Chlorine dioxide?
Been saying it for a while: nasa = Never A Straight Answer because they are fake and gay
Could be that when connected it fetches weather for current time and several hours ahead.
Wonder what year is under the redaction. 20 something...
You're not supposed to notice XD
"No flat earth content on gaw" says many of the supposedly awakened people on this sub. Wonder how this slid by the mods XD
Circuit boards and their schematics resemble demonic sigils.
Oh I assumed it was a sound frequency generator. If it was, those frequencies are out of the human range for hearing, but I don't know what type of device a frequency generator might be...
The tones are in KHz. I wonder if it is a typo?
Good points. I'd speculate that quantum computing and ai could have solved these challenges many years ago. Just a thought.
What about the King James Bible of 1611? Does it corroborate what you have stated as well?