Every time he does something we like he turns around and does something we don't.
What does that make him?
A salt-in the wound rubbing Wild Card, is what.
Interesting hair cut. I like the spiral on top.
I like the hammer include.
His brands are all under the trademark "Yeezy" so he's in the clear.
Good read, he's not wrong.
He's describing people of the Magician Card, but repackaging it with his own interpretation of "Wizard"
It's a character archetype, and has been discussed since the start of human civilization:
All the talk of "Four Elements" and being able to manage the "above and below" is referring to these people's ability to manipulate the spiritual world as you or I can manipulate the physical world. Their fields are fields in the heavens, while ours are fields of the earth. They till the soil of the minds of men to grow and bear fruit.
Good points.
Here's the context:
Kanye wants to be called Ye, for whatever reason.
He changed his twitter handle as well.
I think it's to show he's defecting and is taking back his own identity from their MK Ultra asses.
At the very least, he gets to bait them with it for using his "dead name." Honestly, I'm in support of the name change so long as he uses it to troll the crap out of them and their double standards.
I doctored the image. It's a shitpost. Sorry if that was unclear.
Who would want to date someone capable of chopping off their own penis?
After that, who's to say they won't chop your dick off in the middle of the night?
Forget the icky and moral factor of it all, trans people are simply insane. Of course you want to avoid any relationship with people who are so unhinged. Hell, the suicide rates alone should indicate what future you're looking at. How can you be so sure they won't take you out with them?
Sorry, I just had to do it. The meme idea overpowered my sensibilities.
This one too. I haven't downloaded it myself, so don't blame me if there's a trojan on it.
Here's an example of the writing syntax I'm talking about, just so you can see it used elsewhere:
It would be MAPPING MAP -> ANSWERS _
As there is one MAP
But even then, I lack proper syntax for this text editor to do the command justice. We're, more or less, referring to nested classes and functions within.
Couple the figurative with the literal.
What is a Map to a sailor?
Who makes Maps? Cartographers?
What is the Key on a Map? What is its function?
Look back to the post:
MAP provides the KEY.
So you can find the KEY in the MAP.
TRUTH requires the input field KEY. There are many Keys which can be used.
class KEY()
{ function PROVIDE(Key)
*execute code*
If I were to spell the name MIKE in all caps, what is the significance of that?
Same deal with FIRE.
When such words are fully capitalized, it typically means you are invoking a command.
As in, open fire?
As in, these are where the stairs are?
When you look at something in all capitals, it's referring to the base and source of a thing. It expresses additional authority.
Most importantly, it draws your attention to where it needs to be directed.
I use first-letter capitalization to express respect towards some higher concept. Invoking that concept is then the full use of the Keyword.
What is a keyword? How may we use them to express greater ideals? Does emphasis breed discussion?
When I capitalize words, it's because I am referring to a constant. There is no randomness to it.
I'm not referring to the instance of a thing, but the concept of the thing itself.
It's a habit I've adopted from Alchemical texts, with merit.
For example, there is fire and there is Fire.
The former is a hot thing, the second is both a hot thing and the Passion within a Man's heart which urges him to act -- sometimes with wild abandon. When I use the capitalized name, I'm doing it for your benefit so you know I'm referring to the thing in question with metaphor and parable.
Why do we capitalize names? Because they are individuals, and there is only one of them. They are formal things, with no equal.
The lustful Fizz, as you describe it, seems to be a learned, unnatural, phenomenon from my experiences.
Not so.
Be careful not to assume it's entirely negative.
"The Fizz" is that thing which draws the better part out of a man, as well as the worst.
It's the Muse.
It's whatever, and whomever, that inspires you to act in ways you would otherwise not.
Go to a hardware store, and walk around. Look at all the tools. Does it not spark a desire to create? "I could make this, or that" if only I had this item.
A man wants to open up a shop, what does he fill it with? In what does he specialize?
"The Fizz" is the passion, the Divine Spark vibrating in your heart, begging to put hammer to anvil and bash out a new legacy. It's the tingle in your spine when you hear a song. The goosebumps that comes when things are just as they are supposed to be.
It's a movement, a motion. You look at a picture of a cloud and you cannot know it for what it truly is. Only by witnessing the cloud fluttering about can you truly come to know it.
The Fizz is Experience, and the Desire to Experience new things, for better or worse.
Temperance is the steady hand that knows not to sneak out partying in the middle of the night in order to satiate the lust for experience.
But that lust under temperance reverts to its original form -- which is expressed by the words: "To dare greatly, all in the Glory of God."
The last line requires a full scene of imagery.
Imagine him sitting in a chair in a hotel room. A woman(most likely) comes out of the shower and moves across the room.
She could act one of two ways -- get all embarrassed and hide her tits and crotch, or play it off smooth and pretend to not notice him sitting there, seeing her all naked.
The latter is the better choice, because it shows some degree of not caring about what others think of her. Did she notice him or not?
If she did, then what does it matter, really? Play it cool, have style, and own the moment instead of shrink back in embarrassment.
That last line is a description of style in terms of confidence even when in a vulnerable position. Temperance, therefore, is her self control to not lose her cool even if she's been surprised and seen naked.
If you read only what is capitalized:
Bank vs. Bank
One is a place to store money.
