“The problems are extremely rare,” said Kurt Weideling, whose wife, Nicola Weideling, 45, died in the spring in Southampton, England, from a condition doctors cited as a vaccine side effect.
what a fucking pussy. still towing the company line after the company murdered his wife.
i hate how all politicians that say they wont make the vax mandatory always say it's because they don't want to "divide society".
no. that's not why you shouldn't make the vax mandatory.
no medical procedure should ever be forced. any forced medical procedure is tyranny, and all tyrants should die.
^ that's what the government should say when asked why no mandatory vax. but they don't because they want to keep the option open. scumbags.
20 billion per year? cause homelessness isn't one off solved. new bums appear every day.
how about homeless solve their own problems, and people with jobs keep the fruits of their labour.
anyways, that 20B number is obviously bullshit.