So your fine with just letting the dems have them.... let them go off to be slaughtered or worse? Because you don't want to spend YOUR MONEY? Because thats what is going to happen if you don't help them, they will help burn this place to the ground or face a violent end themselves.
maybe conservatives should step up and help some of these people.... people are humans it doesn't matter where they are from, if someone is in need of help I say give it to them, you can worry who they vote for later....
you should read Ruth and Ezra tell me what you think..?.. I have read Thomas and Mary and some of the dead sea stuff, I am not a scholar by any means but I research ancient archeological digs and ancient structures and how they progressed.... yeah check those 2 out
Thanks, I find this inspirational and just wanted to say.... the flat earthers and people who clain the moon landings were faked are in fact the DS shills and I know this for a fact and IDK it's like brainwashing they get people to question their beliefs and their reality and fuck with them sell them drugs get them to vote democrat ect. buy their books watch the stupid you tube movies ect.... I also wanted to make a statement about russian peoples successes as well as the democrat prerogative operation paperclip and german peoples contributions in space and in science altogether...... Americans are the most diverse country but the credit for these achievements belongs to humanity, also fuck space x, also America is on stolen land.
Tho I don't care about my money I'm not much of a betting man..... It's either genocide or the establishment of a one world government that will truly win this war in my opinion....anything less leaves room for a resurgence
In my opinion it's not something that can be won, but LOL I'm a degenerate lunatic brainwashed by the DS LULzz..... I want to trust Trump and I will say that maybe the worst is behind us but there is no winning this war......
Your comment made me remember something I heard.... a comment from a shill stating "going out with a whimper" They knew there goose was cooked but their network is vast I just cant help but thinking, their plan is to make you believe that the war is over, I am hopeless lol
Quiet coyote.... lol from kids movie soul
make a list of the people pushing this for the firing squad...?