I'm sorry, but did you choose Bitcoin cash, you seem irrationally triggered.
Do you think you missed out ?!?!?!?!?!
That would be foolish seeing as you can scoop up BTC at 2017 prices right now.
The UASF is not something [they] gave us, it is something that WE chose - those of us who run nodes.
"See, if you knew anything beyond running a few nodes, you would have replied back with "I understand there are a few issues and possibilities to consider, but I think over all its pretty solid" or something along those lines."
That is the ind of answer I would have laid out to you in 2014, but the size of the network makes that kind of statement a bit ghey at this point.
Catch up, you are starting to sound awfully ignorant.
Very astute of you.
THIS is in fact the main point, but I have noticed that many pedes on GAW are still stuck in the media narrative that BTC is some sort of exotic INVEstMenT in a diGiTaL asSeT, so I am focusing on how cheap gold is becoming within THAT illusion.
Sorry about the sauce, here goes:
I did, but it flattens out the five years I posted into a flat line at the very bottom so extremely that I figured some people might not get it. Have a look:
I remember when it only cost me 20 million satoshi to buy an ounce of the yellow. Now we are back to only needing to spend 7 million. Good times folks.
Stack your gold as it gets cheaper.
Yes, every single transaction that YOU make, yes I mean YOU personallly...... enables the banksters in quenching [their] thirst for our children's blood and if you store the fruits of your labour in [their] system, then you are really enabling them and if you have debt with them, well then you are a primary enabler.....
My hands are clean.
One of the supreme benefits of holding your value on the BTC blockchain is what it feels like knowing that you no longer take part in [their] system..... and THAT is priceless.
I'm not here to convince you of anything other than to inform yourself properly instead of just repeating the tired old 2014 era media narratives as if they were true.
How about you watch 3 hours of Andreas and then come back to me with valid discussions instead of the media fantasies that you entertain.
Besides that who controls pretty much ALL of the gold. Who holds pretty much ALL of the already mined gold? Who controls ALL of the companies who are extracting gold daily?
Nowhere BIBLICALLY did God give us gold silver or money. God gave us manna, yet y'all to afraid of living THAT way.
And truly, God bless and pleeeease do yourself a favour and don't be trigger by my truths, but rather try to discover what is the perspective of an informed person and why does it differ to mine?
Just so you understand, No real BTC HODLer will EVER 'exchange' their BTC for fiat USD or any other fiat. We might spend our BTC on gold and silver, stock or classic cars, but buy dollars.......... What would be the point of that.
No one with a brain will go back to easy money once they hold hard money and Bitcoin is the hardest money in human history.
Bitcoin is the exit.
Once you get the tech, you'll understand. Stop wasting time repeating bankster media narratives inside your mind about bitcoin and just take a few hours and catch up by watching Andreas, you'll be glad you did.
You are repeating 2014 era bankster media narratives as if they were true.
Please spend some time watching Andreas. He'll help catch you up.
And NO, China does NOT 'control' BTC, in fact they are struggling trying to enforce their laws making BTC illegal, but you wouldn't now that because the media definitely doesn't want you to understand THAT?
Which also proves why gov regulations are irrelevant, just like when the US gov passed a law requiring people to turn in their gold bullion had zero effect on it's moneyness, or when India declared All 1000 rupee notes as NOT legal tender, yet people still use them and spend them.
People with money could care less what a gov regulates.
Bitcoin cannot be regulated. If it could it would have happened long before you ever heard about it.
Please, do yourself a favour and invest time into understanding what Bitcoin really is..... what the tech is, how it works.
What hard money vs easy money is etc.
Then you'll understand why it is NOT a digital asset. Unless you understand the tech, it is simply impossible for me to explain to you why it is NOT a digital asset.
falling for the classic Bankster media narratives.
DUDE, it is not like you sticking your head in the sand and refusing to UNDERSTAND that actual Bitcoin technology is going to make the hardest money in history go away and NOT devour your sad pathetic bankster controlled fiat USD.
You'll just be drowned in your own ignorance, much like China and India were when they decided to stick to the silver standard when the rest of the planet went onto the Gold standard.
One thing that history has shown us is that HARD money ALWAYS replaces easy money.
Up to you. Stay ignorant if you want.
