Money will be the last of your worries if power is out for any length of time. Bitcoin has been broadcast through ham radio and the blockchain is broadcast from satellite as we speak. Bitcoin is not the save your ass thing you need when things are desperate, however it is the currency by which ALL other things will be valued . That is inevitable.
maybe? maybe not?
Are you kidding me, or are you just 6 years behind? It is a completely centralized wholly owned network, which couldn't even qualify as a blockchain or a cRyPtO. It IS the bankster coin.
There's a reason it is known as the great cripploff.
I hear ya.
No one should ever INVEST in Bitcoin, unless they understand the technology.
However, I would recommend to anyone to consider INVESTING a few hours of their life into watching Andreas Antonopoulos videos. He's the geek that puts the Bitcoin technology and how it functions into plain english. You'll be glad you did. Once you wrap your head around it, you'll be informed. There is no 'missing out'. It is NOT an investment. It is NOT a diGiTaL aSseT that gets bought/traded/valued in terms of [their] fiat...... That is simply what the bankster media has most people believing.
Watch Andreas' talks. It is very entertaining as well.
Seriously dude?
XRP has been known as the bankster trojan horse for years aready.
It is created, owned and run by the bankster cartel.
It was designed to fool fools into buying BTC in order to 'sell' it for [THEIR] 'crypto' - XRP ..... and [they] keep the Bitcoin.
There is a reason it is known amongst OG as the great cripploff.
Catch up.
Stop promoting known centralized number-of-the-beast style cRyPto.
There is only Bitcoin. [they] lust for Bitcoin but have been locked out by the HODLers of last resort, [they] can never catch up and control a significant portion of the BTC in existence. cripplecoin (XRP0 was just one of [their] failed attempts to gain some kind of foothold in the BTC ecosystem.
Y'all gotta do your research on Bitcoin. It is extremely embarrassing seeing a community which prides itself on research being led up the garden path by banksters when it comes to Bitcoin. Please do your due diligence, watch some Andreas Antonopoulos videos - he's the geek who put it all into plain english.
A we watch the fragility ALL holdings of wealth, many will realize that Bitcoin is still there and will continue to do it's thing every 10 minutes, with complete ignorance and disregard for the machinations of the political landscape.
Yeah, yaddy yadda..... gold...... silver...... They are all awesome and whatnot, but they are things you buy with money to store value. But what do you buy them with? Fiat US dollars, your new CBCD or the old CBDC known as cripple (XRP), or do you buy it with Bitcoin and gain that piece of mind.
Bitcoin is NOT an investment or some kind of sophisticated diGiTaL aSsEt - that is another one of [their] stories. Bitcoin is the first and ONLY medium of exchange in human history which cannot be gamed or controlled by a select few.
Then the real issue with gold..... Who owns and controls pretty much ALL of the physical gold supply? Yes, it is [them].
There is only one thing that [they] will NEVER control a significant amount of and that is ladies and gentlemen - Bitcoin.
The public response forced the WEF sTaKe hOldErS in the gov to back pedal - going against their pathetic CP corporation handlers.
This is a very significant WIN for SouthEast Asia. In time it should lead to the prosecution of the WEF stake holders in Thailand who were behind the HOAX in Thailand - namely the owners, board members and senior executives at CP group.
As a reference to the rollout of the 'new rules' a few days ago, here is the ghey as hell Bloomberg article championing the tyrannical efforts:
Unfortunately it is behind a paywall, but interestingly as it loads the title page in the menu bar loads as XBB.1.5 - which is already dead in the water >>> Another good sign.
No one is buying [THEIR] shit.
The difference in tone between the 2 articles separated by only a few days is remarkable and definitive evidence that the tables have truly turned on the covid hoax.
Handshake, handshake.
What are you 12?
It is plainly obvious that you haven't a clue and those of us who have an understanding of the Bitcoin protocol are simply trying to help you out to stop embarrassing yourself with your indignant ignorance.
You really do come across like the 'fine people' NPC who simply refuses to educate themselves.
I am sure you are NOT that, but you do come across like that.
Catch up.
Enjoying the latest non happening dEaTH sPirAL yet?
