seadevil110 2 points ago +2 / -0

Difficult questions. Basing opinion on world situations and what has been happening, I suspect the jews were planning on Ukraine as theirs; however, since there is no chance of Ukr/EU being victorious, that plan was abandoned (jews were being transplanted to Ukr, but that stopped). The alternate plan appears to be "Greater Israel", which requires much of the middle east to be depopulated and replaced with jews. I doubt seriously Putin/Xi/Trump will allow that to happen. As to the Gaza thing, there is so much hooey coming from that direction, it's hard to find good sources, and I have to refrain from making commentary on that. Such things as the 'missile attack' on Israel used pictures from the Texas fires as "proof". And, when Ukr was hot and heavy, Israeli news pictured a "downed Russian aircraft", direct from a Star Wars movie, complete with Storm Troopers on guard. Can't believe anything from there.

Removal? Not humanly possible. Further, throughout history it has been abundantly proved that moral standards are at best, temporary, and many can be easily subverted to 'evil' ways, or easily blackmailed to those ways. One could go in a sort of religious sense, and make the claim that when the time comes, for those who understand who/what they are, this world disappears, and they 'rejoin' with God. The others would get to spend their eternity here, this world being the biblical description of hell; you know, 'weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth' type thing. But to eliminate the evil is something humans simply cannot do. You want the anti-Christ? Look to Khazars.

seadevil110 2 points ago +2 / -0

Major war: never been possible since nukes. "They" need slaves. Minor nuke altercations, maybe, but minimal. WWIII? Only as a bulldozer to push people into thinking again, and/or cover the removal of a lot more globalist crud. Perhaps to destroy the kaz 'nations' too, as Putin did in Khazakstan.

Economics: I'm uncertain about this NESARA thing, although Putin did say GESARA when he backed the ruble with gold. I believe he said, "This is GESARA." The pad, safety net, or whatever is most likely BRICS, since membership requires gold backed currency, nationalism, and so on. Also, it's close to half the world pop now in it. Dollar can't be sustained, never could, since the fed. When I was a kid/teenager and into the Navy (1965), my home state was still under backed currency: silver certificates, gold certificates, real coinage. If I wanted the metal, I could go to the bank and trade a silver certificate for a silver dollar; likewise gold cert. When fed notes started to circulate, nobody wanted to take them. Also, national/international banks were against state law. Wasn't until late 60s the big banks got in there. Noteworthy: there was NO inflation from 1950 to 1965; a Mustang was $2400, '64 Plymouth Sport Fury II 383/4 on the floor hardtop, $2395. NESARA is supposed to reinstate real money and restore all monies stolen from us under the fraud. I hope that's true. Also, supposedly no savings lost etc.

Can't print money from thin air then charge interest for it. Has to collapse. From what I understand, the Treasury has quietly been building the real dollar supply since Trump stopped the fed franchise, 2017 (he didn't renew, and it still isn't renewed, which also makes the statement that congress/bidan are NOT in control).
All this 'cash' being sent to Ukr/israel is fake money, worthless; moreover, there is no accounting: no one really knows where it's going. On the other hand, one must note that the fed $ supply is constantly dwindling. Could it be that all this 'aid' is really a ploy to remove circulating $, getting ready for the switch to real money? Could be, I guess we have to wait and see.

Fed $ will definitely collapse: Putin has indicated it will, probably soon. His recent statement was the BRICS is ready and standing by to provide solid world currency.

There's a lot of speculation, but the above is pretty certain. Jew $ has never been solid: that's their history.

seadevil110 7 points ago +7 / -0

Remember that what you see the US mil doing is part of the movie. All is NOT as it seems. Might also remember that in the first weeks of Ukr, virtually every soldier sent by France, Germany, etc was relatively quickly removed, as in casualties, the helos and other aircraft were relatively quickly removed, along with armor and supply vehicles. Ukr never had a chance.
Neither will the EU, if it comes to that.

seadevil110 5 points ago +5 / -0

Problem is, Russia won't do that. Their tactics have altered completely since the fall of the USSR. Virtually every report from the Ukr indicates that Russia uses battalion sized units, with complete defensive capabilities, including AA, armor, missile capability etc. The pentagon meet at Ft Benning concluded that the US could stand against a head to head, but not against this more recent Russian tactic. Make mental note that Bn size implies ease and swiftness of motion: if a Bn is completely outclassed, it can move quickly to avoid more confrontation. Also, if reinforcements are needed, another Bn or more can be quickly brought in.

