With the insurection act , I hope the crimes will be exposed.
There is a cult of disinformation being used to strip all free people of their soverignity.
I like the big long list. I can keep it, add to it, know if I forgot anything, and use it for review.
Small pox is manageable with massive doses of vitimin A, and a complement of other vitimins and minerals.
Consider 3 possabilities. 1 that they are hyptnosis devices to control a manchurian president. 2 they can spy and record. 3 might be useful for communication.
it is a plot to overthrow the republic by destablizing the justice system.
restoring earth! Who cares if it is a planet or an anthill atop 4 elephants upon a huge tortise. I thank GOD someone cares who is smart enough to take the project on.
Brace yourselves, Bitchute is next.
I have always avoided things with smart in the name. The smart car is underpowered and spys on the driver sending info to 3rd parties. The smart watch likewise spys and sends info to 3rd parties. The smart water is made by a global corporation wanting total control with unknown ingredients that may or may not be safe or legal. I agree, whether or not the first acronym is secret millitary anti revolutionary tech, it seems accurate.
the shut down starves small businesses in favor of corporate oligarks who will obey the communist corporate agenda. It is all about enslaving humanity with fear and control of money, medicine, food, location, travel, building codes, regulation, education, religeon, everything.
Of course the cages were made by Chinese and imported by a colorado construction firm. Where do you think the steel industry went while Obama was selling off the U.S. to the communist globalist totalitarian bankers?
The red for hunter in October.
Very french, like Louis the 14th french. read up on it.
Thank GOD! They are all seditious communists any way.
These evil buracrats want nothing more than Chinese communist approoval , through money, power and guarenteed protection.
The communist world order is all about taking the resourses of humanity and consolidating it in the hands of a few evil eugenisists. The goal is to use our money to have we the people pay for our own distruction.
Who shakes the jar of red and black ants? The black and red ants do fine untill someone shakes the jar. When the jar is shook the ants begin to fight. George Soros is the jar shaker.
I read through the headlines and my grand take away is that this represents the crest of the wave, a war to reduce the number of people on earth by misinforming them so terribly that their bad brain programming causes them to individually self destruct.
I have been sending links to my lefty friends about Hunters laptop.
Thank you for the linc. I had not seen the "what does it mean" web sight before today.
how to avoid being harvested. I bought a clowd server for my house. One of the children accidently downloaded, or gave permission to googles clowd to access our cloud and now everything is on line and being accessed by Google.
Delaware has the law on the books but the Atty gen used to be Beaux Biden and he never went after obvious violations because the fam was trafficking children and organs from war torn countries. Guess who voted for those wars?
Crunchy! CCP PAYING OFF CREDIT CARDS? Emmolluments clause, constitution.
Riddle me this annons? Beaux Biden, now decesed , had a charity to protect children. Was, Is, that charity ligitimate? Hunter on film abusing children, and smoking crack. Where did the children come from and did Beauxs charity have anything to do with procurment or funding child sex? The blackmail is total and for treason. How to escape the death pennalty? We all know Joe is walking dead, but what about Dr.Jill and fam?
yeh, it is her son Paul who is her real dick. BARISMA HUSTLE