And this Christian-hating degenerate dismissed Good Friday and Resurrection Day as "the long weekend." I swear 70% of my fellow Canadians don't have even one iota of a clue about the corruptness of this intellectually deficient clown.
Q Post 1359 state that operators stand by for 48's command. That implies Kamala as 47 before Trump returns briefly as 48. After the storm he becomes the 19th president. Kamala revealing her true power hungry nature for a short time as president will be a powerful red pill. Leftists will be incensed if the military stepped in to deny the first woman the presidency. Optics are essential.
What is he going to say, "we're coming back in 2021?" That would lead to the riots and civil discord that the media salivates over and the Q operation wants to avoid.
You want hopium:
- There are human trafficking arrests being carried out at frenetic rate
- Andrew Cuomo is under serious investigation and other murderous governors are not far behind -There are Biden voters waking up to the awful truth by the day.
- RINO politicians are not seeking reelection, paving the way for MAGA candidates
- The Federal Reserve is under duress
- Governors are taking a stand against draconian COVID and immigration orders.
- Biden is on the verge of being knocked out via the 25th Ammendment -Durham is making major strides in his investigation, which is on track to jail corrupt bureaucrats.
Having the head of the FBI be a sleeper agent by presenting a public face as a shill for the DS is valuable for white hats because black hats might be inclined to over-reaching or over-playing if they believe the FBI is in their pocket.
Good point. That's why I'm leaning towards just not saying anything and just letting them experience the flood of truth. There is a dear friend of mine, and we've never had a thorny moment between the two of us. That's why I posed the question.
Start with the 200 companies that signed the letter protesting the election integrity law in Georgia.