It is also fact that, equipped as they are, this Bn tactic does not suffer the supply problems a larger army does. To wit, artillery emplacements aren't necessary, since artillery is with the Bn. It's like a swift moving tiny army with all the bells and whistles.

seadevil110 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yup. Q: I do have my doubts and questions. However, things keep popping up that keep me convinced that crap is happening according to plan. Some parts I cannot quite see, but again, things keep popping up.

Future: Nobody can see the future. One thing in science that is true: Chaos Theory. The future is dependent on actions. Chaos states that as one stretches prediction into the future, more variables come into play. In a relatively short time, there are too many variables to account for, and future becomes impossible to predict. The only way Q (or anyone else} can predict the future is to determine that future. Going back, "future proves past", it's not hard to follow specific white hat actions bringing specific results. If the situ is that we ARE watching a movie, then the script is written, possible globalist reactions predicted from the action in the script, and results known. In short, Q's actions bring desired results/reactions, because "they" can do no other. One could, by stretching the imagination, consider that prediction, but it isn't.

You can look at the reactions of Israel, Ukraine, congress etc as reactive - response to actions they don't and can't control, or conforming to the script (congress). With Ukraine, they know they have no chance of defeating Russia. Hell, Russia isn't even using their main mil and weaponry - it's toys, old ones at that - in play, with mainstream mil waiting in the wings. Perhaps (probably) Putin/Trump/Xi knew NATO would send troops (France has sent part of their Foreign Legion) and the main forces of Russia are standing by, with Xi's China protecting the south (Serbia). NATO/UN/EU thinking they can stop Russia is a mere pipe dream. Based on what I've seen of the Russian mil tactics/equipment, they could cream Europe in weeks. There will be no interference from the US, since Trump retains CiC.

My general take is that it's all according to plan. It's frustrating as hell, but I do see some of the why: the internal Q need to protect as many civilians as possible. I don't like it; IMO, if people haven't got it figured out by now, they never will have it figured out, so protect some and let the rest fend. Reckon a lot will croak anyway, from the jab. Perhaps there is the necessity to allow that (and the gyrations around the jab removes responsibility from Trump, since pfizer replaced the "vaccine"). Can't tell me Q/Trump didn't know that would happen. Again, 4-6% are not recoverable; IMO, don't waste time and resources on them. They're collateral damage anyway. I suppose that's kind of hard-assed attitude, but if the attempt to save them causes worthwhile people to suffer, I can't buy in.

seadevil110 2 points ago +2 / -0

Geez! Okay. I have a different opinion of 'genius' than most. For instance, I knew an astrophysicist who, though brilliant, couldn't unstop a toilet. Not exactly genius.

Universe: I'm inclined towards the aether theory, with the universe being filled with random energy that flows here and there. Tesla et al seemed to have that concept, and from some writings of those folks, along with more recent, the Phi Wave theory makes most sense. Of course, all the 'proven' laws have to be remodeled; they fit, but conceptually aren't correct.

Religions are, to me, a control method. Specifically, Christianity/Catholicism/Islam. Christ claimed to be 'the teacher'. His stuff is primarily oriented towards instructing people who/what they are, not the other junk. "I, the Lord thy God, am a jealous God." Nope. If all is considered, such as the universe being energetic, along with ancient philosophies people don't generally know, the conclusion would be God doesn't care about this world because He doesn't know it: it is a dream, created by man, administered by man. God, and Jesus Christ, want all spirits out of the dream. Does God exist? Yes. Is this a dream? Yes. There are practices, mental exercises, that can be done by anyone with the desire that will prove both, but ONLY to the individual who does those exercises. Those will also prove that the universe is pure energy - but a different kind of energy we "know". Trees become packets of this energy, which appears more like a glow, or light. Everything changes in this state: you no longer describe everything internally, you just accept it. That's all I can say about it.

