Those in the cancerous left should remain ostracized. Bring back bullying. That will nip those bad behaviors in the bud from elementary school.
America is moving back towards the right. Even the libs above are as well. They just don't know it yet.
Absolutely love the tone change here. Down to fucking business.
Pompeo can GTFO
What is even more hilarious is, Commiela was pushing tax credits for new families, while at the same time catering to her base that wants abortion rights. So the tax credit was basically window dressing.
Civil Unrest starting in Feb/Mar
- Restore EO to remove rogue bureaucrats
- Clean out all corrupt actors in our National Security Apparatus. Departments and Agencies that have been weaponized will be completely overhauled.
- Reform FISA courts.
- Expose hoaxes, with Truth and Reconciliation Commission to declassify deep state spying, censorship and corruption.
- Major crackdown on leakers that collude with the fake news to deliberalty weave false narratives to subvert our gov and democracy. Criminal charges where possible.
- Make Inspector Generals independent.
- Indpendent Auditing system of intelligence agencies.
- Move agencies outside of DC swamp (up to 100 agencies)
- Ban the Revolving Door
- Constitutional Amendment for term limits
Video is 1 year old no?
The Left already set the precedent that a VP can step in without a vote. Vance is already VP elect, so he would just step right in.
Don't Ask. Tell. Abolish the Fed. End the Income Tax. It is coming.
I only need relief once every 2 or 3 years. When you have to work, access to symptom relief is golden.
They are not useless against running nose. This is ridiculous.
Arizona not being able to be done counting is garbage and should be investigated.
Less children raised by crazies. Sounds like a plus to me.
And after the Pence fiasco, they changed the law that the VP has zero power to change anything, reducing it to a ceremonial role. Correct? You better hope you want what you wished for dumbasses.
Says the guy complaining ..... on X
MOASS imminent. Price structure mimicking prior before breakout last time, just on a smaller scale.
When you know, you know.
Alex Jones has stated that from interviews with Chris Carter, they planted the story in the X-Files spinoff, the Lone Gunmen, about a terrorist attack where airplanes were taken over remotely and flown into the world trade center. Whether that was a CIA story plant or not, the episode exists and before 911 happened.
Serial Killer Glasses. *See Jeffrey Dahmer
But the leader of the free world is not immune from paperwork errors.
Good place to push this video out again for those that haven't seen it.