am I missing here?
Holy fuck what a goddamn narcissist. Bitch no one cares.
Yeah especially with these “mass shootings” and the fact that nobody is buying it. That shit fell apart fast.
They want a civil war soooo bad.
Well what the fuck is anybody doing about it? If they remove Biden and install Kamala this country is FUCKED. You know what they say though, prepare for the worst, hope for the best.
It’s so bizarre what’s going on, this clown is making Gerald Ford look like the goat.
How? Border situation?
Yeah I’m getting tired of all this optics bullshit.
I can’t believe retarded ass shit like this even went to court.