by lethak
sillysausage 2 points ago +3 / -1

Maybe they didn't fall into the set trap because they never triggered the trap

by lethak
sillysausage -1 points ago +1 / -2

If the only way is the military, America ends. You do not actually want the military to get involved. You will not enjoy what happens next, and your grandchildren will be even more unhappy.

sillysausage -1 points ago +1 / -2

The tweet isn't conflating those things though. "Created" means to make something new that didn't exist before. This "fact-check" is rhetorical nonsense.

There are questions to have, such as who "we" is, how they were created, and where those jobs actually are located.

But the tweet is not trying to trick you into thinking the lost jobs magically appeared back - it clearly says new jobs were created. If this is the new Twitter, this is honestly embarrassing.

deleted -2 points ago +1 / -3
by 369Q
sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

if this means we should be appending a 40 year delta to all Q post dates...

I mean, there is a Biblical precedent...

I was kinda joking but also... huh

I mean, probably not, it is just Star Wars, and Star Wars is more influenced by Eastern religions than it is Christianity

Okay, but what if it's half Star Wars, and it's actually a 20 year delta, starting from the publication of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone? After all, Harry Potter undergoes a Christ metaphor every year (kind of a "What if Aslan died in every book), in the first book he descends into the underworld to confront the spectre of Death and is knocked out for three days before returning to the world of the living, and in the last book his symbolic death cycle becomes literal.

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

So, maybe he's actually evil and flaunting it, maybe he is righteously on the side of Good and rolling a Deception check or whatever, or, and just hear me out here... maybe he's just acting like a teenager and wearing what a teenage boy would absolutely think is the height of cool if money was zero object? [And moreover, a teenage boy from 20 years ago]

To be clear: many use "act like a teenager" purely as a pejorative, but that's not my meaning here. Teenagers have an instinctual drive to act and create change that we gradually trade out for wisdom as we age. There is no perfect age and there is use in approaches from all walks of life. An adult teenager with the ability to fall backwards into buying one of the world's biggest companies is a powerful asset. But like a teenager, he's gonna prioritize jokes and edgy cool over researching or caring about symbolism.

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

Ah, a classic case of agreeing while disagreeing then

Somehow I doubt you got a three day ban though...

sillysausage 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yeah, that was a little much, I apologize

sillysausage -1 points ago +2 / -3

Y'all are NOT using the slang term "salt" correctly.

Imagine posting two celebratory messages and calling it salt

Are... Are you okay?

sillysausage 1 point ago +2 / -1

She is a pro-vagina, anti-trans feminist

sillysausage -1 points ago +1 / -2

You aren't. Everyone else thinks salt is when people agree with you, apparently

deleted 1 point ago +1 / -0
sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's a civil suit brought by Trump as a private citizen and not the government, and it was dismissed in September, as your link shows. Trump is of course fighting that with an appeal, but this suit has in general not gone well for him, if you peruse through all the motions. I mean, he apparently failed to correctly pay the filing fee at first and the whole thing was almost thrown out until he ponied up the 400 bucks? That's what I, an admitted complete law novice, gathered from browsing your link.

Also, she is probably not in court. This lawsuit is still mainly in the lawyer back-and-forth stage.

Also, this suit was only brought earlier this year, so probably not what Q was referring to in 2017.

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

And this one won't. Not this year. Next year I will make the same prediction.

sillysausage -6 points ago +0 / -6

Why would she be allowed all these freedoms and comforts?

It makes zero sense, and it makes less and less sense the farther from 2017 we get. Alas, I guess there's no real point in arguing it, because by definition you have chosen a position that can only be proven right, and never proven wrong.

My position, that the Clintons have not been arrested for their crimes, can be easily disproven by a public display/announcement. If that comes to pass, rest assured that here will be my third stop and I'll come eat all the crow uou wanna serve me. I'll even come up with some sort of sausage themed avatar so we can put a dunce cap on it and we can all make fun of how foolish and lacking in faith I was.

But you can always just say "sure, that date passed, but we don't know for sure that something isn't secretly happening!" Even if she dies you can just guess that she was secretly executed or whatever. You have chosen a position where you never have to draw a hard line where you could be proven wrong. Your argument never has to die until you do. It's arguing, but with a safety net so you don't have to deal with cognitive dissonance.

I like my own arguments to have stakes. HRC is not arrested, and will not be revealed to have been arrested this year. On January 2nd, 2023, I'll swing by here to re-up that assertion. If I'm proven wrong, I'll come here to take any taunts or memes you wanna sling my way. If you're too busy at that point doing celebratory things, I understand.

sillysausage -2 points ago +2 / -4

At Georgetown University waxing rhapsodic about Madeline Albright?

sillysausage -6 points ago +1 / -7

So, she was arrested five years ago but also she was allowed to have a casual, friendly, possibly paid speaking appearance talking up globalist Madeleine Albright a month ago??

I'm gonna go waaaaaaay out on a limb and say that as of September 30th, 2022, HRC has not been arrested and is in fact living a very comfortable (if unfulfilling) life, buoyed by our tax dollars. I'm gonna go even farther out on that limb and predict that we will not hear of her arrest in two days, or a month after that, or a month after that.

In fact, here is my overall grand bet - if Hillary Clinton is arrested it won't be in 2017 and it won't be on the day before Halloween (and neither will the announcement be).

sillysausage -3 points ago +1 / -4

That was not clear! Is disinfo not necessary? Are you saying that we will know the year and not the date? What part was sarcastic?

Actually, can you just tell me plainly what you meant? Communicating sarcasm through plain text is never a guaranteed success.

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