He was hanging out with the scum from CP group, who are the WEF asshats responsible for the covid scam in Thailand.
From the article: "According to local media, and reported by Reuters, Ma was at the restaurant with Soopakij Chearavanont, the chair of the Charoen Pokphand Group."
Definitely not white hats.
This vaxhole corporation seems obsessed with controlling the Thai population, decimating it and handing the whole thing to the CCP.
Nasty nasty screwball turds. All of them.
Again, Your response oozes ignorance and I really do not mean that in a derogatory way, but by the true meaning of the word - You have yet to inform yourself. THAT does NOT make you a bad person, just disinformed.
And the disinformation on which you base your belifs upon was very well thought out and installed into you while you weren't looking. You are innocent.
You too are a VICTIM in the charade.
The CBDC that [they] are in a panic to fast track is just a facelift for [their] fiat that you are currently using today - the US dollar. It may be a fancy facelift which gives them even more power over your life, but really, it is just the same thing.
Bitcoin is a completely different beast. And I mean completely different.
[THEY] have zero control over it. [THEY} might have an effect of the apparent value of it when calculated in terms of [their] fiat money, but control over the thing itself - ZERO POWER.
Your belief that somehow the CDBC is closer to Bitcoin than it is the digital money you currently spend through your debit/credit cards is a symptom of your confusion, not the root of it.
The root of your confusion comes from not understanding BItcoin and WHY it is the FIRST and ONLY medium of exchange in human history which cannot be gamed by a permissioned few.
And WHY it is so important to [them] that awakening people such as yourself cannot understand that and view the CBDC as "tHe sAme aS BitCoiN'.
[THEY] are in panic and it is crucial for them having the awakening patriots unaware of what BItcoin actually is.
Just do the research, inform yourself and watch the Andreas Antonopoulos lectures.
Jut doing my tiny little bit in all f us helping each other along in the awakening.
So you increased your stake in [their] fiat illusion, enabling [them] in quenching [their] thirst for our children's blood....
Are you expecting a medal or something ?!?!?!
You are waaaaaay behind. Catch up.
We crossed that bridge - the one where [they] can destroy it, back in 2015.
[they] cannot destroy it, [they] can only convince people such as yourself to NEVER look into it and research the actual technology, while you enable [them] daily with every single transaction to quench [their] thirst for our children's blood.
Please, do yourself a favour and watch the Andreas Antonopoulos Videos - he is the geek that makes the tech understandable for the rest of us.
[they] gain no benefit from incorporating the blockchain tech.
It'll be a fake pseudo blockchain like cRIPPLE.
Unfortunately, your outlook comes form a place of ignorance. It is a disinformed outlook - by design.
Before the FTX thing, Bitcoin was the world's first and ONLY ungamable medium of exchange.
After the ghey little FTX speed bump has been memory holed, Bitcoin will still be the world's first and ONLY ungamable medium of exchange.
Do yourself a favour and research deep enough to understand the technology. Watch Andreas Antonopoulos videos.
Once you understand it, you'll have an informed outlook.
Be sure to stack the BTC sats from your shitcoin mining.
Do yourself a favour and inform yourself. You have been led astray by media narratives instead of researching for yourself.
Watch Andreas Antonopoulos videos in order to understand how the technology actually works.
Once you are adequately informed at that level, you'll be in a better position to have an opinion.
Until then, you'll sound disinformed to anyone who has done the research.
I understand that many here are new to fighting the good fight, but being uninformed about the ONLY weapon that we have ever had to take down the Blood thirsty banksters is sad.
The only people who get excited about cRyPtO iN a dEaTH sPiRaL are people who feel that they somehow missed out.
Let's explore that emotion. Where did it come from?
Is it possible that instead of researching Bitcoin to understand the technology and how it functions and WHY it is the first and ONLY medium of exchange in world history that cannot be gamed by a select few; that these people are simply victims of believing the primary disinformed narrative about Bitcoin, which was seeded by banksters through the media in 2013?
What is that narrative?
It is this: That Bitcoin is some kind of sophisticated diGiTaL aSseT ( a cOmModiTy) that gets bought, sold and valued in terms of [their] fiat dollars. In short, Bitcoin is an iNveStMenT.
