The 27th amendment is also a question: its actually a part of the Bill of Rights, but wasn't ratified immediately. All the congressional stuff to do with it happened in the 1790s. The states ratified it over the next two hundred years.
Would it get nuked as well, or would it become the new 16th amendment?
Well I think the biggest difference is that, with Operation Trust, the Soviet Union already existed by the time it started - it was already over before it even started. Whereas, here, Q started under and was aligned with Trump. Q is pro-establishment (not DS!), whereas Trust was anti-establishment.
It would be much closer if Hillary had gotten in.
I suppose that hope is all you can do, so does it matter?
Its also the root word of Faggot - in Latin, Fasces was pronounced with a K sound, something like Faskis. It means a bundle of rods, which I assume came to symbolise unity.
The homosexual meaning came from English universities, where "faggots" of students would form, members being called fags, and they would often do homosexual acts as payment for tasks.
Isn't that actually a warcrime?