The destruction of the working class is necessary to dominate a people. If you have work that provides for your family then you won’t rely on the government and you might get your own ideas of how to live. This was NEVER an unintended consequence of woke policies it was the real purpose of those policies. A cheap controllable labor force so the elites can farm us like cattle and work us like chattel.
This is a major danger zone. Gates swing two ways. I think people can lose sight of what happens on the other side if that gate swings back into you. In other words don’t make a rule you don’t want to live under. So many of us barely survived the last 3 term president as another poster pointed out. That was with a four year break between. Hard no. We need to cultivate leadership so we have so many great choices that we don’t need one president for three terms
Pervery Jerks- Totally unnecessary doing that and they KNEW it.
Honeypots are especially tempting for the narcissist
I had hoped but didn’t expect. YAS it would be incredible to have this truth teller openly among us once more- gotta say though I think he has been doing a lot in the shadows to get truth out - if not him someone else and God bless them for it
Let’s also note that this round of deportations is going after known violent criminals. So what she is really saying is she is willing to attack an officer who is trying to protect innocents and bring justice to their victims. Anyone caught with them that are here illegally is going as well. That needs to happen to remove any support these offenders have. There are cells of groups set up to hide these violent offenders and the left is DEFENDING this. Guess who has suffered the absolute worst- the weak within the subterranean society that they created to have cheap labor. She can cry but the children ALL day but has she once stopped to think about the women and children drug into this mess? There is no protection for them when they are here illegally they can’t go to the cops. This makes abuse and trafficking possible. She wants to be a hero so she can splash it all over FB but she also wants to support a system that only benefits the elite and sets up actual innocents ( kids and trafficking victims) to be abused endlessly. This isn’t heroic this is carrying the water for scumbags.
Is it like in the U.S - are the cities an island of progressive politics and the rural areas have very different views? On that note I also don’t believe our cities are as blue as we are told but the rot definitely comes from the cities.
No video loading. Could you provide a link please and thank you
One of the saddest games played has been the distortion of women by feminism. Women have their own strength with no need to borrow from men. We do have a role an incredibly important role that is completely God ordained motherhood. Not all women can be mothers but we all gain our strength from the traits required for motherhood. IMHO I believe a woman with integrity is a better leader than a man with none. The key is integrity. By the same standard a man with integrity is more likely to command respect and possess the natural abilities that can command both men and women. They lead DIFFERENTLY and this is key. Women shouldn’t be trying to be men. We have our own positions of power but as I said some women refuse to see that leading society by nurturing and teaching the generations for the profoundly important role it is.Feminism wasn’t created by women ir even embraced until generations of programming. Feminism was created to devalue the working man’s wages. It took years to indoctrinate girls into buying into the concept that their only value was in working themselves to death because as so very many women have learned the hard way we CANNOT turn off our need to nurture our young. Now the only women who stay home are typically those whose husband is willing to step forward as the sole bread winner. THAT is another conversation- men feel they are doing their wives a favor by “letting “ her focus on child rearing. Instead of seeing it as a gift to himself and his children as well as to her. Men who have gladly embraced the additional income- they can’t complain that THEIR roles have been supplanted. The knive cuts both ways. Feminism isn’t about women it’s about the degradation of society and was never about empowering women. Women absolutely can do anything intellectually and many things men can do the question is should we? I respectfully disagree with your interpretation on the roles of men and women and yet we both seem to agree that feminism is a blight and that there are roles men and women should not exchange.
Put one of mine in county court. I will put 10 of yours in the State Court. Godfather style just saying
There is Deborah just saying…… God rises up Godly Women too. The enemy likes to use women because some women want the power. Women on a power trip are THE Absolute worst. Don’t judge all by that. The Isaiah quote below may be actually referring to the fact that women rule over children and the children of the oppressors will rule over his people essentially saying they will be at the absolute bottom of the social classes. Careful throwing scripture without context. I am not saying that to say your wrong but to say that interpretation can be many faceted.
My guess is Govt workers will have to go through an in office vetting period under new more productive DOGE standards. Then if we are smart we will send as many as possible to work from home and stop paying for buildings that are half full
Mic drop. Nice
I will never understand those who can knowingly harm a dog or cat. For that matter a child either. Fauci did all three and then exported his maniacal need for playing God into all realms. Protect the weak and the trusting should be 101 in humaning. Children and Dogs are often the best people I know. Cats are jerks and yet I have willingly served 4 in my life and uncountable strays and love them despite their snooty ways.
7 years ago I found out that my sons chemo was known to be ineffective and caused secondary cancer but the doctor got a kick back. So it was standard. We pioneered another treatment along with another family. It is more effective protects the bone marrow from damage and inhibits progression. Less side effects too. Still not the first treatment guess why? Disgusting
Be there for him now. Sadly people are fair weather. We faced that when our child was diagnosed with cancer and that didn’t require risk. People don’t like being uncomfortable or sad and will run when things get difficult. You didn’t and THAT really matters. Poor guy he is gonna need a real friend to process all the hurt and betrayal and trauma. God will however be there through it. Sounds like a dismissal but truly from the heart it isn’t. I will be praying for him.
We need to flood them with this. Every time they make a point that is a lie we need to counter. We can not give them ground. We were not rabid enough last time and they had lies to hide behind to claim a false victory
That part. The gate swings both ways and we must be aware of that
Congrats to your buddy. Never should have happened Praise God these people are going home
This is the Dangerous criminal insurgent that the US justice system paused everything to apprehend????? Everyone needs to see this. This is you this is me this is anyone. They want to spin it that these people are dangerous and rabid and that ends when people realize how corrupt this all was. Bless her and her family
I think the in tune with nature part can’t be underestimated. Not just the health benefits ( which are major) but also the humility you learn when you need the land to survive- totally different viewpoint from the insulation of the city.