What is there to handle? Catch, release, blame 45. Wash, rinse, repeat.
Alaskan bush people everywhere are unstrapping as we speak, no doubt...no one listens to the most overturned court in the land.
Silly rabbit, rules don't apply to DemocRATS.
"Who built the cages, Joe?"
If only the damage to the economy/Republic were as fake...
It's a fucking kill shot. Embracing it is suicidal. End of story.
Screw social media, the WH is the only return that matters.
Eff the CDC and the horse they rode in on.
Doesn't matter. She'll get that seat effectively by overturning the IA race.
No doubt about it. But lucifer takes more than a few prisoners and inflicts a great many casualties.
Effem if they can't take a joke. Start open carrying and they'll lose their attitude real fast.
Purge incoming.
It's OK to be white.
They're painting each other's nails and donning lipstick now. So much for the "only way".
America. It's not even close. Trump was just in the way.
You're just gonna hafta de-mask yourselves. It's not that difficult. Just do it. Others will follow. Soon, you'll be the majority.
Watch the video of the street crowd in Spain who came to the defense of a woman being arrested for free-facing. Everyone else de-masked (maybe a dozen people), and started scolding the police. The officers let the woman go and retreated back to their hole.
You condone what you accept.
Sure you can. You won't be able to charge them with a crime, but you can take back what belongs to you, kick them out of your store and keep them from ever coming back in the future.
The whole "have to wake people up" line is just a cover narrative for why nothing of consequence ever happens.
At least since HIV was introduced into the wild.
Planned Parenthood was also a eugenics movement.
But the real answer is from the minute Lucifer was exiled to Planet Earth.
The Republic is, that's for certain. Secession is the only way.
I'm gonna go ahead and say it.....it was a direct result of the gene therapy jab(s).
Truly sorry for your anticipated loss.
Scheming ways to make the second poke more effective (deadly), no doubt. We need faster de-population if we're going to save the planet in time for a 2030 reset.
She was told by the Court AT THE TIME that she had no power to alter the law, but she went ahead and did it anyway. There will be no consequence.
Meanwhile, the owner of Marlena's Bistro was picked up this morning by the MI State Gestapo for daring to keep her small, family business open in defiance of unelected state health bureaucrats.
Xidan GOOOOOOD! Consuming food, BAAAAAAAAAD!!