The other is a steep shift in height, typically where water meets land, like a river bank.
BANK, noun Bank and bench are radically the same word. The sense is, that which is set, laid or extended. Applied to a mass of earth, it is a collection, that which is thrown or laid together.
Think back to OP and the Pyramid.
He's being thrown out of the Club, but that's obvious.
What's not so obvious is that the money wasn't his -- at least not since he signed up with them. He gets back his freedom, but he is excommunicated; no longer allowed to soak up them rays.
His move to buy Parler is his hedge against their Cult un-person-ing tactics. He has to shift the money to something that can keep him from losing the limelight, otherwise they'll murder him in the dark.
Look at Aliens like a Hollywood reboot of Angels and Demons.
Reboot the Spiritual world, but get rid of the "God" element.
Meanwhile, relegate all prior tales of Angel and Demons to things of fantasy, and embellish them to keep their true forms hidden behind mistranslations and taking things too literally.
When words don't exist to describe something, we use words we know but with analogous and metaphorical intent.
Find what overlaps between Spirits and Aliens. What's the common factor in their behavior is true while what is uncommon is false.
They abduct/possess people.
They whisper and plant messages in your brain.
They stalk you and pull the strings of civilization.
They may offer you technology in exchange for obedience and selling out the human race.
They fly.
Are they fully organic life forms? Or something more artificial? Something spiritual?
Why do they despise humans? Do we have something they don't have / cannot obtain on their own?
Many works of fiction concerning aliens suggest they will attack us for our gold.
Look back to the All Star lyrics.
What is Gold?
Think Philosopher's Stone, and the OP.
Aliens, Spirits, Angels and Demons... They can't Create like we can. They have to take our Gold, all that Glitters, by force.
Think like a mason.
Build a house.
How many corners are there to the most simple of houses?
If you build one with 2 corners, you have a wall. It's not a house.
Build one with 3 corners, you're stuck with triangular furniture, and the building cannot be expanded upon evenly. But at the very least, it does provide shelter. How, though, can you expect to fit a roof upon it?
You need 4 corners to build a house. 4 stones to set the foundation. 4 walls to keep out the rain. 4 points to pitch a roof.
And so it is, 2 is the number of walls, for those here and those there. Two corners cannot close. You need 3 walls to form 2 corners. There is an instability, where the house cannot decide on the 2 or the 3. 2 corners, 3 walls, and to add a third corner means a fourth wall, destined to either trail infinitely or cross with the first wall and form the fourth. 2's and 3's, stuck in a loop until the 4th forms to free them and give stability.
1 is the Singularity. Where all is housed in unity.
2 is the number of Duality. Where all recognizes itself and therefore that which is not its self. Here and there. Then and now. Everywhere and nowhere. The ideal of Marriage -- as two hands holding the spherical world by pressing upon it in opposite directions.
3 is the number of Formation. Where things finally start taking shape and form; where time, place, and individuality combine.
4 is the number of Foundation. Where all other things stem from, and find their base and path back to the Source, which is the 1 through 3.
Upon the four corners of a Foundation, you may now pitch a roof, with triangles meeting towards a central point. A pyramid resting on a cube.
4 walls. Seated upon them are four triangle roof tiles, which resolve to a single point. Two shapes, the cube and pyramid.
We feel safe in the 4. We find points in the 3. We find our place in the 2. We find unity in the 1.
Where then, sit all other numbers? 4 is 2, time and space coming together with space and time. 2x2 = 4. 2+2 = 4. Stable, and the first to both add and multiply.
1 and any other is just an increment. A baby step into achieving a higher form.
2+3 = 5. 1+4 = 5
Duality + Form = 5 and Singularity + Foundation = 5
So, what is 5?
2*3 = 6.
Duality * Form = 6
So, what is 6?
Osiris was the judge and lord of the dead and the underworld.
What does it mean to slay death? To conquer death, and the keeper of the underworld?
17 is the number of the Resurrection and Final Judgement. It's the process of the most coveted of secrets coming out, and Revelation taking hold.
17 and Q represent to them an undoing of the Occult and a grand reveal. 17 is the number of energy run amuck and an "obstruction" to their obstruction. The Enemy of the Adversary.
8, of course, is stability taken unto stability. 4+4 or 4*2. Foundation married to Foundation or Foundation multiplied by the Duality.
A bridge requires two opposite sides to match, but be married equally in the middle. With either pressing upon one another, they maintain stability indefinitely, as each strive to fall into the chasm below but persist against one another. Harmony achieved, a bridge forms, and all those may pass in spite of their opposition. 8, therefore, is a bridge.
8 is Continuity and Harmony. Infinite stability, against all odds.
8 = 1 and the 7.
To sever 1 from the 7 means to sever the Singularity from the 7.
So, what is 7?
I'm rambling, but it's worth noting how the numbers interact with each other as unique Persons.
Play with things in the physical world. Count the petals on a flower. Do the numbers of things denote their nature, or do their natures denote the numbers within?
Are they bound inextricably?
What we call Math is nothing more than writing the names of Persons and seeing how they sound together. Only through a Divine Music can we come to know how the names actually sound. Only by playing their Melody in the Physical can we come to understand what song they sing.