The shred trucks are in democrat districts who sold themselves to China
now that Lisa Pages child trafficking ring has been discovered,.... yeh, nothing is happening. snigger snigger, giggle giggle, um?
Parents knew this by the year 2000. We were lied to and laws were passed based on the lies. Then William Thompson released some info. Some people did something..... in a burning trash can, in an office ,.. in Atlanta the CDC.
The list of politicos who have been tried for crimes against children makes the complicity of the NSA , CIA,FBI obvious. Was Lisa Page running a child trafficking ring?
wow, brass balls is good! thanks for the turn on.
OMG, that makes sense, they all committed some form of war against the truth and people of the world. A conspiracy if you will say so...
That is OK! My respect,.... There are folks here who will agrigate stories of peados getting the what for, openly, and mail it to Trump for christmas and wrap it in a thank you letter. I'll send my thumb drives to ATTU GEN. BARR!
It is Frikkin RADICAL! nice meme! So very accurate!
Is mitt tangled in a child trafficking ring?
So...? That is peadofiles who were caught, tried and sentenced?since 2015? Hopefully?
The question is are you a fake? Is the person you are getting second hand Q info from a fake? Q mostly asks leading questions and has said dis info is nessissarry, so, Q is a fake only if the questions of Q that you answer , are your answers fake? Q = fake < sum of all anon research
Seems like some people on the list have been noisy about not liking Trump. He turned down the invitation to join the big club and he ain't in it! Millissa millano on the list has been noisy. Mebe she be selling child juice, or knows where it can be found. Future proves past pepes', much Love,
This administration isn't the only administration that has abused the power of survelance. Think IBM durring the run up to world war 2. Also consider that the survelance that happened after the world trade center was demolished. Now consider the survelance that is needed to find trators within the halls of government industry and the judical system. I still wonder why justice Roberts allowed the obviously unconstitutional Obama-care to give so much power to the pharmaceutical cartels over American health care and insurance. How could that have happened? What made Justice Roberts change his mind on the constitutionallity of forced universal health insurance? The answer is Probably hidden under national security.
Who owns the pattent for this technology might be responsable for the crashes.
Constitution day , a perfect time to manufacture disatisfaction with "the government" so that in the confusion bankers can set up a "communist" replacement and assume the nations wealth uncontested. Muh Russia when it is communist China who owns the US debt and one of the presidental candidates.
A mass of satanic democrats are out to get Trump! The cartoon would be a blob , greenish goo, labled Qanon! Leaving a slippery trail like a snail would, but JUSTICE!
NICE! IPOT is the truth BOMB!
Whaaaaaat???, Q pilled? When we interchange our words we are not serious
I found" In persuit of truth" on Bitchute and youtube. Also, "Amazing Polly" on Bitchute and youtube "and we know"on youtube helped me understand guematria 2 and a half years ago the youtube algorhythm worked really well for me to find Titus Frost and many others who were independent researchers of the corruption going on in government.
BETTER YET! Our littigeous P.O.T.U.S. does law suit well. I want to see Amazing Polly and IPOT on national television!
I wondered if Lindsey Grahm was in on Q. He was so obsequious to who ever has the most power in the room. He and John McCain looked like gay lovers for bombards body language. Now he is larping as trumps best friend. He reminds me of my mothers social climbing dog alway showing his underside for the highest ranking person in the room.
The idea does help me understand my normy friends.
Has anyone figgured out if Lisa Page was running an adoption ring? Babies and children?