changeagent 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree with you. There is a lot of painful stuff happening. But, it's not nearly widespread enough such that people wake up. Those J6 people? Too bad for them, but I am grilling hamburgers this weekend. Gas prices? Too bad for people, but I have a well-paying job and don't care... less traffic. Socialism? Communism? Please, that's not happening and I am not affected. BLM? Riots? That's only in big cities. And on and on and on. This is what so many Americans think.

People have become too selfish, in my opinion, and too lazy. People know things are not good, but they are not feeling enough personal pain to actually change.

For us, though, we see it and we are infuriated. We are mad that everyone else is not as awake. So, the idea of the need for more pain seems like it would be too much.

So, I am with you. I just believe that the Plan is supposed to lead to more awakening and unity, and there is so much division and people are still so asleep that that must mean wider and deeper pain must still be on the way. And a normal election with Trump winning does not deliver us to the other side of the storm--but a Trump loss will be a catalyst to help us get there in a hurry.

changeagent 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe. But I think psychology is far more powerful than we realize... and if over the next four months things just get worse and worse such that Dems are convincing fellow Dems that they need to abandon Biden, then that is the perfect priming for total confusion about a Biden "win". And that's the level of red pill that will break their psychological mindset.

changeagent 2 points ago +2 / -0

I totally agree that Trump can and will win if there is no cheating, scripted or not. No doubt. But that still leaves at least 30 million (in my opinion) Trump-haters who think simply that they lost, and so there is no awakening and no unity for them.

changeagent 2 points ago +3 / -1

I should have clarified--and I will make an edit--that I am not saying Biden another 4 years. Military will jump in and Trump will be inaugurated on schedule, but with a unified country.

changeagent 2 points ago +3 / -1

I hear ya... but... Q did say it would be 8 years, or something like that. So, we're looking at 2025.

I am curious to know if you think we have reached the Precipice?

changeagent 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree... I guess I was not specific enough. "Everyone" are the supposed 94%, I think, if I understood Q. Regardless, we are so far away from 94% that it feels like nothing has changed except that it feels like our team is winning (I think). There is a laundry list of amazing things that have happened... but... the public doesn't know and/or doesn't care. The video on a different post of the young man working at the vape store losing his shit because a customer with a Maga hat was in the store... I mean, that worker went apeshit, and there are many, many, many of them who will get worse when Trump wins.

changeagent 4 points ago +4 / -0

As bad as this is, money is not the uniting factor. Only a declass of the crimes against children will unite everyone. If that delcass does not happen, we will remain a divided and volatile society even if Trump wins.

changeagent 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm just curious to know more about the fat dude in the middle. What's his roll, I mean his role, not his rolls?

changeagent 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's actually a Karen wearing a mask. You can tell by the high-pitched scream at the end.

I would definitely show the video to the owner. Threaten a lawsuit. Score some free product to make it all go away (if I used that stuff, which I don't).

changeagent 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for the comment. I think those elements of our culture that you highlighted are directly affected by what I'm talking about. And that's a big clue that it is by design.

I tell myself that focusing me, then my family, and then my community is worth the effort and goes a long way towards making the world a better place, one tiny space at a time. We have to be examples. And I'm not perfect. But making an effort is worth it.

changeagent 3 points ago +3 / -0

First off, I think I would enjoy sipping coffee with you and chatting about this stuff.

Second... fluidity of human thought--such a powerful image. When I find myself stuck or paralyzed by the flood of fluidity, sometimes I talk to God about it, and sometimes I just quote Gandalf: "All we need to do is decide what to do with the time that is given us," which takes the pressure off seeking information and instead focuses on our actions and our character.

Third, and finally... I like your point about print era info being illusory--and it was, much of it, if not all of it. We are hastening towards the spiritual great awakening, as you mentioned.

Thanks for your comment.

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