I mean it’s Home Depot. Not exactly a liberal hangout spot considering how liberals are more likely to live in apartments or hire contractors to do home repairs (and also let’s be honest they’re kind of lazy to say the least). I think a lot of the mask wearers had to be Trump voters or at least conservative, which makes sense given both Home Depot’s clientele and what we know about the true outcome of the election.
Trump won by a landslide. If everyone you see is wearing a mask even though they don’t have to, there are a lot of Trump supporters in that mix. That doesn’t really make sense to me.
Why are you linking to Breitbart which is run by RINOs now? Did you not see the hit pieces they put out on Lin Wood?
It’s time to boycott Apple and Google.
Considering how many leftists protest against or boycott Amazon, I'm not sure they seem them as being on the same side.
Why is Russia the enemy again?
If saying I’m a cancer survivor who received the vaccine is “extremely personal” then I’m just a pretty open guy I guess. I don’t think it’s Trump’s fault, I think he did a good job with the vaccine. Your reply was very long and I didn’t really want to respond to everything. If you think that’s odd, then maybe you should write shorter replies. Do I think there’s gonna be boosters in the future? Maybe, I’ll cross that bridge when we get there but as of now I wouldn’t say I would take the boosters.
I am aware that 11 in 1 million patients have an allergic reaction. Thankfully the vaccine centers have paramedics and epipens on standby. As a cancer survivor myself I understand the importance. Trump would not fund something like this if it were dangerous.
There’s some evidence that they stop the spread too (and thereby preventing more mutations), though it’s worth investigating more. FWIW, I listened to Trump and got the J&J shot two weeks ago and I feel fine.
Absolutely incredible that Israel is #1 in vaccination rates. Would not have been possible without Warp Speed. It’s been two weeks since I got the J&J shot and I feel fine.
CCP supporters use that word too to make fun of Americans.
Commie cops shouldn’t even have guns. They just use them to harass patriots.
Nice job doing the cabal’s work for them.
You are correct. OP is a shill referencing some no-name Canadian who is literally giving backwards logic. Getting the vaccine out faster means that more people will get it and most Trump supporters listen to Trump when he’s clear about his directions. Claiming that Trump is using doublespeak in this instance is literally nonsense.
Al-Qaeda and other psycho groups hate the CCP too. Doesn’t mean they’re my friend.
Epoch Times is run by the Falun Gong cult. The shills telling us to buy that newspaper glow like crazy.
You think voting on rigged machines is going to solve things, huh?
Good. Commie cops shouldn’t be able to hold your money.
I told them that Trump was responsible for the success of the vaccines. They said Trump has been spreading FUD about the vaccine. I replied that Trump has been consistent in his support for the vaccine and told us to get it. They banned me then.
AOC at least is definitely a man.
Same lol. I got banned from r/joebiden for proving that President Trump was behind the success of Operation Warp Speed. Those snowflake retards can’t handle the truth that Biden didn’t have anything to do with it.
There are only two options. Trump is part of the cabal and is spreading a dangerous vaccine, or Trump is a patriot and is correct when saying that the vaccine is good. Trump cannot be a patriot and spread a dangerous vaccine. That makes absolutely no sense.
Any member of the military insulting a US civilian should be prosecuted and sent to Gitmo.
Lots of shills in here telling us to trust the pizza restaurants. Something seems off.
With all due respect, as a Muslim Trump supporter (which I mentioned in my post a month ago), I believe that Muslims can be patriots too. Our fight is against the DS, not each other. This is a distraction to prevent us from overcoming the real enemy. https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5fa08644c5b63dc9a5bfceef
edit: Well, looks like I’ve been permabanned for this. Sorry for offending anyone. Didn’t think being Muslim was going to be a problem here.