individual_outlier 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sacrifice & sterilization. I’m not an advocate for abortion, however sterilization on the other hand…. We can definitely benefit from few donkeys.

individual_outlier 5 points ago +5 / -0


According to this X post, Eau Claire’s finest dumb asses were chanting “this is what democracy looks like.” The irony is too rich for my blood. These low IQ fools surely dont understand they should be chanting “this is what oligarchy looks like” and they should be pissed off about it. I’m not surprised, this crowd is illustrative of Dem base: uninformed, unintelligible, group-think, feely types with tv sets between their ears corrupting any ability at rational & logical free thinking.

individual_outlier 6 points ago +6 / -0

Marxists hate Christianity specifically because America’s Founders were smart enough to encode God as a legal concept in our Nation’s founding documents. Rights are inherit from a higher authority , “God” and they can not be infringed upon by man, “statism”. This drives commies insatiable appetite to attack Christianity & remove it from public. Marxism, after all is a God less ideology. The administrative state is to be worshiped and is the arbitrator of what rights a society is allowed to have. “God” is standing in their way.

individual_outlier 2 points ago +2 / -0

Shamelessly stole title; gotta be one of the best comments ive read on X. Pure gold, jerry.

individual_outlier 4 points ago +4 / -0

Its propaganda to build a false narrative to cover their steal. “JD was bad choice”

individual_outlier 13 points ago +13 / -0

BUT, as part of the saying goes, "you can not vote yourself out of communism"

individual_outlier 12 points ago +12 / -0

These corrupt Marxists are not interested in giving up power and they will deploy any/ every tactic to ensure their revolution is completed. We are living in very strange & precarious times and between now & Jan 20th we should expect the unexpected. Im not dooming; its reality. One side bastardizes democratic process, and so why should we believe they would respect transition of power. UK & FR have fallen, Dems are playing for keeps. NWO communism. Trump/ Maga is only thing standing in their way.

individual_outlier 3 points ago +5 / -2

There was something on X earlier, basically there was not a clear view of the stage, let alone Trump from the water tower. If i find it, i’ll post a link. The water tower is nonsense; however the main AGR building behind Crooks, is more plausible.

individual_outlier 2 points ago +2 / -0

Success for some does not mean equity for all & thats why it’s criticized

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