Tribal loyalty.

In our history, the kaz can be traced way back. Everything we're taught is made up garbage, including millenia. The kaz adopted jew because they needed to be victims, long before the time of Christ, according to what I've read, and that also can be traced. A partial proof of the kaz lies can be had from Germany/Europe WWI/WWII. The holohoax couldn't have happened: there weren't enough jews in Germany. If millions died in camps, it was Germans interred by Eisenhower and Stalin post war; those in allied camps in Europe died mainly of starvation. If you look at the rise of Adolf, you have to conclude he had help. I suspect, with good reason, that help came from the crew opposed to the fed/kaz plans for Europe. I doubt that WWII was for the commonly held reasons; overall, it appears there was one purpose, and only one: Operation Barbarossa, which was built to stop Stalin's plan to overrun Europe. Germany had to be rebuilt, with a massive military, to oppose Stalin (who was kaz). Stalin was building his mil to do the conquest and install communism; August 1941, Adolf launched Barbarossa, taking Staling by surprise and doing enough damage to the commies so they couldn't overrun Europe. I doubt Adolf ever expected to win; in fact, from documents and research, IMO Adolf was evacuated from Germany 1942 or 1943, ending up in Argentina, then to other places in the south. The cities built there couldn't have been built by Germany; had to have been built beforehand and ready to receive populations. [sidebar: Some years ago, I discovered my German side has a ton of relatives in S.A., contrary to the stories we've been told. Those have both German and Spanish/Portuguese surnames, and are all over South America, Central America, and Mexico. Obviously, they intermarried during that post war period.] Also, looking at various pics of Adolf, there were at least two of him, as there are today with bidan. From those, I suspect there was a public one and a private one, who was the real Adolf. Unfortunately, the kaz had people in the Third Reich; many of those came here to the US post war, to join the clowns and complete the destruction of the US. The kaz milking this country of everything possible was the goal, and once completed, "tossing it to the wind" as Netanyahoooo stated. All of the conspiracy can be verified. I pray every day that Q/Trump are in fact doing what I think they are to stop the shit.

seadevil110 2 points ago +2 / -0

Feynman: long story, I'll make it short. Long time ago, I worked with an engineer (when I was going thru skool) who thought he was the gift of engineering. He had a thing about joining Mensa; wanted it badly. He brought in a digest that had a 'practice test' for the club. Just as a lark, I bought on of the mags and sent in the completed test; Mensa accepted my GCT/ARI navy scores as the IQ test, and I joined. Really pissed him off. Mensa then had 'gatherings', which were the only things I found interesting. Among the people at those were Feynman, Fuller, Asimov, Heinlein and the like. Those four in particular became friends; when they were in town, they made a point of spending Saturday mornings at my place, with coffee and such. Many good discussions took place, but to be honest, the best werre with Bucky Fuller and Robert Heinlein. That is how, and friend types. Didn't care much for the goofball that 'invented' scientology: he was something of an ass. Wish there had been others there, but... Those guys DID aid in my formation of philosophy, particularly scientific philosophy.

Universe. Right. One thing that has always annoyed me is the lack of reason/logic involved in current junk. As a consequence, and because of Nam, I had difficulties keeping a job. Eventually, I did figure that one out, and became a contract engineer. Also eventually, apparently I developed a reputation as one who could come in and fix things no one else seemed able to. Personally, I didn't, and still don't, consider that to be particularly exceptional: only open-minded and willing to consider options beyond standard physics. And we don't know anything, publicly, about universe and how things work. A little bit is known in public, but I suspect a lot is known by certain entities, among those Naval Intelligence. Also, I'm fairly certain that the clown world lost access to a lot during Trump's time in office, because some things were used (that I know of) that were stopped around 2018.