Again, it seems you have bought into the banster media narrative that BTC is some kind of investment that gets bought/sold/valued in terms of fiat dollars. That it is somehow 'pegged', when it is none of those things.
Once you understand the tech, you'll be in a position to have this conversation, until then you are simply one of the under-informed and discussion is futile.
Instead of wasting time arguing with someone more informed than you, repeating obvious 2014 era bankster media narratives about Bitcoin, how about you just chill out, have a beer and watch some very entertaining talks from Andreas to better inform yourself.
You'll be glad you did.
Like I said they are wonderful thing that have uses. History has shown us that the 'intrinsic value' of PM are waaaaaay overinflated.
Catch up.
You are way behind.
You don't even understand what Bitcoin is, you are still approaching this whole discussion as if BTC was some kind of INVESTMENT, some kind of ASSET.
When clearly it is not, but you won't get that unless you understand the tech.
the good ol precious metals that [they] control 99.99% of?
Great move.
I have been involved with BTC for many many years. I also mine it, run a number of BTC nodes and about 50 lightning nodes. I am hoping you know what that is.
Believe me, your fears are completely unfounded. Where were you when we the users for the first time in history beat the corporations with the UASF ????
That was the day the planet knew that bitcoin cannot be controlled by any one group.
Catch up.... you are still stuck in 2014 narratives.
Ah, let me see....
On one hand you have fiat, which gets created out of thin air in a reactionary politicized way, behind closed doors in complete secrecy by a select few (about 8,000 people worldwide who get direct benefit from instantly created money).
On the other hand you have the world's first and ONLY medium of exchange which cannot be gamed by any particular group, which gets created based on proof of work, in complete transparency, where anyone with an internet connection can view the realtime activities of the distributed ledger. The blockchain does the same thing every 10 minutes, with complete disregard for the bankster's system or politics or wars etc.
WOW, I wonder if millions of people a month becoming aware of the fact that for the first time in history we have an exit from [their] system and we can stop enabling the banksters with ever transaction we make in quenching [their] thirst for our children's blood, will have any sort of impact ?!?!?!
It's a no brainer once you get the technology. It is inevitable.
Invest 5 hours of your life into educating yourself watching Andreas Antonoupoulos videos. It is entertaining and you'll come out of it understanding the tech behind bitcoin better than only one you know personally in real life.
The difference is that this time around we have Bitcoin.
[THEIR] endgame has always assumed that we all - every single one of us HAS TO be part of [their] blood soaked fiat system.
OOPS !!!!!
bitcoin is here. Now there is an exit from [their] system and [their] illusionary mOnEy, [their] fiat.
It would be great if patriots would simply join the global silent revolution to replace the entire bankster system, instead of enabling banksters in quenching [their] thirst for our children's blood with every single transaction they make.
Please do yourselves a favour and INVEST 4 -5 hours of your entire life into watching some Andreas Antonopoulos videos in order to understand the bitcoin technology and be in a better position to hAvE aN oPiniOn about it.
Bitcoin may have nO iNtRinSic value - as if the digits on your bank's website do....
But you can buy Gold and Silver with it.
You have been sucked into the media fed narratives on behalf of the global banksters that Bitcoin somehow competes with gold and silver.......
Gold and silver are things, like hamburgers, cars and frisbees are things.
You buy things. The thing that you use to buy the thing is not the thing, it is simply the thing that is used to buy the thing. Bitcoin is that thing, kind like your dollars are not the thing, but the thing to buy the thing.
Educate yourself. watch Andreas Antonopoulos videos. 4 - 5 hours of your life to adequately inform yourself about bitcoin, so you don't sound like a fool simply repeating false bankster created media narratives about it - literally going to bat for the blood thirsty globalist banksters.
It'll be an entertaining 4 - 5 hours and you'll be glad you did.
This is what makes this different from 2008. Back then there was no exit from the system. The system was everything.
Now we have Bitcoin.
As more and more people face the very real prospect of their liquid wealth (money) being frozen, unavailable, confiscated or stolen by failing institutions, They will also notice that the Bitcoin that people have on their phone is still there, completely unaware of any collapse, what the financial system is doing etc.
The value of that bitcoin may fluctuate based on the extremely volatile fiat world as it collapses under it's own weight, but it will still be there. No one can take that from you.
And we wonder why the price seems to be going up.
