mothrasvineyard 9 points ago +9 / -0

just wanted to interject:

the cause of aids was a mystery until fauci and his ilk proclaimed it to be late-stage hiv.

the nobel laureate who invented the pcr test (who was based for sure - did not believe it was useful as an indicator of active infection) was a vocal critic of the hiv / aids narrative.

check out the chagas parasite

mothrasvineyard 1 point ago +1 / -0

yeah it is almost the same as the “orange man bad” npc programming, it just serves a separate purpose.

mothrasvineyard 1 point ago +1 / -0

definitely set off my “shill”-spidey senses. glad to see you don’t let the idiocy of a few shills get you down.

god made man in his image; racism is a sin against the glory of god

mothrasvineyard 3 points ago +4 / -1

yeah his handle screams shill

mothrasvineyard -6 points ago +2 / -8

damn joos tryna take over n sheet, i know they made it rain on my birfday! da waspyest presidents are akshully joos! n they r only forcing their own citizens to take three jabs to trick us into being good goys

mothrasvineyard 2 points ago +2 / -0

these neo nazi idiots think that they can use the same revisionist tactics as the left and get away with it here.

sorry, no.

mothrasvineyard 2 points ago +2 / -0

this faux etymology is so fucking stupid.

nazi = national socialism

ashkenazi = diaspora in the land of ashkenaz (one of the descendants of japheth). so the ashkenazi jews are not descendants of ashkenaz but rather guests in the land of ashkenaz.

mothrasvineyard 5 points ago +5 / -0

i was in a bar in 2012 and a distraught vet approached me because of the pakol hat i was wearing. he went into great detail about the child trafficking and the abuse of young boys that they were told to ignore. needless to say i ditched the hat.

mothrasvineyard 2 points ago +2 / -0

i am so ready for the glorious return of the donald - and all the spicy memes that will follow.

i know you’re right, and a lot of us are here - we need to hold the line and not let the infiltrators continue to demoralize

mothrasvineyard 1 point ago +4 / -3

yeah - it’s sad to see td as a shell of what it once was. there is definitely a strain of smooth-brain’d “dem joos made it rain on my birfday” - but it’s mostly trolls, shills, glowies, and pedes who, having been lied to by the media about pretty much everything in the trump era, fall prey to various revisionist delusions (“hitler was the good guy”)

by BQnita
mothrasvineyard 2 points ago +2 / -0

it’s so true

mothrasvineyard 7 points ago +7 / -0

it really is a great group! i am glad this corner of the internet has held strong. i sometimes miss the old days of thedonald, even though plebbit was terrible to our dom, but i rarely go to patriots.win these days. there is so much good info here, and the community is awesome

mothrasvineyard 7 points ago +7 / -0

haha right you are my friend. it keeps us sharp as well. the left never has to debate us or police their own to remove their crazies. it has made them and their arguments weak

mothrasvineyard 16 points ago +16 / -0

thank you. i was raised in the church, but my own foolishness led me astray. it is a relief to finally begin understand why everything seems so broken. i still have so much to learn

mothrasvineyard 2 points ago +2 / -0

ignore this idiot.

the transcripts Lin Wood posted do mention rosenstein and co planting child porn and then using it as blackmail, but afaik nothing about execution

mothrasvineyard 10 points ago +10 / -0

everyone should read the transcript lin wood posted re: rosenstein and the “dirty trick squad”. they were planting known CP images on their targets’ computers and then either charging them as sex offenders or blackmailing them

mothrasvineyard 1 point ago +1 / -0

because they conflate q with the anons. while we anons are somewhat important in the sense that we are like a crowd-sourced decoder ring, an actual journalist would look at q posts as primary and other anons as mostly unimportant.

the media ignores all of the q posts that are indicative of insider info at the highest level, and instead focuses on some of the more “out there” posts from random anons, usually re:satanism, cannibalism, trump being anointed by god, etc.

mothrasvineyard 2 points ago +2 / -0

because youtube is owned by google. so we don’t like to give them clicks

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