noTimeLikeToday 1 point ago +1 / -0

The united states is a democratic country because it's citizens can vote to elect their officials, as simple as that. The Electoral college system is a form of democratic elections.

noTimeLikeToday -2 points ago +1 / -3

When Trump set up McConnell and Pence to look like traitors I knew something was wrong.

Republicans and Democrats agreed on sending $600 to all Americans, the White House didn't weight on it until the very last minute. Trump knew that McConnel was not going to sign a relief bill of $2000, he knew it very well, and that's when Trump assassinated Mitch's character.

Days before the certification of the electoral college votes, Trump knew that Mike Pence was not going to overturn the election, but he put the pressure on Mike Pence, and that's when Mike's character assassination happened.

All this time I thought, rightfully so, that Trump's plan was to completely tear down the GOP top to bottom and announce his Patriot Party on the day of the inauguration, if not earlier.

I was right about that, what Trump didn't expect was the chaos that Jan 6 was going to unfold.

I really think Trump has played a dangerous game, he made us think that the election fraud proof was good enough to win court battles, but it wasn't, and if we are being honest with ourselves, if your case is not good enough to win a legal battle, it's better to let it rest, it will save a lot of money and embarrassment.

I never thought the Military was going to get involved, the chances of that happening for me was at less than 1%.

I still think Trump has a chance to do something great with the possibility of a new party, let's see what happens

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noTimeLikeToday -2 points ago +1 / -3

Lin Wood is an opportunistic pos. him and Sidney are the reason georgia turned blue. Believe anything you want but if they could have proven JUST ONE, JUST ONE of their claims we would've kept the senate. I dont know if they are just incompetent or what's going on but if you are happy with a lot of talk while the dems take absolute control then you are part of the problem too. It makes me wonder what the fuck is going on, im starting to think they are actually working for the left.

noTimeLikeToday -1 points ago +1 / -2

Isn't washingtonExaminer basically saying that there were allegations of interference from foreign adversaries on both on the left and the right and they just decided to not make it public so that it wouldn't be politicized? I don't this benefited any party tbh