justmenowandlater 5 points ago +5 / -0

In my prayer group, we've been talking a lot about how God sees us and what God's truth of the world is and to look toward that rather than what we see.

What we see has become so convoluted and backwards, I've found it is really a blessing to have something to look to that I know is truth to measure the craziness of the world against.

God IS truth. We are so fortunate to be blessed to have Him taking real interest in our lives and leading our way.

justmenowandlater 1 point ago +1 / -0

I find it hilarious that a company based around a plastic potato and little pieces you stick into it managed to get people to buy it TWICE so their girls could have a girl one and their boys could have a boy one and just threw that all away for muh wokeness.

justmenowandlater 24 points ago +24 / -0

Regardless of whether this is staged or not, this is the most brilliant rant I've seen in months and If there was a way to "frame" a video and put it on my wall forever, I would do that with this video.

Man I wanna give this guy a hug and thank him for saying all the things I think.

justmenowandlater 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh I so wish she would have jumped on that a bit earlier with the woman trespassing on her property -- the cop visited her to WARN her that it was a CRIME to trespass on someone's property and then ignored her when someone literally trespassed on her property while they were standing there.

You can't say it is such a huge crime as to come visit her at night to "warn" her and then ignore it when it actually HAPPENS to her.

justmenowandlater 1 point ago +1 / -0

You know, I remember before Trump won in 2016, I had a friend who I met with shortly before the election. We had both voted early, her for Hillary and me for Trump. I listened to her arguments for why she was voting for Hillary and it all centered around health care concerns, as her husband had a pretty serious pre-existing condition that was causing her all sorts of concern over the loss of Obamacare. I tried to explain to her that Trump had such great plans for how to fix our insurance but she just wouldn't listen.

I find it so ironic that one of Biden's first orders of business was to ensure that life-saving medications like insulin and epipens could be priced as high as possible. This woman's prescription cost went up 730% overnight, for a medication that her son literally cannot live without.

I have asthma and have a rescue inhaler. For a long time I didn't have insurance and couldn't afford the $1200 a month for Obamacare's $15000 deductible shitty plan. One day, they "reformulated" the prescription for my rescue inhaler so they could eliminate the cheap generics, so the price went from $5 an inhaler to $75+ an inhaler, for a medication I needed every month. Not the same amount as this poor mom, but similar percentage increase -- there is nothing so awful as trying to decide if you are going to breathe or eat this month. I can only imagine it is a billion times worse when it is your kid suffering and not you.

She's right -- we need to be mad and take that anger and turn it into ACTION. WE THE PEOPLE need to stand up and say no more!

justmenowandlater 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes please! And jobs!

justmenowandlater 52 points ago +52 / -0

This! She was elected by her constituents and the others in Congress do not get a say in that. So good to see our Congressmen are aware of our laws and their jobs /s

justmenowandlater 5 points ago +5 / -0

Imagine how pathetic a person must be to spend all their time telling other people how pathetic they are, almost as though they are desperately trying to convince themselves that they are not the pathetic one. I feel sorry for them. To have nothing else to live for? Is it getting harder to find people to put down to make yourself feel better? What Will you do when everyone stops talking about the big bad orange man and you have to face the pathetic mess you've become?

justmenowandlater 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is one of my favorite verses and has been popping into my mind often lately!

justmenowandlater 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’ve been around quietly in the background since 2015 and I like to hang out in new. I just really don’t see it coming in through posts and any that even hint at it at quickly moderated.

One thing I will say is even people who don’t believe in God are respectful of God and those who have faith. I’ve participated in Bible Studies on The Donald. For as long as I can remember I’ve never known another non-religious group to be so accepting rather than mocking. That is refreshing honestly.

I’m a 40 something single mom. I’ve invited all my friends and even my own mom to TD. I wouldn’t do that if I thought it was violent or being used to plan violence.

Are there bad eggs every once in awhile? Sure, as there are in any group. But the mods are great to keep things clean. And the community isn’t interested in being what the left paints them to be, so everyone seems eager to help keep things focused on positivity and supporting Donald Trump as President.

justmenowandlater 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have been singing hymns all evening! Praise Jesus!