Gotcha, thanks!
Very nice, is there a button to access it somewhere or do I just remember to add logs at the end of the address?
I wish I could find a group like that here in Nashville. I've been maskless since the beginning.
GAF... Gay As Fuck?
Are we sure this is a man???
Edit: well shit, says so right there. Tell kojak he can stay home.
Nothing wrong educating yourself with new technology by tossing a couple hundred dollars in, picking a few coins, learn the mechanics and not be so tied to the outcome.
I did that in 18'. It was fun. Learned an awful lot by having a small amount of skin in the game. Just watched that 150 bucks worth of coins for a year, think I watched it grow to 250 and then drop to 45 and then stabilize around 60 bucks for the following year..
If I wouldn't have done that test for a year, I wouldn't truly of understood the swing bitcoin has. So as I invest this round, I feel more confident (some)
Oh well, my two cents (or 0.00000036 bitcoin)
Lol, ol Big Mike sure does stand out, don't he? :)
Charging that mafucker up for a backhand!
The fuck would we give away all our western coastline to a bunch commie faggots?
Talking about how smart you are is comparable to talking about how big your dick is. It's always better when other talk about it.
Kinda got that dollar store magnetic beard hair game thing going on a bit.
I always assume the asshole driver has to poop real bad.
Don't take any guff from those fucking swine. Good job.
The one day I don't listen and THAT'S the one to get stickied.
Nice. :)
Every person I see wearing a mask still. It's just sad.
Ha! Ol Brian Stetson! What a gumpy fuckin dork.
What do those fellers do?
It sounds like a good idea in theory, but Twitter is for fags. :/
The Amazing Foreskin!
Hah! Do another! :)
I hope he tries to sniff that fella.
Lol, gaaaaaad damn I hope you are right. :)
Oh, they'll get your bibles just like they stopped you from attending churches without a fight from ya.