fakemuse 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is the breakdown of the £3,549 price cap.

£2,491 - Wholesale cost £674 - Running costs £169 - Value Added Tax £152 - Green Levies £63 - Supplier Profit

The UK gets only 4% of its energy from Russia. The problem is the EU's, specifically Germany's stupidity in becoming dependent on Russian oil and gas.

enter text

The EU has been stealthily buying up everything it can on the market to shore up its reserves, irrespective of price. And that has been a major contributor to surging prices.

The postal service have a very valid reason for striking, but their gripe is with a private company that is being idiotic. The rail strikers can go fuck themselves... sideways, and twice on a Sunday.

Their service is genuinely awful, criminally priced and they strike every year for pay rises. They're just taking advantage of the moment to grandstand.

Of course, their bosses are enjoying their 15 minutes of fame in the media, while earning over £100k a year while living in public housing.

Most people are set up to work from home now, so theres a hope that they've overextended themselves this time.

Also, the article here is from a socialist publisher.