fuck crypto. Fuck NFT's. Fuck any digital money. GOLD OR BUST
Maybe this is where all the bone samples are taken and the clones are reproduced
I completely disagree that it exists. In fact, I haven't met a single person who was hospitalized for anything other than pre-existing conditions. PCR tests are absolute bullshit. They do not test for sickness and that is what the entire pandemic is based on. Its all BULLSHIT. I have been walking around maskless for 1.5 years and haven't been sick other than one time with the flu. Its aboslutely 100% not real in the least bit.
man the way he champions that fucking vaccine has me wondering. His latest CPAC speech with him gloating that millions of people would have died if it weren't for him fast tracking the vaccines can be taken one of two ways.... Like he prevented it from being mass-distributed over that 5 year original timeline OR that he really thinks it works and we would actually have a pandemic if it weren't for that vaccine. I'm torn on what to think.
Imagine this late in the game and thinking that the national debt actually matters? Have you not figured out you are a slave? Have you not figured out the the federal reserve perpetually loans money to the USA at an interest rate? So we loan money to ourselves and then donate the money to foreign countries. Money really is just subjugation by the 1%. Perpetually keeping us in slavery. We were never meant to live this way and are being forced to by some wealth-mongering fuckheads.
Is this how they expect us to get roped into the NFT metaverse? LOL They are idiots and I will never play crypto currency games.
I work for a power company. Our transformers are on back-order for at least 12 months. Some are 24 months. Meter bases are 10 months out. Luckily since our CEO is a based republican we stocked up immediately on ALL inventory before shit hit the fan. We're ready to weather the storm here. The big concern at least in my state is the coal pile at the coal-fired power plants. Coal is being sold to Europe and China for 250$ a ton. We typically buy ours for 20$ a ton. And every year ahead of winter we stockpile it up so if there is a bad winter we have the excess coal we need to compensate for extra heaters etc being turned on. That means that the miner's are selling the shit to china and europe instead of us because they are paying a much higher price. Leaving us majorly vulnerable if we were to get hit with a major snowstorm. Everyone should have a generator and ample food stocked up. Also you should research how to make a wood-gasifier for if shit gets really really bad and gasoline stops moving and all power shuts off. Cheers!
All the birthrates are dropping in every country but Israel. hmm