seadevil110 2 points ago +2 / -0

IMO your theory is correct. The history re QM implies that is was installed to divert science from previous theory to something that can't be understood, since it will never be complete. One indication is that 'theoretical physics' is based on "higher math" (calculus), which itself is approximation. This form has 'i' (imaginary) numbers and such, and utilizes such a pi, which is an imaginary number (has no solution). Also, the formulae developed in the 1800s had to be modified to fit QM. Since those formulae were developed experimentally, from visible results, they were accurate; the modified forms are not. Such garbage as Einstein's relativity and such are also illogical. For instance, the claim is that nothing can exceed the speed of light, because mass increases to the point of infinity at the speed of light. Inherently, not only is that impossible (since QM itself denies particulate existence), it is in the foolish domain, simply because astronomy has recorded quasars exceeding that speed. You also have astronomers who have stated the "red shift" (expanding universe) ia ballyhoo, but their statements get modified after their deaths. QM explanations demand the 'big bang', also something denied by QM. Discussing such 'requirements' as "virtual photons" with the 'inventor' (Feynman) was an exercise in futility: a primary real law of physics is neither matter nor energy can be created or destroyed but may be changed back and forth. Feynman required his virtual photons to magically appear when the math needed them, and disappear when no longer necessary (moving 'electrons' from valence ring to valence ring requires charge of energy, supposedly carried by the fake photons). Feynman said, "You just don't understand." but I did; he didn't. Time, which is used everywhere in formulae, doesn't really exist as an entity: it is merely a reference, and as such cannot influence anything. Light is claimed to be particle and wave: if space is empty, it must be particle, but virtually every test indicates wave. If wave, light can't travel through empty space, and none of this would exist in the cold vacuum.
You see anomalies everywhere.

Can't make money from free and abundant energy. Must keep it limited. That and restricting understanding of math and physics is of importance to the khazars (and the crap can be traced there). In my opinion, there is enough real physics around so anyone with an inventive mind and basic knowledge of it can develop a method of producing non-grid electric, without using the standard "off grid" junk like windmills and solar panels. Both are notoriously inefficient and terribly inefficient cost-wise.

seadevil110 3 points ago +3 / -0

Tesla's 'electric flying' machine wasn't as described by media/"scientists" of the day. One fellow who has done good research (a person who needed to understand, and subsequently earned a PhD - not that I'm convinced of the worth) has formulated the theory that the 'flying machine' was based on aether physics, which holds that there are no particles, only what QM calls "sticky energy", ZPE, 'dark matter' and/or 'dark energy'. I mentioned to another that a good read, if you can find it, is Campbell's "Phi Wave Theory of Everything". Essentially, the claim of aether is that 'particles' are tiny energy vortices, along with the aether claim of a vast sea of random energy, or ZPE. Tesla figured if that energy could be harnessed, it would provide everything we need. P2 was an iteration of Tesla's, as mentioned. The theory, while very weird, does make sense, but to understand it you need to understand his various researches, such as the parallel wound coil, which allowed him to experiment with virtually unlimited frequencies, as produced by high energy square waves (spark gaps). The idea was that two of the parallel coils placed top/bottom of a vessel and fed one with standard AC and the other with the spark type would 'disassemble' the vortices on the one side while blocking them on the other. The presumed result would be super acceleration with lack of Newton's 'laws' between. The mentioned researcher claims to have seen these ships leaving Los Alamos to take up positions above, with "timed acceleration up to 7000mph", as he said. Since Einstein has been proved to be not only wrong, but a fraud also, that sort of acceleration would mean interstellar travel is not only possible, but has likely been achieved. The researcher's narrative is partially borne out by "surplus" gear, such as navigation aids unlike anything I'm aware of (inclusive the standard navy navaids, which I used when I was in). These navaids mentioned were in two forms: one had English inscriptions, one had German inscriptions, such as the compass headings. Also, there were directional contacts for the eight major compass points. So, if P2 did actually exist in the 1930s, and if it was successful, space flight, UFOs and all that exist; as a guess, I'll say the majority of UFOs then are humanly produced. One further note: when I lived in Harbison Canyon CA, there were weekly flyovers by some triangular craft, very slow (~ 35mph), almost silent (slight electrical hum, as in transformers), with no visible means of propulsion. Unfortunately, the things went over during darkness, and it was difficult to get a good visual (at that time, I didn't have night vision - wish I had). I sort of inferred that the propulsion/lift derived from the Tesla stuff, since I knew about that in the 70s, but there's no way I can prove it.

