I posted this earlier, but it came to my attention that a lot of the Life Insurance Companies will not pay the death benefits if you get the shot and happen to die from it. They say it is because the vaccine is still considered to be experimental and their policy will not cover that. I wonder how many people actually found this out the hard way. Sadly enough, I've heard of two. Both distant acquaintances, but I am told that one got flat out denied, and the other is still in negotiation. Has anyone else heard of this?
Also, It came to my attention that a lot of the Life Insurance Companies will not pay the death benefits if you get the shop and happen to die from it, because the vaccine is considered to be experimental and they will not cover that. I wonder how many people found that out the hard way. Sadly enough, I've heard of two. Both distant acquaintances. I am told that one got flat out denied, and the other is still in negotiation. Has anyone else heard of this?
Maybe what is actually loose are a couple of screws in your head. Who is to say that all of the others aren't doctored up. Just because you don't see it in all of them doesn't mean that they haven't been tampered with. Get with the program, it is not loose skin skippy.
What a Minute. Is that a noose at the end of the rope in his isle? Maybe POTUS (Pedophile Of The Unites States), needs to use it, or either this asshole Chris Jackson. At this point in time, know would cares which one?????
SNOPES ??? Do you mean S-atanistic N-ews O-pinions P-eople E-xtract as S-ources
Need to get a more viable source dude. If you believe Snopes, I have some ocean front property in the Himalayas i would like to sale you.
I am in Southwestern PA. I so wanted to go to DC on the Sixth. My brother was going to come up from NC and we both were going to go. His wife and my oldest daughter were going to go as well. However, we both realized that it seemed like a setup and we decided to not go especially with the two ladies. There is no doubt that all of the trouble there was caused by Antifa, and they will do the same thing again. So be the smart patriot the you are and listen to the warnings and stay away. Biggest setup ever. Let the plan unfold and play out. Support it with unprecedented prayer and belief in our God. Stay the course and hold the line.
Yes, Although the CDC is saying that there are no deaths directly related to the vaccine, it is pretty strange that these two people I heard about, passed away within a couple of days after receiving the vaccine. From what I was told, the Insurance companies are saying that the cause of death was related to an experimental vaccine. Therefore they are not obligated to pay the death benefit to the family. I am going to try and do a little more digging, but it wouldn't surprise me if it is true. Plus, it would not hurt to ask your life insurance company that very question if you plan on getting the vaccine. I myself and my family will not be getting the vaccine.