MORE to MADURO than meets the eye. My initial research has lead ME to believe I need to do a lot more on this subject. AND what was with Trump telling Elon their next interview should be in Venezuela because it would be much safer?
SORRY, On a rant now. PURPLE! Think how many times she and Hillary etc have thrown this in our face. YEP, make a movie "The color purple". Killary and Bill in their matching Purple gear after not conceding Trumps win in 2016. And now another purple suit. SYMBOLISM has been their DOWNFALL.
The WHats seem to have APPOINTED Candace as the GO TO GIRL for all the difficult info. Even Tucker or Elon cant do this, BUT Candace is a female and black and a feisty articulate warrior. I dont think the left know what to do with her!
More Q or No More Q, That is the QUESTION. MY GUT is probably not, though I would LOVE it. However as a Q follower from 2017 I know that Q has already given me a framework to understand and research ANYTHING. A bit like the Bible we have a base of UNDERSTANDING. Time for us to do the work and at some point maybe even Trump, Scavino, Grassley etc etc will no longer give us Q comms BUT for now they are AWESOME!
Several years ago I was leant a book which stressed the importance of saying grace over our FOOD. This lady has the same message. God knows our food is corrupted BUT he will not bless our bodies with BAD shit, and He can cleanse it .PS would have to call friend for name of book.
GOD asked me to pray for Trump in 2015. IF GOD ask,s me to do something, I want to know WHY? EO 13818 blew me away, even more than his many speeches prior indicating what he was about to do. And then I found Q. HUGE Q student and I KNOW the world is about to change DRAMATICALLY for the good of humanity.
THERE is THAT pesky 17 number again! SO what or who are they trying to inform?