inkbourne 6 points ago +6 / -0

Interesting... Retard was the first word I noticed people started attacking in the politically correct arena. Then one day it became offensive to call someone sir. I think attacking words is ridiculous.

inkbourne 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was born in Maryland, raised in Maryland, and still live in Maryland. Despite the high amount of Trump supporters outside of the major cities, most people are going about their daily lives without questioning the “official” narrative. With or without mask mandates, almost everybody wears a mask inside, and quite a few wear masks outside and even in their cars. I have seen a number of Trump 2024 stickers. I don’t hear or see any talk of the fraudulent 2020 election. Low-income housing is spreading like wildfire, which brings many problems with it that includes, but is not limited to, low IQ criminals and “thugs”. My peers are, imo, the worst generation to ever exist in terms of critical thinking and original thought. I have seen a single Great Awakening sticker on a vehicle. I know there are Patriots around here, my family is full of them. I have hope, but Maryland is fucking terrible. It sucks to see my home slowly descend in to madness over the course of 20+ years.

inkbourne 4 points ago +5 / -1

The first link: Filename: VVELCOME_TO_THE_APQCALYPSE_MY_CHILDREN_VVE_ARE_FULLY____QPERATIONAL_PRAY.jpeg Size: 155.89 kB Type: JPEG image

A picture of John McAfee

The second link: Filename: NOW_YOUR_LEARNING_OUR_COMMS_NOTHING_STOPS_THIS__N.C.S.W.I.C____John McAfee.png Size: 1.78 MB Type: Portable Network Graphics

A night-shot security camera screen capture of two women laying on a ping pong table

The third link: Filename: SLAVE_CHILDREN_SAVE_THE_CHILDREN_WE_HAVE_IT_ALL__FLQQD WARNING__WWG1VVGA.mp4 Size: 939.58 kB Type: MP4 video

The video will not play, and I am unable to download it

inkbourne 1 point ago +1 / -0

Handshake? That is the best you can come up with because you disagree with me? Go ahead and believe it is a giant balloon if that helps you sleep better at night. I am not going to try to convince you otherwise.

inkbourne 3 points ago +3 / -0

All I know about this is that the image they are using to defend the claim is a low resolution bad photoshop. If you pull up a decent resolution photo of the C-17 at the Kabul airport, the insignias and doors are both there.

A slightly higher resolution screen capture: https://imgur.com/ppOAzXn

inkbourne 3 points ago +5 / -2

That is definitely a very logical thing to believe.

inkbourne 2 points ago +2 / -0

The value lies in the blockchain more than in the crypto application built on top of the blockchain. Stop looking at it like it is an investment and you might understand what I am talking about. A decrepit house has value when looked at from the perspective of a homeless person, but little value when looked at from the perspective of a rich person. Everything has value. Crypto just has no value to you.

inkbourne 1 point ago +1 / -0

1 loaf of bread = 0.00005 BTC. As Bitcoin becomes more distributed throughout the population 1 loaf of bread = 0.000001 BTC. As long as people agree on the value.. it is really that simple.

If someone came up to me and asked to buy a loaf of bread for $0.10, I would say no because $0.10 does not give me much purchasing power. I lost a loaf of bread and can buy a piece of gum. If I can sell a loaf of bread for 0.00005 BTC and can purchase a pack of turkey slices for 0.00005 BTC I will accept the trade because it is worth it.

Cash is just one avenue for acquiring cryptocurrency since cash already has a fairly stable value.

inkbourne 2 points ago +2 / -0

Crypto is an application built on top of a real piece of technology known as “blockchain”. They are cryptographically-secured ledgers. When done right they are:

  1. Distributed. More individuals running the network makes it more secure.
  2. Immutable. Nobody can change the records written in the ledger without controlling more than half of the network.
  3. Public. Everybody can see every transaction tied to cryptographic “wallets”.

To add.. Cash has value because at some point we had trust in it being backed by gold which has real value. With bitcoin specifically, it has a finite supply and needs to be digitally mined to produce that supply. It is digital gold, verified by a cryptographically-secured, distributed, immutable, public ledger. I see more value in that than in cash.

inkbourne 5 points ago +5 / -0

I ran the court document (image-based PDF) through OCR and translated it. When ruling on the amount of deaths caused by COVID-19, the court only took into consideration verifiable deaths confirmed by autopsies. Only 152 deaths could be attributed to COVID-19 alone.

inkbourne 4 points ago +4 / -0

The QR code links to https://qagg.news

QR codes are as innocuous as any other hyperlink on the internet. Your phone shows you the link after scanning the code, and you still have to click it.

by mpow13
inkbourne 4 points ago +4 / -0

An apprenticeship with a local master tradesman is a nice place to start.

inkbourne 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m not sure how long this has been going on, but I learned how to do these things called “persuasive speeches” starting in middle school, and I’m 25 now. The point was to structure a speech in such a way that it appeals to the listener and encourages them to do what you want them to do.

Looking back on it, they basically filled our heads with rhetoric and programmed us to use it. I even persuaded my parents to buy me a RuneScape membership, among other things, using these newly acquired skills. No shame here, I just did not know any better back then.

inkbourne 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was just pointing out a thought I had when I read the quote about the leaky Avian Flu vaccines. I’m not making any claims or stating any facts.

inkbourne 0 points ago +1 / -1

The quote above about leaky vaccines makes me think maybe the plan isn’t for vaccines to cull the vaccinated..

inkbourne 0 points ago +1 / -1

Don’t tell me what I’m doing. I’m using something called Common Sense, which you seem to lack.

inkbourne 1 point ago +2 / -1

Mass, obvious genocide vs. slow, covert genocide? Still not seeing the difference here. 10%-15% reduction in population growth from doing “a really good job” with healthcare sounds worse than saying reduce the current population by that amount. Regardless, both options involve AT LEAST 10%-15% less people. It would be nice if you could explain why you are hung up on the methodology of reducing the population. Do you think people will just stop fucking when healthcare improves, because that is what causes the population to increase.

inkbourne 4 points ago +4 / -0

What is the difference? We can take 10%-15% off the top or just pay as we go..?

inkbourne 1 point ago +1 / -0

It doesn't explain how a rainbow and double rainbow are an optical illusion to the individual viewer formed as a result of white light hitting tons of water drops at different angles causing only certain frequencies of light to be observable from each individual drop? Looks like you have it all figured out then. I commend you for your genius that supersedes middle school science.

inkbourne 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good thing I don't get my facts from Neil Degrasse. I have heard almost every bit on why Earth is flat, and the logic never adds up. Are we not supposed to be thinking for ourselves here?

inkbourne 1 point ago +1 / -0

The light is separated in to the individual frequencies as it leaves the water droplet. The double rainbow is a mirrored version of the original rainbow. The wave positions are mirrored, not the frequencies. It is not violet becoming red, they are just switching places.

inkbourne 1 point ago +1 / -0

The double rainbow is caused from light reflecting twice in a drop of water, which causes the color spectrum to reverse. Like a mirror. Rainbows are curved because our eyes only see the beams of light at a specific curvature along a cone shape, creating a circle where we usually only see half of it. Physics doesn't have to be as hard as you are making it sound.

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