I would only give this theory any credence if the Q movement moved the goalposts past the 20th, because even Trump has said to chill.
The moment the Q movement starts saying "ok we know Joe Biden is now president but whatever you do dont resist, patriots are coming, trust the plan!", THEN I'll believe its now functioning as a psy-op.
This better not be the Q movement slow-walking the goalpost to "okay we'll let Biden be president just trust the plan".
If Trump remains president at the same time that the media "inaugurates" Biden, then fine, but if Trump is out and Biden is in, I'm not buying any more.
My "rank"? What is this, Call of Duty? Are you talking about my social status among normies? Dude, if acting like a responsible stoic is the only way to make it to "General of the Normies" rank, then call me "Private". I'll be dancing in the streets like a lunatic if Trump saves us from global communism.
that's absolutely a dick, you penis-denier.