cow1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep. I made a PowerPoint (unfinished and totally a brief draft) over this shit. 982 deaths in soon to be two years and it’s killed 0.004% of the population, by the way. A political theatre joke https://docs.google.com/file/d/1r-w_HEfC5NWXW_butdFwKk6mhR1Kxd-U/edit?usp=docslist_api&filetype=mspresentation

I also made a list of SCIENTISTS and MEDICAL EXPERTS that have tried to warn the fuck out of people who just won’t listen and believe politicians of all people and talking heads on TV are more trustworthy.


I tried to get as much info as I could with the time and energy I have to send to my friends and family, and I’m no doubt blacklisted in their mind as a tin foil hat conspiracy theorist now.

cow1 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s funny as fuck that they tried so hard to make the testing fraudulent, fraudulently bump up covid-comorbidity death numbers and yet we’re still here at 4 deaths per day… and this is a ‘pandemic’ we need to lose our basic freedoms and inalienable human rights over. How much more transparent can you get

cow1 0 points ago +1 / -1

I reckon it’s one of three things

  1. someone is trying to send a message to the public that there’s a link between people at/owning ABC and Satanism
  2. someone is trying to send a message to the public making a mockery of Satanism and normalising it as a funny thing and not something genuinely serious
  3. someone is trying to discredit or sort of prime ABC because someone within abc got on their bad side and was looking to release something they didn’t like
cow1 1 point ago +1 / -0

If anyone else would like to do so I just contacted the nsw police to get them to look at this video. Wondering about the constitution which would render all their behaviour relating to civil conscription unlawful, which means they could be held accountable for at least assault?

Constitution info https://moderndayfascism.blogspot.com/2021/08/australian-constitution.html?m=1

cow1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Note how, without even completing the trials, they say you need both vaccine and targeted treatment. Nice!

cow1 4 points ago +4 / -0

So glad someone else posted this just around the time I was having a moderate mental breakdown bc of the exact same circumstances. On one hand I really feel responsibility to share information and let people know. On the other hand being shamed and ridiculed is exhausting and the fact this is even real is a joke. They’ve really done great on the psychological warfare front.