juicedagod 1 point ago +1 / -0

But what if one were to Google "side of beef"?

juicedagod 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow, so crazy that you wrote exactly this because this is how I'm feeling. I'm being very cocky on social media.

As a matter of fact, this was the post I made and I'll share it here, I might even share it on its own post:


this is related to what's going on this week, but I want everyone to read this. No matter what side of the political spectrum you're on. Pro Trump or anti-trump. Conspiracy theorist or anti-conspiracy theorist. I want you to read this post, because it's very important.

Here's the interesting thing about a conspiracy theory. most people are using the term incorrectly. Most people use the term to describe anything that myself or others like myself believe that cannot be proven. Or things that can be proven but are hard to believe. But that's not actually what it means, so let me break it down for you...

A conspiracy, by definition, is when a group of people secretly planned to do something. They conspire, that is the root word.

theory, by definition, is someone simply stating their thesis of how something happened.

Now the term conspiracy theory, is when someone has a theory that others were involved in a conspiracy.

The term was originally created to describe anyone who disagreed with the official story on the JFK assassination. And it was created to ridicule and demean them. This was done by the cia.

Now, the word is commonly used to describe people who think that the people who run our governments and control our media are evil, and they secretly plot behind the scenes to manipulate and control the masses while slowly working to remove all of our freedoms and enslave us. and when things happen in the world, we reference them to this theory of what's going on.

Now 90% of the time, we're usually referencing the same people. People who want to manipulate our civilization to the point where we have a one world government, people who are trying to push communism on free countries, people who are trying to limit the rights, the wealth, and the prosperity of the free masses of humanity.

In other words, evil people.

Now here's where the situation gets interesting...

how come we never hear about any conspiracy theory involving the good guys secretly planning behind the scenes to pull something off that will defeat the bad guys, and do this on behalf of good and humanity?

Well guess what, this is exactly the case.

what we have been witnessing over the past four years is the result of exactly this, the good guys working behind the scenes to not allow the bad guys to execute their behind the scenes conspiracy to enslave humanity and create a one world government.

Trump was the most important piece of the puzzle, he was the catalyst that made this possible. Him being elected to the most powerful position on the entire planet enabled him with connections, intelligence, and technology to be able to pull this off. And it takes courage, patriotism, and a lot of good people in the right places to help you out.

This is what we are going to witness. this has been a sting operation to the highest degree, as the simplest way to explain it to someone. It has been good actors in our government working hard over many years getting in the right positions and willing to be courageous enough to reveal all of the corruption amongst all of these people all throughout our government for more years than most of us have been alive. laws that should have never been passed, and changes that should have never been made to our Constitution are going to be undone, and years of installing evil people in these positions through bureaucracy, as well as rigged elections are going to be undone. Our country is going to be restored to a place of freedom and opportunity. We will be governed by actual representatives of we the people who are looking out for our best interest, and no longer Washington elites who are taking orders for their globalist overlords.

And as far as the people go? the ones who are going to be the most shocked, that believe everything that they saw on television was the undisputed Truth? The ones who thought that doctors and scientists you see talking on television are experts and don't deserve to be questioned?

Their entire world is going to crash down.

And, truthfully, I feel bad for them.

and I want to stay right now that I absolutely welcome anyone who's mind is going to be blown over the things they learn within the next week to reach out and talk to me. I encourage it. I encourage you to watch my show when I go live at 5:00 p.m. EST every Friday and ask me questions. If you're someone who's disrespected me in the past, you will get an I told you so, and I hope for at the very least some sort of apology for any sort of disrespect you may have thrown my way in the process, but I'm absolutely here to help you process this information.

But why did I start this post off with CONSPIRACY THEORY?

Because the bottom line is just because someone calls it a conspiracy theory, doesn't mean it's not true. it means that there are people secretly working behind the scenes and doing evil things, and if you don't pay attention and you don't open your eyes and you don't use your brain to look around you and figure out what's going on, they will fool you and trick you into thinking that there is nothing wrong.

and just because other people say that they believe someone who is clearly lying, doesn't mean they are telling the truth. It just means that they fooled a lot of people into believing them, but if you know that they're not telling the truth then they're not telling the truth. You have to use your own discernment.

conspiracy theories are real, because people do work together to accomplish things, especially sometimes in secret. Don't think it's not possible, just understand you haven't allowed yourself to believe it.

I'm proud to be an American patriot! I'm proud to be on this side of the mind control experiment, I wouldn't give up my experience of having my eyes open for the last 20 or so years up for anything.

God bless freedom! God bless humanity! God bless the United States of america!

juicedagod 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well here's my thoughts about attacking the Q movement:

What's the point?

what's the point of someone else trying to demoralize this community? if nothing can stop what's coming, does it really matter whether or not we believe it's going to happen? If nothing can stop what's coming, why would they invest so much energy into us not paying attention to it? Why would they invest time and energy into causing in fighting amongst the community, because nothing can stop what's coming.

Psyops against the community don't make sense to me because what is being foretold is something that is happening outside of all of our control.

The only realistic thing that I could see from it is they want us all to turn on Trump so we will oppose him using the military to protect the country and rectify this issue.

juicedagod 3 points ago +3 / -0

I definitely had the words "red Christmas" go across my mind yesterday when I was thinking about this.

juicedagod 1 point ago +1 / -0

I would be lying if I said that I followed q, but from what I understand you guys believe alot of what I believe and feel the same way

Elite group of people secretly ruling the world, satanic pedophiles. Trump is here to stop them. They will go down.

I'm a long time listener of Alex jones, and I've been thinking for myself since about 2002 when a friend of mine woke me up to the fact that 9/11 was an inside job. I haven't looked at the world the same way since.

I'm glad to be here on a truly uncensored community and learn more about what you guys are researching, and maybe even become part of the discussion when possible.