They will find out. I stand with Trump. To the depths of hell if I must. Oh captain my captain.
Yeah because that has worked. They've lost their way. Thank God Trump already had it figured out and we are just now figuring it out ourselves. We may get stuff wrong from time to time, but the pursuit of knowledge and truth should always be our first priority.
I made an observation about drones earlier.
Tell me what y'all think. Or if any news can be gleamed from tracking drones.
Unfortunately most of the people here are behind the 8 ball on this one. They are convinced it's Castle Rock studios. They think everything president Biden is fake. Either CGI or in a studio. This is the one thing I seem to break hard with the Q community on. Lord of the Flies is the answer. Who is the Lord of the Flies? Beelzebub aka Satan. DC is a satanic cult. So the reference works good. The hunters become the hunted once they set up their fort on Castle Rock.
Nope. And that's the slightly exciting thing about it. Trump is quite the showman. If he pulls this off he will go down in history as someone on par with Jesus Christ himself. If not Adolf Hitler.
Thought provoking questions the lot of em. I can't help but think this might be more grounded in reality than not. Especially when you take into consideration Q is top level clearance at the Department of Energy. Q's earliest posts stated "Q Clearance Patriot" and that "Q" does not refer to someone who WORKS at the DoE. However, the DoE oversees the nations 17 labs (in 2017) and they have an office of AI and Tech. I recommend people read drop 34 and 48. Some interesting things in there. Especially the line about the Canadian PM.
Yeah... those saying it was proof he's fake because they weren't there just don't understand bureaucracy. This shit is slow.
The Oval Office is both on the first floor and the ground floor, but not on the second floor and first floor.
Quo warranto... people won't follow that which they don't believe in.
Deported. Off topic.
There are plenty of Castle Rock towns. One in Colorado and one in Oregon I believe.
Watch the water. Interesting observation.
Pretty sure it's for the event staff and "audience" and then they doubled up as privacy fences.
These are my next 2 best guesses as where to start looking if Castle Rock isn't about a production company.
Oh this one will be gone. Don't worry. Deported. Off Topic. Read the rules.
It was partly cloudy that day. There was even a brief moment when some snow was falling.
The question for a lot of people was when and where. Especially given [Castle Rock]. The MSM can't be believed so I can understand why people would theorize things. This helps cement theories in reality.
If you did any kind of computer clean up and cleared your cookies you would have to log back in. Perhaps it was an automatic process and you weren't aware, but I'm thinking this is a specific issue for just you. Also, browser updates sometimes clear cookies.
You honestly wouldn't need a lot of real estate to record what they've needed to. The "parade" to the "White House" was the biggest set piece. And wtf was up with them walking? That was just weird as fuck.
They can even be seen tailing all the VIPs as they walk through the "rotunda" and down the stairs to the "terrace". The officers try to duck out of sight and stay in the background.
It would explain why DC was so quiet on the 20th. It was either pre recorded (I'd still expect someone to have seen something) or it was fully produced well away from the general public. That also brings to mind the video of the 3 ex-presidents standing in that weird amphitheater thing. Not to mention in the show we all saw, the weather didn't quite match up with reality. These were just the rats we got early. Why do you think the security measures stayed in place after the inauguration?
The black name tags hanging around people's necks. They say law enforcement.
FYI: I believe the other flag contains The Great Seal of The United States of America. See Here