en_folkefiende 34 points ago +34 / -0

A bad day to be Adam Schiff. A VERY bad day.

en_folkefiende 2 points ago +2 / -0

She and her constituents suffer from the same malady as Sinclair Lewis' Babbitt suffered from: the lie that says that moderation in all things is the key.

en_folkefiende 6 points ago +6 / -0

As an American-born citizen who suffered homelessness for 18 of the last 19 months (as a result of financial abuse during the Divorce from Hell), I could not be more outraged about this if I tried.

For me, prison isn't enough. Take every last decision-maker whose actions resulted in the managed decline for us Americans, and EXILE each of them for life. You're not welcome here any more.

en_folkefiende 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agreed. Can't wait until they turn their attention to Academia, the fountainhead of every manufactured agenda and crisis that pitted Americans against Americans.

en_folkefiende 1 point ago +1 / -0

Great point. Watch their apparatus come to a grinding halt when normies are awakened to the fact that they've been manipulated.

en_folkefiende 3 points ago +3 / -0

To them, everything Trump does results in a crisis, but hiding Biden's infirmities for the whole of his faux-ministration was business as usual. So gross.

en_folkefiende 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nah. Exile him to the street corner outside the capitol in Kiev and sentence him to hold a sign for one day that reads, "I lied and Ukrainians died."

The good people there would take care of business before lunchtime.

en_folkefiende 3 points ago +3 / -0

Actually, they're not lying, not as you or I typically use the term. People who are brainwashed can be given contrary evidence, but their brainwashed minds don't allow them to believe it.

Better to think of them as brainwashed cult members than liars. It's far more complicated than lying for gain.

en_folkefiende 5 points ago +5 / -0

As Steve Bannon says repeatedly, after the Steal of 2020, no one - especially not Dems - believed he would ever grace the Oval Office again.

They're completely brainwashed as a result of drinking their own Kool-Aid for as long as they have. Their reasoning faculties are offline. And their total inability to cope with reality shows it.

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