luxinova 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not only that, but the mother of the 29 year old billionaire behind the whole FTX scam (who also was the second largest donor to the Biden campaign) is actually a sitting member of the WEF

by DrMcCoy
luxinova 46 points ago +53 / -7

Fuck the thin blue line. Fuck backing the blue. How long will it take patriots to realize that the VAST MAJORITY of cops are "bad apples" who will enforce whatever bullshit edict the state passes down.

Police are NOT ON YOUR SIDE. STOP standing up for them. STOP defending them. Because as this video clearly shows, when it really comes down to it, the cops aren't here to protect you. They're here to enforce the will of the state, and they will do it without thinking twice.

luxinova 11 points ago +11 / -0

The thing people forget about a guy like Putin is he is an ARDANT nationalist. Everything he does is done with the sole goal of "strengthening the motherland". A guy like Putin would never DREAM of allowing his country's food supply, water supply, etc. to be tainted by these disgusting chemicals. Politicians in the US, on the other hand, don't give two fucks about whether America lives or dies. As long as they can collect a paycheck and keep the oligarchical revolving door moving, they couldn't care less about what's in our food, our water, or our medicines. US politicians would rather see this country burn to the ground than actual have to stand up to the DS.

luxinova 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wtf is wrong with his eyes? His pupils are pinpricks, he must be hanging out a little too much with Hunter

luxinova 5 points ago +5 / -0

Was a straight A student through junior year of high school, got depressed asf because the school system is shitty and pointless so I dropped out. Now I run a tax practice, make six figures working 3 months a year.

Took the GED last year just for shits and I got the highest score possible on 3 of the 4 subjects. The public school system is a joke.

luxinova 15 points ago +15 / -0

I think that's kind of the point. All of those presidents were "illegitimate" as they were operating as the head of the United States of America inc., not the republic of the united states of America.

I'm still not sure if I buy into the whole corporation thing yet, but I do believe this is pretty much how the theory goes with regards to the flag.

by Evspra
luxinova 10 points ago +10 / -0

Not gonna lie, I definitely chuckled at "QbertHumperdink"

luxinova 9 points ago +9 / -0

I knew little to nothing about Q until about a month ago, but holy shit has it been a relief.

The toughest pill to swallow was having someone who's music I grew up listening to nearly trick me into joining in a Satanic ritual of sorts.I had finally achieved my dream of being a musician, but after the shit I witnessed I turned around and never intend to look back at that industry. I can't ever listen to most music the same again.

I hope to God there really is a plan to take these people down. I don't think even most people here truly grasp the evil and depravity that has taken over our politicians, our culture, and our media. I truly do pray for the future of this country, and this world.

luxinova 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm in Duluth and we've had fighters flying SE out of the air national guard base all day long. I've seen more today than my entire time living here and not a single one has shown up on ADSB.