The way I interpreted it, is that he is warning there may be conflicting orders delivered and they want the troops to follow the unified command, which would be a series of agencies working together, according to a web search. I think Pence has a role to play in all of this and his role may have been the fall guy to ensure the cabal went through with their plan. As Trump said when speaking about Pence during his speech on the 6th, sometimes it takes bravery to do nothing.
7+1+9 = 17
Q 719 (responding to an anons post about a detained Russian in Bangkok)
What picture was posted?
Cages full.
Michael Ellis is labelled by MSM as a Trump loyalist. There was significant pushback to him being installed.
Now look at this, as it is speculated we may have crossed RED6
Michael Ellis is labelled by MSM as a Trump loyalist. There was significant pushback to him being installed.
Now look at this, as it is speculated we may have crossed RED6
Being excited and nervous are the same feeling, it is your bodys interpretation that makes the distinction between them.
You are watching a movie, the climax needs to be dramatic.