If Chief Justice says No, then its not SCOTUS' pick, its Senate's pick. Extremely bad in all respects. I guess they may bypass any SCOTUS judge at that point to reach their goal. Not good. And maybe why Roberts saying No is part of their plan.
Trouble is, from some legal analysis I went through early afternoon today, this could actually be bad. Very bad. Because a "judge" at that point, if Roberts says No, could be ANYONE. Including VP, Super Spreader, which is a nightmare. At least Roberts understands some legalize, this twat only knows dicks, circumcised and not. And nothing about law judging by her resume in KA. Actually, she pissed at the law every time she could.
This could be BAD.
I post some clues here and there, and like you I don't care anymore. Had more than enough of similar shit back in USSR days, hated it all back then, from an early age, and hate it all even more now that I see it rear its ugly head here.
You're absolutely correct. These mofos hate competition.
Its interesting also, that some of the covid "exposure" was meant to work against the homeless in large cities, and decimate their ranks. And then absolutely nothing happened. Well, turns out that a malaria fighting medicine is used to cut drugs homeless shoot up, and this malaria fighting drug is what keeps people in Africa kind of non-affected with all the covid shit other continents have to suffer, it kills all sort of viruses and similar to how HCQ cocktail works. Something these morons didn't account for, it seems.
Covid was long time in development, and was meant to decimate certain communities: aging, homeless and very sick. Some stats I saw on covid related deaths pointed out that those who died had, on average, 2.3 other significant diseases, which REALLY "contributed" in the process. This is that 90% attrition rate desired by the Great Reset, well, at least a start for them.
Gates and Fauci, at the least , were working on this plan since 2002. Come to think of it, first time "Dominion" type of a vote steal was also used in 2002. Hmmm...
Great find! Just downloaded, in case.
His only "fame" is a part time TV series role. I think he may have done a movie or two. But, yeah, not sure what is "comedian" about him. Vile asshat more like it.
OK, I'll play. Rosenstein appointed Ed O'Callahan as his right hand. To me, very significant, can't imagine Rosenstein not knowing entire background of someone he personally picked.
What am I missing here, is O'Callahan supposed to be a white hat and somehow declas some docs?
I think you got Step 2 a bit wrong. They mailed them, some spilled out of large envelopes at end of journey. From China. Though cannot recall the state now, maybe IL, need to check.
And they also printed them locally, one factory in AZ and another in Buffalo, NY. The Buffalo one "caught" fire, unfortunately, about a month ago. "Such a shame".
But, yeah, looks about right. There must a huge Amazon distro center in almost every state by now. Just saying. Install unions in his shops and see how he likes that.
No, I posted in another thread a few minutes ago. Nothing to do with cancer, and everything to do with money.
Always follow the money. More info in another tread, too tired to re-type. A short version:
Gates is building 2 huge factories to manufacture anti covid vaccine. Soros is invested in a factory that manufactures remdesevir. Fauci, WHO and CDC are all heavily pushing both remdesevir (prior to vaccines coming out) and now "vaccines", or whatever it is they try to a pass as such.
HCQ cocktail is a 100% proven fix. Trump, Bolsonaro, Boris, some others were treated with it, all reports from doctors using it say its solid. 3x times daily for 5 days and you're fixed. CHEAP, too, and readily available.
Always follow the money.
Is it? Look up to see the moron still clueless.
There was a conference in NYC, October 15 2019. Gates, Soros, Fauci, a bunch of other players we now are told to listen to, mostly WHO and some CDC people.
This was ALL a setup. On January 19 2017, day before Trump's inauguration, Fauci said that "Trump WILL deal with a pandemic". How did he know?
In 2002 Fauci was caught by D.C. when he ran a lab in a Texas university developing (what we know today as) covid virus. Was told to shut it down, now. Instead, he shipped entire lab to Wuhan and on top of that gave them our tax dollars, $3.5Mil, to run it. With Gates' full approval, Soros as well.
Real reason hydrochloroquine cocktail was shut down by the idiots is Gates invested heavily already into building 2 "vaccine" manufacturing factories, and Soros heavily invested in the factory manufacturing remdesevir. Always follow the money.
But make no mistake, none of it was a surprise, ALL of it was pre-planned and that October 15, 2019 conference was the plan "rehearsal".
All of the people attending must hang. Entire world economy destroyed with middle class being destroyed as well.
I've been doing that for a while now. Though may be an insult to bidets...
Any idea how we can participate? I am all in, only way to take these morons down is by using same tactics they do. No other way around.
I am seriously tired, moron. Read the damn news, at least in these important times. Not here to do your research, and read and pay close attention to mods' requirements for this board in a sticky up top before vomiting your crap. Buzz off.
KAlifornia. How I call it. As in Khaliphate.
Good point. They may be corrupted, but that is fixable. They are, certainly, not Vatican we're observing right now, and there is no abuse of people, and no pedophilia we're seeing here.
Already proven, last week, when Xiden's morons asked that all NG brought to D.C. be vetted. Military replied, 86% voted Trump, disproving 100% all Xiden military absentee ballots in state of Georgia. And?
Well, at least Putin is not selling the country, so there is that. Corrupt? Of course, and helping his friends as well. That said, had he not taken over we'd see a complete destruction and selling out, a la Xiden, by Khodorkovsky and rest of oligarchs. So, the devil I know versus one I do not, main reason so many, as much as they know what's going on, still prefer Putin since he, at least, is a patriot of Russia.
All I am saying is you'd be very disappointed with what's going on in Russia as it relates to their Orthodoxy, as corrupt as the gov, very intertwined by now. Its not Vatican and red shoes by any means, Russians would never stand for that, but graft, opulance in your face, priests wearing 2-3 kilo crosses/chains (ala our rappers here), driving very expensive Mercs and Rollses, having gov enforce very unlawful real estate takeovers of prime land and houses, etc. All the while preaching very opposite values. People aren't blind when corruption is on display.
Not at all saying the religion itself is bad, just the other side of it in Russia no one here reports.
You're still missing the point. Libtards were "threatened" when one of the NG told the moron critter "I love my freedom!" when the whiny asshat asked the NG guy why he is not wearing a mask. This in a Dunkin Donuts place, how is one supposed to eat, through the mask?
- Waiter, this steak is so difficult to chew today.
- May I suggest you take the mask off first?
Well, some moron in Commigress now proposing a bill to exclude all Trump supporting from joining the military. What would that leave them, a few battalions? I am sure they can fill out the rest with hoardes of hard code LBGT "warriors" /s
Wait... Could work, actually, come to think of it. Can you imagine all enemies so afraid to loose on the field of battle since instead of being taken prisoner they will be simply "punished", on the spot, with vaseline a hot commodity (must be earned first) by the hoardes of rainbow "warriors" in full getup.
To explains the RULES of the board to you. Use the frigging SEARCH function/box, and if you are still clueless, then may do not post and clutter the board. Also, a RULE by mods. A big stickie for that.
Learn not to just read, but actually comprehend what's written. Mate...
Mods have CLEARLY spelled out the rules. SEARCH the frigging board first before posting. This has been covered already ad naseum here. This is not Fukbook and its childish "hit Like button" shit.
Surprised its even a question. :-)
Not necessarily, but you are right that its Senate's pick at that point. Part of their plan, I bet. And yes, it could be VP, or anyone else of their choice. This may be very bad all around.