If we ever have a RL meetup I will bake you a cake. Great Answer
Yas!!!! Bravo 😊
Hospitals are some of the most demoralizing heart breaking systems. Bless his heart.
I too am genuinely and deeply grateful. Information strategy,Hope and fellowship. It got a ring tossed into a volcano and it has helped me through dark days. ( and occasionally made me giggle) also it might have possibly helped save my son’s life. Thank you seems inadequate but it is there none the less
I wondered what happened to Emo Phillips.
Sadly we will definitely struggle. We can hunt we can navigate without electronics we can defend against all enemies foreign and domestic but we will also be in a hospital or near a major city with medicine that must be refrigerated. This is where I am grateful I have faith. You see sometimes no matter how good you do at prepping life can put you in situations that require far more than your capabilities. I will do everything I can but at the end of the day I must rely on my Lord. Not a pass to be stupid but just a choice to leave no man behind. I am too far past the beacons to even try to swim for shore now. Three years getting here and in truth if we can’t get help soon my son might not get three more. May God be with us all. No matter what the situation it will be his presence that determines what follows the precipice and how each of us move through it.
Insert Clint Eastwood stare off here.
In Texas you can buy these in a jar. Rinse well dry and add to eggs and cheese and throw on a tortilla- delicious
Not directly and I am not a doctor but we have been using palo azul tea for hydration for my son and it also improves kidney function. It looks like wood brew 2 pieces covered about 20 minutes it will turn navy blue. Dilute and drink hot or cold available at any Mexican grocer or amazon
Nothing against Canadians I just feel like we would be cleaning up Justin’s mess. Let’s trade all our progressives for the Canadian truckers and their supporters and after a few years of rescuing people from the crazies and giving them nourishment we can just help them Squat in their original homes and label the former American progressives as colonist. The imbalance in the brains of the progressives while they figure out what to do- be a capitalist or be a colonizer. That should finish them off. We will supply the bulldozers for the piles of excrement and help our Canadian breathen move home with love and respect. No mega country but a happy healthy neighbor who slept over a while
I am not ready for the full version just yet is there a free trial?
I feel this is the true point of it all. Not Elon and Trump specifically but that the powerful must choose to either fall to their knees or fall away in the presence of our Lord. I feel STRONGLY that we are in a time of neither revelation or revival. The choice will be ours. I do however believe the Lord has had enough of certain behaviors that he is stepping in.
Looks like a incomplete radioactive falic symbol if you know what I mean - rooster and bouncy ahhh Jonson and his two secretaries - ugh forget it cock and balls forgive the indelicacy but with a radioactive symbol in te balls part
Could also be a clever way to have meetings with informants just saying.
Thank you so much
Q- am I hallucinating or was there a thread on protecting your identity online at one point? I asking because although I have a VPN. The number of ads about things I have discussed is extreme.
IMHO Each of us have different gifts. Gifts that can be used to serve our God or serve his enemies. If we each develop and offer our gifts to our creator they will magnify since we will be in alignment with God’s purpose. Some have a gift for bring others to Christ ( Evangelism) some for creating music that evokes us to worship, some for story telling ( don’t dismiss the power of this one where would we be without the testaments?) The enemy has become adept at recognizing development and misuse of these gifts. Like sheep we huddle up at feeding time. As a body I feel we need to take back our inheritance and rise up new creatives to take the place of those who have given allegiance to the enemy. Those who can both entertain and set the minds of men on a higher path
We are on a tightrope for certain- if foo fighters are interested in pivoting moments in history or disaster ( seems to be a connection) then the Biden puppet theatre would definitely be the place where are the cool kids hang out.
I am not at all surprised. I am however a bit disappointed. - we need more practice kids way too many shots not enough hits
lol I like the way you think bob ( insert sling blade voice here) Am I the only one who noticed the first one was built from off the shelf parts? Not that I am cool like that but it gives me hope if we have entered the Terminator part of this crazy parody movie
Ugh. Conversion is a good way to spaz perfectly good data. It is sneaky cuz ya think it is easy and or you just forget all together
I am so sorry that happened. Of course you would protect your grand baby. I pity your daughter to be in such a place that she thinks that way. Please try and keep an ember of joy and hope and don’t let your hurt harden your heart. Someday she will understand that nothing is more important than love and a mother’s love is especially precious. A grandmother is such a special gift to a child. Someday she will understand that what one thinks is important isn’t nearly as what is actually. I pray it happens soon and she realizes she is chasing opinions of herself from others rather than embracing who has always been on her side. Hugs