The second important media promoted bankster narrative: That Bitcoin and cRYpTo are somehow synonymous.
Once these 2 rockefellar think tank created false beliefs are installed into said person, all other media promulgated bankster narrattives about Bitcoin have found fertile ground and envy due to the false fear of missing out are the desired consequence.
There is no cRyPto dEatH sPirAl, there never will be and anyone believing so has not been paying attention. Bitcoin has survived MANY drops of more than 90% when you are stupid enough to value it in terms of fake fiat bankster dollars. Those days seriously felt like dEaTh SpiRaL was in action. What is going on now is pretty much a speed bump in the road in comparison. HINT: The vast majority of the Bitcoin holders worldwide have never even heard of your Umercan FTX ponzi scheme and could care less.
You may ask, well then why does Bitcoin always survive? (And that would show that you are beginning to use discernment and are possibly breaking free of the media installed bankster narratives.)
The answer is this:
Bitcoin is NOT and investment into a digital asset, but rather it is a weapon disguised as a currency designed from the start to bring down the bankster scam. THAT is the last thing [they] would like you to understand.
Fundamentally, what Bitcoin is, is simply this:
The first and ONLY medium of exchange in world history that cannot be gamed by a select few. By it's very nature it is completely transparent.
Those that benefit from the fiat gamed system or even the gold backed system (because [they] were able to steal most of it hundreds of years ago), are terrified that WE THE PEOPLE will begin to actually understand Bitcoin and begin to use it for THAT reason. That we stop using [their] fiat money (of which [they] control 99.99%.
Catch up. You have not missed out. There is nothing to miss out on.
You are either enabling the banksters in quenching [their] thirst for our children's blood with every single transaction in [their] fiat currency or you are doing your best to exit [their] murderous system into the Bitcoin economy.
Bitch all you like. your preprogrammed mind will want to rail against this truth, but you'll just sound like an ignorant leftist parroting media talking points with 'very fine people on both sides' to me.
You see; My hands are clean...... I exited years ago.
What about yours? How many transactions did you make today using [their] money?
something something.. airports... announcements
It all happened off chain on the ledger at FTX.
ALL 'crypto trading' happens off chain on a ledger at the exchange in question.
The only thing that would show up anywhere would be the addresses belonging to the exchange and transactions sending to or from those addresses.
It happened with fiat bankster controlled bank accounts belonging to FTX, the US gov and the dems in question, the cRupTo tRaDinG was just the front.
xrp is a bankster coin.
Do your research.
xrp is neither decentralized, nor is it a blockchain. Most agreed (at the time, that it wasn;t even a 'cryptocurrency', rather a repackaged SWIFT)
There is a reason why it is referred to as cripple or the great bankster crippleoff.
It is 2022 already. Enough with the shilling of bankster corpcoins already.
Catch up.
your ignorance is showing.
There is only one thing [they] TRULY fear and that is Bitcoin.
SOme ghey exchange that no one has ever heard of and only Democrat scum use it to launder US bankster created fiat dollars named FTX means absolultely nothing in the greater scheme of things.
Bitcoin is the global silent revolution, it is NOT an investment --- that is what [they] want you to believe... and you fell for it.
Catch up.
Watch Andreas Antonopoulos videos - he's the geek that makes the tech understandable for the rest of us. You might never be on board with the primary weapon to bring down the blood thirsty banksters as they lust the blood of our children, but at least you'll understand that it is the primary weapon.
You'll find that the reason you sleep well is that you have chosen to store some of the fruits of your labour on the blockchain instead of in [their] blood stained system. YOU have been able to do something, albeit very small, but personal in this struggle against evil.
Every transaction using [their] system, using [their] money, we unwillingly and unwittingly enable the banksters in quenching [their] thirst for our children's blood.
To have your wealth outside of THAT feels amazing, to no longer be enabling [them], even in a small way simply feels great. It's worth having some just for the good night's sleep.
EVERY single other thing of value on this planet is either controlled by [them] or [they] own almost all of it. Bitcoin, hee hee, ha ha .... [they] will NEVER own a significant amount of it.