mspm 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks, AMC was up by 40% yesterday so I assumed the buybacks must've started. I'm holding for the time being, I heard that it could take about a week for the price to really jump. This is the first time I've ever bought stock lol. I hope everything goes well for us!

mspm 2 points ago +2 / -0

Did the same thing happen with AMC and Nokia? I didn't have enough money to jump in on Gamestop, but I did throw $20 at AMC, and I haven't heard anything about them.

mspm 3 points ago +3 / -0

If the government says I can't say it, then as sure as hell will say it whenever I get the chance.

mspm 3 points ago +4 / -1

I grew up in suburban NY on Long Island and our fire department had the same thing, but now in Florida (in a much newer town) we don't have a siren and the volunteers all have radios. I think the siren has more to do with whether your town existed during the Cold War or not rather than if you live in an urban or rural area.

mspm 14 points ago +14 / -0

Dumping the stock is exactly what they want people to do. Everyone needs to hold for dear life until all the hedge funds have to buy the stock back at the higher price.

mspm 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fuck him, he voted to certify the fraudulent election without explanation. I even wrote to him and haven't heard back. Florida better primary his ass.

mspm 1 point ago +1 / -0

Absolutely, they're in the very beginning of the creation of an insurgency, but since the deep state wants them they're facing no consequences at all.

mspm 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's why rebel movements have given rewards to those that join and help them. Money/land/capital, threats, propaganda, government positions, voting rights, there are a lot of different ways you can make joining the cause seem worth it for those on the fence. But if we're fighting for freedom do you think enslaving people would be a good idea? That would be enough for me to leave and start my own movement.

mspm 2 points ago +2 / -0

The problem with the WWII comparison is that WWII wasn't a rebellion. I agree that if the plan fails (which I don't think it's failing right now) there will definitely be a high price to pay if we allow an illegitimate Biden administration to run the country, but the point of the rebel's dilemma is that you don't need to convince either of us to join in the fight, it's the people on the edge that think they have a lot to lose by joining in a rebellion if it fails. Why give up everything you have now if the rebellion succeeds and you get all the benefits anyway? That's really the question that recruiters need to overcome when trying to find new members.

mspm 9 points ago +9 / -0

Long comment incoming that no one will see but you probably lmao, TL;DR at the end.

I took a class on political violence last year, and in it we covered civil wars, insurgencies, etc. What you're talking about is the "rebel's dilemma." It basically asks the question "why would someone join a rebellion/fight against the government?" It doesn't make logical sense for any individual to join of their own free will, because there are four outcomes that will come of the rebellion when looking at an individual's choice to join or not:

  1. Join the rebellion and the rebellion succeeds -> Individual gets whatever they were seeking (usually freedom of some kind) at the cost of manpower, money/capital, and time.

  2. Join the rebellion and the rebellion fails -> Rebels are rounded up and the individual winds up dead or punished by the government.

  3. Don't join the rebellion and the rebellion fails -> Everything goes back to normal with no cost or risk whatsoever to the individual.

  4. Don't join the rebellion and the rebellion succeeds -> The individual gains new freedoms (or whatever the rebellion was fighting for) for absolutely no cost to themselves.

Logically it doesn't make any sense for any individual to join a rebel group because it involves a ton of work and resources and puts the individual at great risk if the rebellion fails. Solving the rebel's dilemma has obviously been a huge problem for rebel groups throughout history. The easiest example is to look at the Revolution and see what the Founding Fathers did: they paid the troops, offered them land, and offered them freedom if they were slaves or indentured servants (same thing happened in the Cuban Revolution).

Of course some people will fight for a cause they strongly believe in (probably most people on this board), but that's not enough to form a strong movement by itself, you need to give some kind of incentive to push more people over the fence to join you in your fight because people are sacrificing a lot to join you. I think this is why the BLM movement was able to gain traction (especially this year), because people had been forced out of work due to the China virus so no one needs to worry about getting fired (much lower risk to oneself) and, of course, many were paid to go around torching cities for BLM and Antifa through Soros.

TL;DR: You're referring to the "rebel's dilemma."

mspm 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do what Washington (or Oregon, I don't remember which one it was) did and start a petition for the rest of the state to join Florida, Alabama, or South Carolina.

mspm 6 points ago +6 / -0

Some women will choose to do this, I know Buddy's (the cake boss guy) wife was at least considering it as well.

mspm 4 points ago +4 / -0

"Hi! I'm Q, the inventor of MyPillow..."

mspm 0 points ago +1 / -1

I live in a pretty small city so when I started my search I applied statewide, but I've been looking nationwide for a while now (avoiding any blue states like NY, NJ, IL, and CA). I'm not giving up hope, though! Thanks for the advice.

mspm 4 points ago +5 / -1

I've been trying to get an engineering job for months after graduating last year and haven't even gotten an interview. Biden sure as shit isn't helping me out.

mspm 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is incredible, what the fuck? I've only been here for a few weeks and the Q predictions and proofs continue to blow me away.

mspm 11 points ago +11 / -0

I'm pretty sure you're quoting Full Metal Jacket, but for anyone that doesn't know: the "regular army" is the professional soldiers, i.e. not the National Guard.

mspm 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was watching AF1 on Inauguration day, it did fly back to DC after landing in Florida. If we can have people watch ADSB Exchange 24/7 we could see when it goes back to Florida to get Trump again (unless they turn off the transponder, the skies are dead tonight on ADSB Exchange).

mspm 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mainstream Propaganda Machine

mspm 6 points ago +7 / -1

I'm pretty sure everyone in DC knows something is going down, they could just be continuing as normal to make the average person think nothing is out of the ordinary. Could you imagine how CNN, MSNBC, etc. would report on Biden not getting the football? It would be crazy. They want everything to calm down before taking action I think.

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