Crap. That's my favorite riddle from teaching high school English a thousand years ago.
One bite at a time.
Thanks. I needed that.
Trust the process. So hard after seeing screw us w/ their process.
Couldn't agree w/ you more, Daveyboy.
It's why I love the concept behind the movie, "They Live," as much as I do.
Because once you see it, you can't unsee it.
As if they didn't bleed us dry, leaving an entire generation of Americans to struggle unnecessarily.
Excuse my French, but cry me a fucking river.
I'd redoop this 1000x if I could.
Agreed. He's the perfect puppet so long as he's useful. After that, he's a liability who knows too much.
NATO membership and boots on the ground are the only way forward if - say it with me - we're going to start WW3, think the psychopathic and narcissistic elitists.
What would they do w/ this puppet? Get another puppet, of course. No better evidence than this buffoon pretending to represent Ukraine and her best interests:
I'll say it so no one else has to. Those are -
- inconvenient details.
Hey. It's a free country. Believe as you like. As will I:
You appear to be a person who doesn't mind handing them a shit sandwich when you don't have to. PROVE ME WRONG.
What you call low effort, I and most others on this thread view as tapping into the shared frustration by many here, and providing them a place to vent their frustration.
So it's Friday, and I'm treating it like Christmas.
Santa, I want Oliver Stone to direct this Glenn Beck production. One man, one piece of chalk, one blackboard, the cache of documents, the works.
Please, Santa. I've been extra good this year. It's for the children.
You have me confused with someone who isn't thinking for themselves. and you write as though, because I'm for vouchers, I must also be for property taxes.
It's not either-or. It's both-and.
I'm for vouchers. And I applaud efforts in Florida and elsewhere to end property tax.
You're pretty doom and gloom on this topic. I invite you to look at the trajectory. Tariffs. End of Education Department. More people voting Republican in EVERY DISTRICT in the last election.
Unless I'm mistaken, things are looking for good, for 2026 and beyond.
I want to believe he's as good a guy as Trey Gowdy says he is. But Gowdy was all bark and no bite. Guess we'll see.
I've thought the same since he returned after having lost the lawsuit re: Sandy Hook.
Agreed. It's what every classical Christian school worth its salt strives to do.
But we also need to have an adult conversation about ideology.
Wherever Johnny and Jenny go, they're going to be indoctrinated based on the values of the institution.
Allowing local communities to decide what those values are to then determine the indoctrination of their schools is by far the best possible solution, IMHO.
More steps in the coming weeks. WINNING!