dlof 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yeah the nerve endings are on the inside of course but the foreskin protects that and keeps it sensitive. When it's not there, the inside is rubbing against your boxers and stuff all the time and it becomes less sensitive.

A shit analogy would be say by removing your eyelids your vision would get fucked... even though your eyelids don't "see", they protect the eyes, lubricate them etc.

dlof 5 points ago +5 / -0

"That isn't code or anything so don't bother looking for the corresponding code"...

That part reads like this fake was written by a 12 year old.

dlof 1 point ago +1 / -0

You should introduce him to some #walkaway testimonials

This is a particularly good one

dlof 16 points ago +16 / -0

Maybe because they don't want people searching drops if the tweet shows the time in their local timezone

dlof 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well technically your niece still opted for the blue-pill, but good on your mom for trying.

dlof 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've heard some of the claims made for proving the Moon landing is fake and they read a lot like flat-earth theory. Mostly claims solely based on not understanding how stuff works.

Like "the flag was waving"... but there's no air resistance so it keeps on waving for a long time after the force used to put it in the ground

Or "speed up the video and it looks like they're jumping on earth"... well yeah, that doesn't prove anything.

"There's no glass crater after the capsule launches from the Moon back to the orbiter"... the thrust needed is barely anything to get it off the Moon because gravity is so weak... so it wasn't powerful enough to turn the sand to glass.

"There's no stars visible in the pictures"... the exposure needed to see the stars would mean that you'd just be looking at a pure white photo because of the shine from the Moon

... etc., not that different to flat-earth stuff honestly

dlof 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not just the test pilots... pretty much everyone involved in the project would have to be in on it. Everyone at mission control, all the manufacturers, programmers, engineers, researches etc. Literally thousands and thousands of people.

And yet nobody's come out after all this time. It's so obvious that it's not fake, it's pretty ridiculous just how obvious it is.

dlof 1 point ago +1 / -0

imo the "x days" tweet was just to throw the media off. Kind of like Trump congratulating Biden etc.

dlof 2 points ago +3 / -1

Well that's what it's meant to look like for the normies.

But why would he be pointing that out when he knows full well about the fraud infrastructure which would make it impossible for someone like Trump to win again? And he knows Trump supporters know this already... so there's either hidden meaning or the message is meant for non-Trump supporters only.

dlof 10 points ago +10 / -0

Devil's advocate would say because he thought Pence would follow through on the 6th, or perhaps to put pressure on Pence to do the right thing.

But I'm sure there's something else going on, it might have been a 4D chess move to get military in DC for this moment.

dlof 1 point ago +1 / -0

You look at the weather forecast, if it's going to rain you bring a coat.

Understanding of the weather does not mean that God doesn't get credit for the weather.

And not fully understanding something scientifically doesn't mean it's outside God's domain or that it's "magical" either. A weather forecaster might very well have been branded a witch if you teleported them back a few hundred years ago, but now we understand the processes involved in weather forecasting so it doesn't seem "magical".

Everything is magical and nothing is magical. We just have various levels of understanding God's universe and the processes around us depending on what era you're in.

dlof 2 points ago +2 / -0

Definitely watch this vid on Q proofs if you haven't already

dlof 3 points ago +3 / -0

From my undestanding, the dates here just link the tweets to the q-drop showing that Pompeo intended for us to see that drop. Friday the 15th on the phone on the q-drop links back to Pompeo posting on Friday the 15th giving a double confirmation of authenticity.

It was not meant to indicate that the event is to occur on Friday the 15th.

dlof 3 points ago +3 / -0

This one is an easy one to wrap your head around. They would know the fraud etc. was going to take place many years in advance. They already knew about the fraud for the 2016 election so they knew 2020 was going to to be on a much larger scale.

They've also been listening to dem coms via the NSA, so they probably hear plans far in advance.

They would have known that they'll likely need to use the emergency broadcast system around this time and inserted those Q posts ahead of time to reference now and alert Q followers.

If they didn't need to use it, then Pompeo wouldn't have made that tweet. But since they do, he waits until the date aligns to drop the tweet and let us know what's going on.

They've basically spent the past several years laying this framework, a map, in the Q drops and they're able to activate certain drops for us to see if they choose to by waiting until they get a date alignment or some other pointer to the relevant drop. The date alignments have been chosen years in advance based on knowing what's likely going to happen in the future due to intel and knowing that certain dates are important like the 20th innauguration date etc.

And they're military intelligence, so some of the brightest minds would be behind this stuff.

dlof 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have no problem with justice being applied to the cabal, or them being in pain.

Post was simply about the slogan not being clear enough. At a time when I am keeping faith that we should be expecting us to celebrate soon after painfully waiting for something to happen, when I see "pain is coming" I have to remind myself what that means. I understand your point though.

dlof 2 points ago +2 / -0

Cheers, my mistake was searching for "pain is coming", so missed all those refs

dlof 1 point ago +1 / -0

Only the weak/guilty hear that slogan and are put off by it.

Don't be so quick to turn on your friends.

dlof 1 point ago +1 / -0

It looks like you didn't read my post or you did and you just chose to completely mis-characterise it.

dlof -2 points ago +1 / -3

Yep, know that already but like I said when you hear a slogan like this your subconscious processes it first and relates it to itself before your logical mind has the opportunity to rationalise that it's about someone else.

Like if I were to say "eating a shit sandwich"... first your subconscious mind thinks about eating a shit sandwich in order to understand the phrase. It then realises that it's not pleasant, but it had to imagine you doing it first to come to that conclusion. Which isn't pleasant, doesn't make you feel great. This is all subconscious so you don't realise it on the surface. Even if you know that "eating a shit sandwich" is a slogan about other people doing it, you still subconsciously taste shit sandwich every time you hear it.

You learn about this stuff in marketing. The word "coming" makes you feel as though something is coming towards you, since whenever you have said the phrase "x is coming" in life, 99% of the time it's because something is coming towards you. "Grandma's coming around"... "The bus is coming..." etc. So when you hear it "x is coming", you relate "x" to yourself.

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