We're about six months away from seeing Wakanda start showing up on maps...which is cool, but I want Mt Olympus and Atlantis on there too.
Or Princess Diana
That and always keep some tomahawk steaks, maybe good whisky or some weed to bribe your neighborhood enforcement toady.
Which is a good start, but hard to do when you have 5 million people here who don't belong in the country.
$100 fine and probation...it helps if your wife is preggers..
I dunno. I'd have a hard time respecting a Commander in Chief after seeing his gigantic nude buttocks grinding on Ballers...
And the white guilt orgy otherwise known as Black History Month starts off with a bang! I haven't even put away the Kwaanza candles yet!!
$4.29 BeCaUse wE CaRe aBoUt The eNvIrOnmEnt iN CaLifOrNiA, bigot climate denier hurrr durrr....