for you guys I'd give free signed coppies. I'd print a special version with a random letter on the cover.
I made a 2k bet that he won all 50 states and 3 teritories. I made it clear that it's decided after the investigation results are public.
I just made a note to my self. Write that book. "Make your list! Manifestation of your future and hacking your own mind. Make your list."
I have always used it as a mind hack. I teach my "students" To write down what they want to do in their life time. After i force them to make their lists. I explain that by putting it on paper they have now made their own minds find a path to their goals. It creates momentum. By writing it down you activated the wonders of Manifestation. All you realy did was set goals. If there is no destination it's easy to get lost in an ocean. This is the short version of that lecture. Some day I may just write a short book about it.
Actual number on the bird? History?
Was there only one? I always dreamed of having teams watching to see if I fart. Well.... LA has a great homeless program.
any golf cources near there?
How does a number less than zero become less than zero?
Giggles..... No comment
Seems to simplify things
I would direct them through the tunnel system for "security reasons" Just tell them to keep turning left.
There are 17 people hiding in the lower picture.
I think my CIA handler got a pay cut as well. Poor kid, might never know what's actualy going on.
but will be ignored by many.
Were they looking for their pay checks?
So a hotel and 18 holes of golf?
6:36 am I see a few qoinkadinks
Yea well I just figured out this fraction of the plan. I'm a slacker
Yea change a random word and make it a hunt of some kind.