Eventually you realize that it is not the price of bitcoin going up, but rather that we finally have something outside of the system by which to measure and just the value in the system........ the price of bitcoin actuall reflects that value of fiat tanking.
Just let me jump in and help you out a bit.
Your comments seem charged and are irrational, based on beliefs about Bitcoin that were put into you by the bankster media. Beware.
Do yourself a favour and DO NOT invest in Bitcoin.
Rather INVEST 4 to 5 hours of your life into watching Andreas Antonopoulos videos in order to develop an understanding of the technology behind bitcoin.
Then you'll be informed and not flailing about repeating on behalf of the bloodthirsty banksters.
Your keys. your Bitcoin. Not your keys, not your bitcoin.
Yes, but you cannot store gold inside your brain either.
Bitcoin you can store inside your own brain.
Once you understand the technology and why THAT is unique and special, then you will understand that Bitcoin is NOT an investment or some kind of exotic diGitAL aSseT which gets bought/sold/valued in terms of [their] fiat, which is what the banksters will have you believe.
Bitcoin is the global silent revolution whereby you can take your financial life into your own hands and STOP enabling the banksters in quenching [their] thirst for our children's blood.
IF you are still in [their] system] storing your savings in [their] money, thinking in terms of [their] fiat (as in everything eventually boils down to being of a particular numerical value denoted in USD), then [they] own you. You are [their] little bitch.
Gold is great, buy it, go right ahead. But buy it with what? Dollars? You just enabled [them] and are aprtly responsible for a child going missing every 4 seconds.
Buy your stuff (gold, silver) with BTC, store your liquidity inside your own brain with BTC.
Bitcoin is not in competition with things, with stuff. Like gold, sliver, real estate. IT is in competition with the entire globalist bankster sytem.
Educate yourself, so you won't be so confused.
INVEST 5 hours of your life into watching Andreas Antonopoulos videos, so you'll be better informed and al least understand what Bitcoin is and what it isn't
Gold you can bury in your back yard, but cannot store in your own brain. Bitcoin you can store in your own brain, but cannot bury in your back yard. Different uses for different things.
We could be talking centuries.
All previous mediums of exchange have been controlled by a permissioned few, whether sea shells, gold or fiat, there was always an invisible hand. Bitcoin does not care about politics, nation states, people, what you do with it, etc, it simply completely impartially and incorruptibly continues ..... every 10 minutes or so a new block , more bitcoin birthed into existence. completely transparent, ungamable by any one entity....... inevitable that people and nations will elect to use a completely impartial medium of exchange than one belonging to any particular country, group or business entity. It simply becomes the standard by which all currencies are judged because it takes no sides, it doesn't even know we are here :)
It is a fascinating exercise considering the monumental distance the human race will have to travel, the rising of the consciousness that would have to take place, some kind of awakening would have to occur, but like a really great one.
I would love to help you out in understanding bitcoin, but it would be easier for me and more entertaining for you to simply watch a few Andreas Antonopoulos videos until you understand the technology itself.
At that point you will realize that the understanding you have now was put into you by the bankster media and your points are simply repetitions of 2014 era media narratives, they are nonsensical to entertain because you have no understanding on how the technology works. And THAT is no big deal, no shame in that at all. No one was born understanding how a block chain works. It's something you have to invest about 5 hours of your life into, simply watching Andreas Antonopoulos videos.
Once you understand the technology, you will be able to review your beliefs from an informed perspective. You'll be glad you did. He's is a great speak and teacher, makes complex things REALLY really easy, so even aomone like me can get it... eventually. It is fascinating and opens up a whole realm of possibilities for developing trustless and permissionless systems.
Like I said, I have no idea to whether this will occur in our lifetimes or not, but it is inevitable that Bitcoin, being the world's first and only medium of exchange which cannot be gamed, owned or controlled by a permissioned select few, will become the central piller of what 'value' is, like the gold standard , it will be the bitcoin standard.
It isn't that hard to work out.
[They] control 99.99% of the above ground physical gold and ALL of the mining companies.
The retail market plebs hold [their] paper.
There is only one store of value that [they] have not been able to get [their] blood stained hands on in any significant way.
I refuse to shill and tell you what that is. You are a pede researcher, find out for yourself what the hardest money in history is.