nowabeliever -26 points ago +6 / -32

Some of his best and closest friends and advisers, including BANKERS, are Jews. What the fuck are you on? Trump has friends and Jews working for him. Enough with your anti-semitic shit.

Jews live rent free in your stupid uneducated and uninformed head.

nowabeliever -1 points ago +1 / -2

Ruble went from 27 per dollar to 73 per dollar. That's the good news?

nowabeliever 8 points ago +9 / -1

Interesting that the Suburbans are much newer and cleaner than the ones used by the Zhou Bai Den over the weekend in DE.

nowabeliever -1 points ago +1 / -2

Always reports YESTERDAY's news, its simply a compendium of what ALREADY HAPPENED. You can do same, as could anyone else. Its a nicely written report, but nothing more, and way later than anything you see here and on other sites.

nowabeliever 0 points ago +1 / -1

In MARCH of 2009? Are you serious?

nowabeliever -6 points ago +4 / -10

SEARCH function is your friend. And rest of the board's. Way too many posts on same exact subject only pollute the board with no real benefit.

nowabeliever 5 points ago +6 / -1

Ummm.. I already posted this about a month ago, after my own attempts at recall of a NV idiot a number of years ago. So, turns out that even when a state Constitution clearly states that any state elected office position can be recalled by the same electorate body, as NV state Constitution clearly states, in real life it will not work. After I spent some time climbing up the NV State AG office critters and their anemic "I don't and cannot tell you why, and I know what NV Constitution says, but you cannot recall a Senator", AG himself finally got back to me one day, and in a very irate way stated something that none of his minions knew, nor could explain/point out.

Turns out that while libtards had the House, Senate and POTUS in 1937, or was it 1939, need to look it up, they voted themselves a nice little protective law. Once someone is elected to Commiegress, and no matter what their respective state Constitution may say on the matter, they become FEDERAL employees and, thus, are no longer subjects to any state level recall effort. Save for the next election cycle, of course.

So, good luck recalling McConnel, or any other asshole in D.C.

nowabeliever 1 point ago +2 / -1

The DJIA hit a market low of 6,469.95 on March 6, 2009, having lost over 54% of its value since the October 9, 2007 high

nowabeliever 0 points ago +1 / -1

How many people YOU know who follow financial markets? Its only a white pill for normies or those on the left who also follow the markets, otherwise its a non-event. Average Joe may not care, nor even know much about money laundering that forced Crown CEO out.

nowabeliever 1 point ago +2 / -1

How old is this picture? Mid 90s?

nowabeliever 2 points ago +3 / -1

I'm saying we don't know, either way. But, from a financial POV, makes sense for many to jump now at the max golden parachute as opposed to when market kills your profits and, in turn, your parachute. Once oil prices skyrocket entire market is going South. Expect it sooner rather than later. And its not an IF, its a WHEN. People, in general, are not stupid, especially those at CEO level.

I know that most here try to equate ALL resignations as somehow Q related, but its just way too out there, by any measure.

nowabeliever 0 points ago +1 / -1

Just follow financial predictions with Zhou Bai Den as Resident. IF things stay as they are, and I doubt any CEO stepping down is Q follower, but by every measuring stick stock market is about to dive. As it did during Hussein's days.

Anyone with a brain would leave now with the golden parachute.

nowabeliever 11 points ago +13 / -2

LIBTARD sauces, isn't that nice! Draghi is a snake, good for EU, but not Italy.

nowabeliever 7 points ago +9 / -2

Draghi is NOT on our side. And not on Italian. either. The article you point to is libtard, take it with a huge grain of salt.

Draghi is one of the major reasons Italy is in the shitter.

nowabeliever 0 points ago +1 / -1

ALL sources libtard. Believe what you want. Winners (re)write history, no?

nowabeliever 4 points ago +5 / -1

I do not follow RT, have 3 or so other way more independent news sources there, I am a native speaker. And you're right, nothing reported by anyone, anywhere.

In real terms, if Ukraine is stupid enough to start anything Russian military will be having lunch in Kiev in less than 3 hours. EU and Zhou Bai Den now egging Kiev to "start shit" will end badly for both EU and Kiev. "Ukraine" will be split into 2, with the region that became Soviet in 1939 to go back to Poland and Romania, mostly, and vast of the rest to go back to Russia, as it was for many centuries prior.

nowabeliever 4 points ago +5 / -1

Says who? Absolutely NOTHING reported today save for the 3 Ukrainian soldiers dying after they tripped a land mine in Donbas region. There a re some small incursions here and there in Donbas region, but that is almost daily, so nothing new.

Also see a general complaining that they had 70,000 quit military in the past 3 years.

And nothing about "invasion" of any sort, into Crimea, espeically. The region is way more than fortified by now and the border with Southern Ukraine is the easiest to control, its a rather narrow area with just one road in, very heavily fortified and controlled.

nowabeliever 5 points ago +6 / -1

Russia, for one, is not under civil unrest. What we are presented by our traitorous news media is nothing but same old propaganda.

So, just 10 days ago or so, and while Navalny was awaiting his sentencing, that 5 minute delay for the judge to think about it, his Swiss account saw 2 deposits of 100 bitcoins (200 total). Navalny has been paid for by Soros for all those years, something never told to us, nor discussed. All those *teen idiots we are shown on TV arrested by cops are all PAID to "oppose", and same as we see here with our college brain washed idiots, when asked why and what they are "protesting" they have no idea.

Navalny pulled same crap a couple of years ago by making guarantees online that anyone arrested will be bailed out and provided legal support. Similar to what we see here in US now with Super Spreader, Zhou Bai Den and other critters making similar promises to BLMAntifa idiots. So, when hundreds were arrested a couple of years ago in Russia, guess what Navalny did? Yep, all those promises went out the window. And now same idiots are "protesting" again thinking he will bail them out again.

So, no civil unrest of any kind there, stop listening to lying shills in the news. I am not a fan of Putin, but one thing he has that we do not is full commitment from cops to protect order. Unlike ours who look the other way when its BLMAntifa and make arrests when its Proud Boys.

nowabeliever 1 point ago +2 / -1

Libtards staged a coup against Roosevelt, similar to what we're now seeing with Trump, and the only way for him to beat that was to amend the Constitution, swearing in timing was very critical and, thus, moved up to Jan. 20.

But they did it part way, the typical libtard way to just make things work for themselves and hell with the rest. So, now we have 2 distinct events with 2 different dates even though most still assume they are one and same.

nowabeliever 4 points ago +4 / -0

Its the same move used by Stalin to keep control of USSR. Mandatory military service, and what he did was station, let's say, Georgians in a slavic heavy republic, then have slavs serve in Armenia, and so on. You never really served in your own republic (ethnically heavy to your own), but some other place.

When crowd troubles popped up those military units had absolutely no issue shooting at ethnically different people since there was not real affinity. So much for USSR being ethnic melting pot.

nowabeliever 3 points ago +3 / -0

No. First off, 1933. Second, SWEARING IN was amended to Jan. 20, but not the inauguration itsrlf, still March 4 in the Constitution.

nowabeliever 5 points ago +5 / -0

STILL IS. By Constitution.

Expiration of prior POTUS term has been amended to Noon of Jan. 20. Thus, swearing in has to happen at Noon of Jan. 20. But not actual inauguration.

Do not conflate swearing in and inauguration. They are 2 distinct events, and some prior presidents had swearing in prior to inauguration.

Leave to libtards to make it all confusing.

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