posted ago by Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 ago by Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 +274 / -0

"and the people will cry "what shall we do?"

I've been adamant that Biden cannot take the the Oath of Office because then it would really be all over as he'd have control over the power structure (particularly the military) and it would take time to oust him legally (and given the state of the courts very unlikely I feel.) Once he is sworn in, that is it.

Or is it?

That prophecy has been playing on my mind when I'm trying to sleep and it just won't go away. Steve Pieczenik staking his rep on that Trump will not only be Prez for the next 4 years, but 8 years. I think he is full of shit most of the time, and once a glowie always a glowie, but he and others just could be right about this.

Many people know that the US is actually a corporation (as are most countries). This is how the Bankers maintain control. We are assets of our corporations and the Birth Certificate is basically our slave papers)

Dissolving the corporation to restore the US to a legit Republic again would be the ONLY way to escape their control + this would have an effect on the rest of the world to shake off their corporations.

I also wonder if that is what Patrick Byrne meant when he said 'something happened that wasn't supposed to happen' and he'd tell us after the 20th. The US Corporation was DISSOLVED imo.

The idea of the U.S. being usurped and turned into a Corporation back in the 1800s has been discussed on here, Voat, Twitter, and the chans. I'll leave that to someone else to chime in with the details for those who don't know.

IF Trump has dotted all his i's and crossed his t's then it wouldn't matter if Biden is sworn in. He will be sworn into a bankrupt Corporation (Trump has long talked about the debt and yet he was merrily borrowing trillions which was against everything previously said, and would leave the country in debt for generations. He also took control over the Fed and a special fund they have there, which contains trillions in ill gotten gains).

Trump appears to be moving stuff from the White House that belong to the country not him, and likely recreating the White House at Mar a Largo (what was once known as the Winter White House). He wouldn't be doing that if he wasn't going to be Prez as that stuff is not his to take.

Providing he has got everyone who needs to be onboard with this (military especially) and the Supreme Court are aware of it (maybe they kept it from Roberts) then Biden literally has no power. He can order the military around but they will ignore him. Any executive orders will be ignored.

To make this work Trump has to come out and tell the people what occurred, that he is in fact still President until March 4th, Biden is President of a now bankrupt Corporation, that holds all the debt. Trillions in national debt are the responsibility of the Corporate entity not the restored Republic. Income tax cannot be charged on a mans labor otherwise he is a slave. That is a product of the Corporations.

One of the most delicious things is they are currently bankrupting the middle classes so they can buy everything cheaply and truly own it all, while we will be dependent on a meager UBI to survive after their Great Reset - if we toe the line. All that debt they have created will be theirs if things play out like this.

This would be the best outcome of all imo PROVIDING WE KNOW what has occurred so he must tell us by the 21st if Biden truly is installed. This is not something that they can keep under their hat at this point.

I don't know how long Biden would be allowed to play President (and remember he would literally have no power) but long enough for the country to see how deranged they are before the marines go and arrest them, prove Trump won the election (might need a new election in the restored Republic though.)

But I think for us not to freak out, Trump HAS to come out and tell us what has happened.

I don't think we can conceive of what it will be like to be truly free and out from under 'their' thumb.

If anyone could pull this off, Trump can.

And thus Kim Clements most obscure prophecy gets fulfilled. And Trump has 8 years.

His last term was indeed The Last President (ala Ingersoll Lockwood book) and he would be the first President of the restored Republic (and 19th I think of the legit US). Mount Rushmore worthy.

Sorry if this is a bit rambly, people who know more about this feel free to chip in because this is a real possibility imo.