seadevil110 4 points ago +4 / -0

There are many ways. I personally prefer stuff that is visible, stuff that generates physical power. The concepts behind much "theory" are necessarily vague (by the powers that be), such that departure from their theoretical nonsense provides means for them to be derogatory. There are many methods of generation that provide far more efficient use of input than the currently accepted methods: those include generators that go no load to full load with little or no increase in input. Those are considered 'over unity' by those of us in that line of work. While there IS input, in all cases the output can be rerouted partially to provide the input power. In one case, a 2kW generator (no moving parts) was powered by a 9v battery, the little ones used in smoke detectors and such. That particular device used tank circuits to power a fluctuating magnetic field (fields from permanent magnets, essentially switched from path to path) to generate. The output was in form unusable, since it was high voltage and about 20kHz. The power was tested using 20 100W incandescent light bulbs. Such an output can easily be transformed and rectified to provide power to charge batteries in an adulterated solar setup, using fewer batteries, no solar, and the inverters available for solar. Since the power is available 24-7, it wouldn't matter that the battery bank was much smaller. Other means of generation to charge/provide power to the inverter also. Transport is somewhat different, since the power requirements are greater, but pulse motors are the prime suspect for that moving. Since pulse motors can be made to recover much used energy (energy that is normally dumped), the generator doesn't need to be equivalent to the drive requirement.

seadevil110 5 points ago +5 / -0

The history implies that some have done so. Supposedly, this began in the 1920s, and the destination was the Andes. Other indications are that both the US and Germany had very different means of travel, based on Tesla, with research being done at Los Alamos in the 1930s. An interesting point is that von Braun visited Los Alamos for two years, 1936-1938, with the narrative being he studied rocketry. The accepted (among us who have studied it) concept is that a project called P2 was the subject, not rocketry. That concept is supported by some very strange equipment recovered from pallet purchases of 'surplus' equipment from the labs there.

seadevil110 6 points ago +6 / -0

The short answer is magnetics. Check out switched reluctance generators and pulse motors. The answers are in there. The idea (concept) that 'you can't get more out than you put in' is false. Properly done, for instance, a pulse motor can put out roughly 90% mechanical power and recover up to 91% electrical power. The machine is not particularly complex, and the principle can be found in the applications papers of Texas Instruments in modified form. I'll go no further into it. It is in fact a dangerous subject. I have known more than a half dozen people who have 'disappeared' because of their researches, either by choice or by force. Incidentally, the homopolar motor/generator was used in space applications, and is also being used by the US Navy. It does work, and the statements made by Tesla in his comments about his patent of same are telling. The disadvantages (low voltage, high amperage) of the device can easily be overcome by use of electronics that has been available since the late 1970s, to wit high power FETs etc.

seadevil110 3 points ago +3 / -0

You have to go with something other than the fraudulent QM. ZPE touches it, but isn't complete. Read Campbell's "Phi Wave Theory of Everything" for starters.

seadevil110 4 points ago +4 / -0

We have one. Not cheap. So far, 6 years of use, it has fixed direticulitis (wife), keeps control of parasites, all forms (there are two or three pages of programs for various critters), a skin cancer on one friend, a skin disease I've had for nearly 30 years (disappeared completely, I think it was the 'general parasite' program), and on and on. Those things work.

seadevil110 2 points ago +2 / -0

Did Snowden steal info? Since he had no access to NSA in reality, the dig at the time was that he was given the files by the clowns. It was the clown operation to denigrate the NSA.

