sillysausage -4 points ago +1 / -5

That is not an argument! Also, not a redditer and I don't think of myself as very stealth. More inconsistent in active use.

I'm just saying it doesn't make sense to me, to announce your plans in a manner oblique enough for your adherents to keep making guesses and proclamations that turn out to be wrong, but specific enough to give your adversaries a leg up. If you can't even say it makes sense to you, nonetheless try to pull the wool from my eyes, and just throw lame ad hominems around... Well, it doesn't exactly dissuade me from thinking the most popular interpretations of Q are at best misguided.

I could absolutely see an argument that Q conducting business in this way is a matter of honor, like throwing a sword to an unarmed person who challenged you to a duel, or giving your prey a head start so you can have an honorable hunt. You can have that one for free. I just have yet to see a theory that articulates how this is a wise or effective strategy.

I apologize if I am late to the party and this is a line of questioning that has been thoroughly dismantled and answered months and months ago. If that is the case, as the self-proclaimed public face of Q, there should probably be an FAQ I could be linked to that answers this common question?

sillysausage 0 points ago +3 / -3

Well, has anyone asked National Guards people if they are activated across most major US cities on the day before Halloween?

sillysausage -3 points ago +4 / -7

Why though? If telling the exact date is bad because she would have time to prepare, why still narrow it down to 1/365th of her life that she has to be worried about and take precautions for, allowing her to do whatever she wants during the other 99.9% of her life?

Why put enough of your intentions on front street for the criminals to avoid your nets, while not giving your students any concrete timeframe beyond "once a year, get your hopes up"?

I'll be honest, I never understood the idea that the master plan is out there for us to see, and us being able to decode it in no way means the plan is inherently suspect because ANYONE CAN DECODE IT INCLUDING THE PEOPLE THE PLAN IS SUPPOSED TO CATCH. I just don't buy that Q is talking at some frequency that center-lib hawks with a small army of support staff at their fingers are incapable of hearing.

This idea carried water in the first few months, when Q was just a non-tripfag 4chan meme - it's much harder to swallow in a world with multiple books and podcasts about Q readily accessible, and years of dated events and post-hoc deltas have all failed to pass.

sillysausage -3 points ago +2 / -5

So, goodbye to D5 and the fun chess metaphors, in 48 hours it's on the sixth Delta?

sillysausage 0 points ago +3 / -3

There's an American flag in the picture

If not America, patriot to what?

sillysausage -2 points ago +1 / -3

Yes, liberals were just as responsible for rolling over and going along with the RINO machine - this is why actual leftists (as opposed to liberals) hate Joe Biden and Hillary, and the DNC in general.

sillysausage -1 points ago +2 / -3

I mean... American patriots by definition couldn't exist for thousands of years???

deleted -1 points ago +4 / -5
sillysausage -2 points ago +2 / -4

This line was not making fun of the people you think it's making fun of. You saw the "1940" in there, right? Right? Also, Bob Hope is sketch.

sillysausage -2 points ago +2 / -4

Twitter is still and will remain an addiction first, and a form of communication fourth. You still shouldn't use it. Enjoy the fire, don't enter the burning building.

sillysausage -4 points ago +2 / -6

This didn't happen in 2017, though.

sillysausage 1 point ago +5 / -4

This is true at every gas station in my area. It's about not paying credit card fees. Running a card for your purchase costs the business money, and most small businesses can't afford to eat any unnecessary costs right now.

sillysausage -1 points ago +3 / -4

The end of America as a world leader. You can't have a civil war and manage your international empire at the same time. Whoever wins gets to be king of the scrapyard. Maybe you could, ahem, build back better (I'm so sorry, I saw the opportunity and went for it), but you can't stand in the same river twice. We will lose our position as leader of anything but ourselves, nonetheless "the free world".

sillysausage -2 points ago +1 / -3

But that's not a part of every single major religion. Which is why I guessed the reference was to "Honor thy mother and father", which could be in every religion in some form - I don't know that it's not. If 11 wanted me to guess God, they should have limited the question to Christianity.

sillysausage -2 points ago +1 / -3

I have no idea what you're talking about. I was doing film analysis of The Matrix.

I thought you were referring to "Honor thy Father and Mother" (which, um, biologically everyone does have?). Not all religions have a "no God but me" clause, and if you branch out from overarching religions and start involving sects, that becomes even more true. I mean heck, that's not even a universally-agreed upon thing in practicing Christianity. It's a quite popular notion, but it's a belief adopted by at most 85% of people who consider them Christians.

