sleepinggiant 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think the goal at this point is to expose them and get them out of America. That will weaken them severly , closest economy they can flee to is china. But if we roll back trade with china, china folds....this so why the eu is signing deals wifh china. To prop it up now that the US is shifting.

Cabals next move is to align countries against the U.S.

sleepinggiant 3 points ago +3 / -0

Had no choice lots of business in china, means its death otherwise.

sleepinggiant 15 points ago +15 / -0

I think okeefe is given data by an org

sleepinggiant 3 points ago +3 / -0

Kyle Rittenhouse did nothing wrong.

the left needs to go down hard. Its not enough that you defeat your enemy, you need to beat them so completely it convinces everyone else to not fight you.

The left has destroyed 2 of 3 major markets in America, they destroyed 18 secondary markets. These are peoples lives, their futures, their childrens lives and future. Theyve indoctrinated generations of kids that will take us generations to get clear of.

Why did this happen because they sought out a theme park way of life, where their thinking was done for them in exchange for their freedom. And they thought they know better how to manage other peoples lives and were willing to destroy a country to mandate other peoples live be run by their belief system.

Its not enough to arrest the leaders.....you still have future merkles in the belief system.

by 1745410
sleepinggiant 1 point ago +1 / -0

Larpy shit....take over tv with particle beam technology.......or just use internet and wifi built into every tv set since 2010

sleepinggiant 1 point ago +1 / -0

Once hes sworn in he cant be charged with anything until hes impeached which requires the dem majority......

sleepinggiant -2 points ago +1 / -3

I dont need to worry about refridgerated meat...i keep my emergency rations in dog form.

by Xules
sleepinggiant 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dude....they just stole a landslide election ignoring the rule of law.....theres no justice anymore, "Just Us" is clearly the lay of the land. Is Trump a judas goat?

sleepinggiant 3 points ago +3 / -0

What he should say is....why do you want to go to dc without me there? Its a swamp.

Everyone would apppricieate him thumbing his nose.

sleepinggiant 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol looks like the honey pot theory was correct.

sleepinggiant 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its a couple things

  1. Optics - lets assume no plan - they are trying to scare american gun owners into submission.....81 million verses a few hundred thousand......aint gonna happen. The world military vs the american gun owner is blowout for the gun owners

  2. Preparedness - depending on how deep you want to go into conspiracy land -there are already millions of foreign fighters on u.s. soil hidden in the population.

sleepinggiant 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did none of you guys ever see the movie 23?

sleepinggiant 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fema....the org with massive holding camps all over the country with the stacks upon stacks of plastic coffins with railways running to them?

sleepinggiant 3 points ago +3 / -0

They wont capture trillions, it will slip through their fingers due to greed and mismanagement. Just like every other centralized power structure collapses info nothing.

When your engineers dont make more than a burger flipper, theyll stop being engineers and go be burger flippers. Then your system has no engineers and unemployed burger flippers. This is what happened in the soviet union. They had to threaten intelligent people to do advanced jobs.

Todays commies like to point at china as communist utopia not noticing its massive inefficencies 1.5 billlion people and a "middle class" of 500 million worth 1/10th the american middle class of 150 million people. Rest of the population is near destitute and hundreds of millions unemployed.

sleepinggiant 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maga peeps will show up for this like they voted for biden

sleepinggiant 3 points ago +4 / -1

But that is SOP for take overs.

  • own both sides

  • create a violent mob on one side

  • create a savior figure on the other side

  • make shit so fucked up the population asks to be saved by savior figure

  • savior figure says sure but i need power outside of law

  • people support power outside of law

  • boom you now have a dictator

He could also be a sheep dog, running supporters down the shoot to slaughter by out those that will fight.

sleepinggiant 1 point ago +1 / -0

Unquestioningly its a psyop, that doesnt make it bad. Especially if its designed to keep 81 million gun owners off the street Antifa will burn buildings, 81 million people with 3 trillion rounds of ammo is an unstoppable force that will rapidly devolve into ethnic and religous cleansings.

Seriously who in a civilian lead movement would manage potential chicoms and muslim brotherhood? No one. People like the path of least resistance and "let god sort them out" is the path of least resistance. Not to mention religious differences

Compared to the left....outside paid antifa they got what.....cities full of soy that cant feed themselves without a trillion dollars in infrastructure, that has to learn how to load a gun from a diy video.

Id say keeping conservatives off the street is way more important than dealing with the lefts violence.

If that wasnt the goal then why? To great reset they need a civil war, keeping the r9ght placated doesnt accomplish that.

sleepinggiant 1 point ago +1 / -0

Someone diddles children

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