cantsleepeither 2 points ago +2 / -0

During Amy K's first time up at the podium, even though it appears that the light is coming from the opposite side, look at the shadow direction that the chairs behind her are casting. You can see them during the overhead shots when the camera shows Kamala. They are consistent with where the sun is later in the video

cantsleepeither 1 point ago +1 / -0

Getting banned on twitter will do that to you

cantsleepeither 1 point ago +1 / -0

Another tweet he made a couple weeks back led me to believe that the scripture verses also point to drops but to put a 0 where the : is, and 406 also simply reads "Test."

cantsleepeither 4 points ago +5 / -1

"A piece of metal the size of a coin can be weaponized."

Physical silver bringing down the banks comes to mind.

(I know that's not what he's saying. I just like the thought)

cantsleepeither 9 points ago +9 / -0

I saw 24:1 and thought 2401. Maybe a stretch but zeroes are often dropped so why not add?

excerpt from 2401:

If we aren't a threat, or real, or simply just a conspiracy theory, why the [constant] heavy attacks?

cantsleepeither 0 points ago +1 / -1
  • Three days ago -- Business Insider Headline:

"Chewy founder Ryan Cohen has reaped a [1,7]00% return from a $[76] million GameStop investment he made last year"

  • Today -- CNBC reports:

"GameStop's stock price grew more than 1,700% since the start of the year through Wednesday's close, to almost $348 a share."

How did it stay a factor of 17 three days later?

cantsleepeither 1 point ago +1 / -0


By initially moving it from its usual place, it baited the press to run with the diet coke story in an attempt to make Trump look bad.

Now that it's there again, they have to explain why the diet coke button is back.

cantsleepeither 9 points ago +10 / -1

Q drop 4 says "Focus on Military Intellingence"

focus on inteLLINgence?