crazycloud4 0 points ago +1 / -1

where is the info on these medbeds, they have them on Star trek but I have never heard of any scientist or Q saying anything about them. Q did point out using frequencies to heal. I am not saying medbeds are not possible, what if we already have the technology for many wonderful things.

crazycloud4 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, God shortened our days to 120, there have been many people that live to be over 100, they were rarely in the news. I think that was to make us believe dying in your 80's is normal.

crazycloud4 2 points ago +2 / -0

It took us so long to get the future proves past posts. Very clear now.

crazycloud4 3 points ago +3 / -0

We made someone Reeeeee, look at all the down votes.

crazycloud4 4 points ago +4 / -0

That is what Q told us to do, and we were, meme makers were taught to make memes undetectable so we could take them to all social media we could.---Hence the meme wars, they could not stop us. This is a research board, and a place for Anons to share research so others can take that to the public. Trying to get normies to come here bogs us down. I believe we are too far into the game to train new Anons. I spent hours this week looking at the q posts, we were taught so much and shown so much that the public may never see, they were never meant to. He gave us the names of some of the baddies, did anyone remember Trey Gowdy is on that list. We all have different strengths and weaknesses and are to hold each other up.

crazycloud4 7 points ago +7 / -0

I can't wait for the Worlds Fair comes back, that is where all the fun science stuff comes out. Wireless electricity, water powered cars and diesel trucks, with all the electricity we could use, transporters, and replicators. Anything you can imagine, might be possible.

crazycloud4 4 points ago +4 / -0

With the Auto pen thing and Hussein not being a legit president, those judges' appointments are null and void. After they are gone and all the other crooked judges gone due to corruption, then I think we will see their house of cards fall real fast. The arrests of all those innocent people, like the one POTUS just set free after she was found guilty of praying near an abortion clinic. I think it was Alina that said they were going through all the people in prison that shouldn't be there. I would like to see the corrupt officials and other crooks that do not qualify for tribunals, get to go to those prisons. How about we start with the J6 prison, no luxury prisons. There is a real good reason why pedophiles don't last long in prison, lots of Moms and Dads that don't get to see their families and are in prison for years when they should have gotten a fine.

crazycloud4 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is what I thought, but wasn't sure. It does make sense they would try to spread it. Just another way to lower the population.

crazycloud4 4 points ago +4 / -0

The problem with the children being vaccinated, their immune systems are compromised so yes, the unvaxed could hurt them. I hope RFK Jr. can find us a way out of the vax damage, so we don't lose them. The children are our future and God loves them so much that santa would hurt as many as possible. We need to pray day and night for these little ones to be healed.

crazycloud4 2 points ago +2 / -0

The problem I have with the measles out break is adult males being sterilized if they get it, or is that chicken pox?

crazycloud4 5 points ago +5 / -0

This guy is what Journalism used to be, he has been on both sides of the conflict. He showed with discretion what the Astoff battalion was doing to the Russian Ukrainian's.

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