funkefresh82 1 point ago +1 / -0

I feel like this is an optics move.

funkefresh82 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you believe me or not, I don’t care. I downloaded this myself off the government website it was released on via FOIA. This is a screen shot of it. If you think it looks fake, go find them yourself. It’s in the public realm. You can see the numbers. Go find it.

funkefresh82 1 point ago +1 / -0

Something just dawned on me. If sex and gender are different, than how can someone who’s acting negatively towards another gender be “sexist”? Liberal logic fails again… The logic doesn’t work out once again lmao.

funkefresh82 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can we now use the A word the way some people use the N word?

funkefresh82 4 points ago +4 / -0

Remember that one time when they admitted something like this, then 9/11 happened and the “plane” destroyed the exact part of the pentagon where the records for this mistake were kept? Pepe Farms remembers….

funkefresh82 1 point ago +1 / -0

I saw this heading home from NYC after a gig today. Very interesting.

funkefresh82 4 points ago +4 / -0

Is this why the Red Cross has been hitting me up several times a week for the last few months? It’s worse and more frequent than spamming robocalls at this point. It’s actually super annoying.

funkefresh82 4 points ago +4 / -0

I’m beginning to wonder about that account and if something is up with it. The Q connections are so blatant and obvious on TS, but is all reposts, not actual posts from the actual account. It’s almost too good to be true kind of thing for me. But elsewhere it’s a much more cryptic connection that could easily be cut short with plausible deniability. I’m very confused by this. Maybe that’s the whole purpose.

funkefresh82 1 point ago +1 / -0

A former co-worker of mine just passed yesterday morning. Heart attack. Died on the spot. 69 years old.

funkefresh82 3 points ago +3 / -0

Makes a lot of sense. “Optics is everything” Is always talked about in this community. It his definitely fits the bill for that.

funkefresh82 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don’t know that it would be him giving up on us. Likely just a different strategy than what we think it is. I’d defiantly be disappointed but I wouldn’t be ready to drop him just because if that.

funkefresh82 12 points ago +12 / -0

I’m with ya. Whether or not he says or does something expected or unexpected, I’m rolling with him. The Q thing is clearly a thing. Whether or not we all misunderstand it or not, he’s still the only person I’ve seen in my lifetime who seems to give a shit and has the actions to back it up. I trust the plan and am cautiously optimistic about tonight, but either way he will have my support. I’m one of the “unshakables” Megan Kelly spoke of. We all need to know he is a troll to the media and plays them like a fiddle. Also, if the Q stuff is legit, which it seems to be, they will not telegraph all their moves. End of the day, if we know what’s coming so does the other side. Misdirection for them and us is all part of it in my opinion. They can get us looking one way and saying what we say about it, which will throw off the other side as they think we know something they don’t. Thus preparing for something completely different than what is actually about to happen. I’m not giving up or withdrawing my support for any of this until he himself says it’s over, or we win and it ends that way. It would take a really serious misstep on his part to get me to falter in my support for him or this movement.

funkefresh82 1 point ago +1 / -0

UPDATE: The guys I work for understand my situation and have put someone else on the job that day. They are just working with this client for the first time, and knowing how I feel and that I am strong on my convictions about this, they don’t want me to feel uncomfortable or have to do things I don’t believe in. Also, they don’t want there to be any issues with the client shouldn’t decide to speak up. Sucks I’m losing a day’s pay but I’d rather stand for my beliefs than cave. I would be more than happy to fake it to get through and get the $ but I’m not trying to cave should the client push the issue. Not my ideal turn out but at least I’m not being forced into something I don’t want to do.

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