The Patriot Act, which everyone thinks was a DS thing, wasn't. The act actually provided the white hats with ALL agencies intel, and gave the NSA the authority to do surveillance, AND it gave NSA full authority to contain the intel, which was done. Note that Obama tried to give full access (to just about everyone DS) but was denied. In short, the Patriot Act was penned in such a way it could be used against the globalist empire.

seadevil110 6 points ago +6 / -0

There is one comment in this thread that is accurate. Everything else is speculative and unthinking. Including Macgregor. He is either out of the loop or is promoting BS. NATO will never win. NATO is against the Trump/Putin/Xi alliance. Russia will not fight the US. The US will not fight Russia. Same with China. As to air power, you all need to do your research. The only F-type we have that compares to The SU-67 is the F-22. As to ground forces, US orients towards head-to-head; Russia does not, in case you haven't been following. Ukraine and all the others fooling around there haven't won shit. Any of you gone head to head with Spetznaz? No? Thought not. Or US SpecOps? No? Thought not. I suggest you quit speculating and concentrate on what's happening in your locale. That's where the real war is.

seadevil110 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don't know if there is anything can be done about the 5g thing, other than get as far away as possible.

seadevil110 1 point ago +1 / -0

Missouri. Came here retired from 33 years of bullshit electronics engineering in San Diego/Silicon Valley. As Q stated, "It begins on the floor." We;ve been subjected to this crap since the 1950s. While there may be corrections for it, I don't know what those are, other than natural stuff. I've never had a shot since the 'overseas battery' in the Navy. I refuse, 'cause I don't trust them. Rife was an individual that thought vibrations, frequencies, could cure physical difficulties. Now, before judgement, understand that Keeley and later Tesla, had developed means to correct physical problems using voltage/frequency. In fact, Tesla subjected Mark Twain to a frequency/voltage to cure him of being 'stopped up', upon which Twain had to run to the bathroom to relieve himself. Keely was an originator of the universe being frequencies/harmonics. I can't state that I understand it all, but it does make sense to some degree. I need to read his dissertations again. Rife, working on the previous observations/works of Tesla and Keely, built an electronic machine in the 1930s that was said to aid in cure of many different illnesses. Rife was also antagonized, put in jail and so on, to stop him. Others have since taken up that flag. Based on what I have read over years, we bought one of those machines and have been using it since. With me, for one thing, if I don't get a boost in the am from their 'base chakra' program, I'll be sh*t for the rest of the day until I do it. Another is their 'general parasite' program, which aids in my digestive system. My wife uses a lower back program, which invariably aids in lower back pains/problems. We're old. We have our problems. The Rife machine does help. That's all I can say. There aren't programs for Alzheimers in there that I can find. There are others that possibly could help. Make mental note that we, as a population, are being subjected to other factors such as the 5g and haarp, along with ultrasonic use of suggestive methods; the patents are available, where high sonic frequencies are used as carriers for subliminal suggestion and/or nerve system manipulation. Those have plagued us for years, and have definite physical effects. Some believe these are tinnitis, but they are not. I've found nothing, so far, that nullifies the effects. The people that I've been in contact with in various locations are suffering the same types of effects. This crap is real. Regardless what the younglings claim, or what they 'think' they know, there is much out there being used that they know nothing of. My experience in the control systems field is witness to that. All their games etc are nothing compared to what is real. Fortunately, I believe 'they' don't control much of that any longer. I'll look for more on the Alzheimers.

seadevil110 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have read in many places that one 'remedy' that works on Alzheimer's (dementia) is coconut oil. Strange as that may seem, the anecdotes are many. One had a wife he'd had her in a home; he read of it and began bringing her the oil, putting it in everything, and in a few weeks (I recall 8) she went home. Just a thought.

seadevil110 2 points ago +2 / -0

Apologies for late. Working on alternative energy lately. Sorry about your husband. We've been fiddling around with natural types of remedies for various things here. There is most likely something about that in our rambles through; I'm sure there is something on the Rife machine. People don't seem interested in that; why, I don't know. But this one has straightened out several problems with me, and several with wife, and several with a close friend (that one includes a skin cancer she's been working on for years - it's now gone. Anyway, I'll look around; there's got to be help for that somewhere. Last partner had a dementia thing going on, but that was physical, liver disease and a plethora of other problems (including Trump hate). She passed during his first year.

seadevil110 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pretty precise, and very good. What more can be said?

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