As for your last question, I mean yeah, that is a line Atheists like to use a lot to point out that we can't be sure any of this is divinely inspired because it all had to be translated through feeble human meat. There's a cold logic to it that I understand, but I don't agree with it. I'm really not getting your point, I'm sorry.

sillysausage 1 point ago +5 / -4

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say there won't be lockdowns in the next two weeks, nor a massive wave of more school shootings than usual.

The possibility of a black person being executed in the street by the State without a judge or jury for crimes that do not carry the death penalty is of course always on the table.

I don't understand believing that the other side has rigged the elections and just are straight up stealing votes and changing numbers - and also that they are planning a November surprise. The former is more direct and controllable and efficient than the latter, which in scenarios like mass rioting to protest unlawful executions by the State, could break in multiple directions. You don't need both, that's overegging the pudding and playing your hand a little broadly.

That's my theory, at least. Excitement will come after Election Day, not before. Only one way to find out of course.

sillysausage 6 points ago +10 / -4

Um, what you/Q cite in The Matrix is pretty explicitly a metaphor for being a worker in modern American capitalism. There is a direct line drawn between Keanu Anderson's "life" as an office drone, where he has no real autonomy beyond choosing between Coke and Pepsi and his bosses profit off of his body, his energy, where his mind is so controlled by the system he was born into that he can't conceive of things being another way - and the reality of what is actually happening to his body.

I mean, that's basically The main joke in the Matrix - your life and job make you feel like you are nothing but a replaceable cog in some massive machinery, and that's because you literally are. The reason why it feels like the modern, job-focused way of living is draining your potential, autonomy, and life essence is because your life essence is literally being drained, and funneled up and away from you and your class. Trickle-up gooey flesh pod-onomics.

The very concept of The Matrix is this hilariously cruel joke, where humanity has been ensnared in a scheme where their freedom and life essence is drained to support a ruling class, but their brains are being distracted by a fantasy where their freedom and life essence is drained to support a ruling class. The Matrix doesn't work if pre-woke Neo runs his own bakery or lives in the woods - he needs to be an anonymous office drone so that the unsubtle metaphor is as blatant as possible.

Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I dodge bullets on company time

sillysausage -2 points ago +1 / -3

You're welcome! I do want to be clear, of the three movies mentioned, JFK, W, and Snowden, W is the least successful, but it is at the very least interesting as a contemporaneous liberal Hollywood view of the Iraq Invasion (specifically, how lukewarm it is in admonishing). Still, the acting is pretty fun and it's not a slog.

sillysausage 1 point ago +3 / -2

Important line in the article: "It is also possible to genetically manipulate viruses without leaving behind the traces Bruttel and his colleagues mentioned - and it even saves time, money and work."

So the article tl;dr is that life, and the weird unlife that viruses have, is messy. Biology is inherently, truly chaotic in a way even the most random of human minds could never compete with (this is why there is a gender binary [sociology] but not a sex binary [biology]). There are sequences in the "code" of natural viruses that are completely random, but COVID-19 contains a repeating "phrase" that is consistent with man-made viruses.

The chance that the repeating pattern is a result of a natural roll of the die is between 1 in 100 and 1 in a thousand - and that's actually a very high rate of likeliness, all things considered. It can only be this likely of a scenario because viruses have such a relatively small "file size", so the possible permutations aren't actually that many, compared to higher lifeforms.

Here's the thing, though - those markers in man-made viruses are feature, not a bug. When you are working with such potentially dangerous specimens, you need a way to differentiate the real stuff from the experiments you are creating from that data. It is entirely possible, and actually easier to just have the Virus-Make-o-Matic 2000 set to random, instead of having to involve such minute manual manipulation. That alliteration was not intentional but I'm just gonna roll with it.

So, this leaves us with the question - why? If the technology to mask a virus as wild not only exists, but that's actually the factory settings, why would TPTB intentionally design in a red flag? As the researchers themselves say, their research establishes a fingerprint, not whose, or why/how it was placed upon the figurative gun.

I would argue that this research supports the Lab Accident theory, and not the Intentional Leak theory.

sillysausage -1 points ago +2 / -3

I would strongly encourage you to not join. Sites like Reddit and others with Digg-style features, such as this very website, have inherently addicting properties. Social media is human communication as a skinner box, and there's a reason why we separate social media from the chat groups and BBS forums that predated.

Twitter is every addiction-creating property of the other services all rolled into one and cranked up to 11. Twitter has not been in a growth period in terms of users in a decade (and those numbers are NOT removing the bots) - all innovations have been focused not on bringing new people into the platform, but making the platform harder to escape.

There are things that can be done to improve Twitter. But there are inherent features to the core design of Twitter as a service (that were not intentionally malicious and instead a concession to SMS data caps during a time before smartphone adoption) that make Twitter a communication tool that sacrifices communication in favor of addictiveness.

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