posted ago by sleepydude ago by sleepydude +48 / -0

Let's examine all the ways he can play it.

A: Heel turn and start attacking Big Pharma for having duped him.

B: Double down and continue to support "his" vaccines while promoting personal choice.

What happens if he goes with Option A?

Well, he looks like he was tricked, for one. He looks like a big dumb dumb at best, and at worse he looks like he went along with cutting regulations for Big Pharma testing -- jumping the gun.

We can talk about how "well, the MSM pushed it and Biden mandated it, so it's their fault" until we're blue in the face, but that's not how the TDS nutbags think.

We have to look only at how this affects Trump in a vacuum.

So, him looking like a fool helps make a case against his competence while putting him on the defense. That's not a good position, even if it does net him in with the downfall of Big Pharma, which may get some of the TDS freaks to jump on.

Though... Trump would now be attacking Big Pharma, along with all the ravenous sheep who took the poison, but his only excuse is "I trusted Big Pharma just like everyone else! Their studies said it was safe, and if there were reactions MSM would have run stories on it to spite me!"

Which is a decent excuse, but it still won't do a damn thing to sway the TDS nutbags. They will blame him regardless, and Big Pharma will crawl away using hatred against the "man who made the vaccines".

Hell, Big Pharma might even say "Trump forced us to make it this fast. It's his fault there was no safety standards!"

Again, bad position for Trump.

So, on to Option B.

Trump doubles down.

Those who have refused the clot shot thus far aren't gonna change their minds.

Those that did are gonna look at their MSM taskmasters and parrot the anti-Big Pharma rhetoric against Trump.


He praises Big Pharma and the "vaccine" he helped make. He continues to promote it, and parrot all the BS studies they've been pushing in MSM for the last two years.

He says this new push to blame him for "vaccine" deaths and injuries is just another witch hunt like all the rest; that the Fake News is willing to destroy all the good he's done to save lives in the Pandemic because their mandates aren't popular; that they're using Covid, once again, as a political tool against him.

He repeats all the propaganda from Fauci. He sings the laurels of Big Pharma always produces safe and effective products; that Big Pharma has no reason to harm the people they've sworn to help.

He says the opposite of all the things he knows to be true.

Because Trump Derangement Syndrome is that powerful.

Suddenly, everyone with TDS will start attacking Big Pharma, Fauci, the Propaganda, the Media, Biden's Mandates, etc. all because Trump is gathering all the talking points together under his name.

Cognitive dissonance will peak when people start to claim Big Pharma has been working for Trump all along to exterminate liberals, knowing that liberals were the most likely to "do good for others like taking shots and wearing masks to save grandma."

He basically plays it like this scene from Galaxy Quest:


But instead of pelting a lobster alien's ship with the minefield, he's gonna shove all the TDS down the throat of Big Pharma and Fauci.

This is what I think Trump is doing...

Why do I think he's going with Option B?

Because going this route is basically a guarantee win.

People were gonna die from the lockdowns, the "vaccines", Covid, and the Remdesivir/Ventilator protocols anyways. Good people and bad. There's no way to untangle the mess of Christmas lights that is their Bio-Genocide plan in the time Trump had to work in.

So the only option left is to use their own derangement and poison against them.

By supporting the "vaccines" and playing the deadliest game of chicken ever. Whomever says uncle first takes the brunt of the blame. If Trump says uncle and admits he was deceived, he's toast. If the Cabal says uncle first, they will never recover the damage to the trust in Big Pharma for the rest of Human History.

I'd say Trump's reputation, which will get thrashed either way, is a worthwhile sacrifice in order to take down the Globalist Health Genocide Scam that is modern medicine...

The damage the Fake News, Big Pharma, and the NWO Cabal take is completely reliant on THEIR decision to drag it out. They've already been stabbed in the heart. Now they get to decide how long they want the dagger to wiggle around for.

In other words, the longer they wait to turn on their clot shot the more mines they let Trump accumulate to seal their fate...